Fat Pad Impingement (hoffa's syndrome)

Anyone had this? Smoked my knee on some furniture a couple months ago, took some time off completely and it cleared up, but now that I’m ramping up the intensity in prep for a half in 2 weeks, it’s become irritated-feeling again. Not super painful but definitely ‘there’. I’d be interested to hear others’ experiences and mainly want to know if I can get away with just icing and taking ibuprofen until after the race.

“Fat Pad Impingement”

Is that when you can’t take the spacers out because your quads hit your beer belly?

Get the book Pain Free by Pete Egoscue and do the exercises.

I went to the PT, he worked on it and taught me how to loosen it up (it is impossible to explain) it took ten minutes plus a few seconds each time it acted up, but I was ready to go as soon as I walked out the door.

Is that where you are buried in concrete under a stadium? Jimmy Hoffa for those to young to remember. (This was supposed to be in pink.)