Fat as fuel new study looks at fat in athletes & sedentary

Here’s an interesting one that I don’t think upends what we already know, but one of the quotes jumped out at me, and I appreciate how the study looked things invitro at a cellular level, not just at athletic measures of performance which could vary due to all number of factors.

Media summary here:

Study here:

The quote from the media report that grabbed my attention was:
"The team, led by Professor Dana Dawson, also found that in athletes, saturated fat is used intensely for physical activity as the “preferred source of energy.”

I’ll read through the full study later, and I’m not saying it’s anything earth shattering (surprise, exercise helps change the way sedentary chronic disease individuals respond), but I’m curious where and how the reporter came across the phrase as saturated fat being the preferred source of energy.

Maybe I’ll cut 50% butter into my maurten gels…

rea up on medium chain triglycerides… these are the popular fats use for fuel that are saturated

As Synthetic says get into MCTs and they come already in your gels no need to add butter. I take the butter at breakfast in my coffee with MCT but these are the gels I predominantly use.

VFuel Endurance Gel - VFuel

VFuel - VFuel