- Yes
- No
Facebook simply casts a bigger net. It’s easier for people to find you there. But there’s definitely the downsides of being spoonfed various algorithms that make ST a better solution in terms of experience. Just not scale.
Im mostly talking about established teams.
Maybe. But mostly check stuff like this on my phone. So the Facebook app is just easier than a webpage, which I presume this would be on.
I think discourse has an app version
For me the tech would need to be more robust/mature so maybe one day
I personally refuse to use FB for anything. Not saying I would use this app, but at least for me, it would be an option I would consider.
Yeah, there probably been an “N/A” option as well; not just for people who don’t use FB at all, but for people who do, but don’t belong to any groups, at least not groups which would be affected by a ST group anywhere?
Like if ST set something up, it wouldn’t affect your membership in a “Class Reunion” FB group