Experience with testing TT helmets - should I get a Kask Mistral

Over the years I have bought three TT helmets based on advice that these helmets tests well on most people. Currently I have a 10 year old LG P-09 and a Giro Aerohead that I bought used 3-4 years ago.

Last year, after buying a new TT bike, I did a bunch of field testing and found the P-09 to be faster than the Aerohead. I re-tested this year and surprisingly the Aerohead tests about the same as my Giro Vanquish road helmet in negligible wind. The P-09 is 5-10 watts lower at 40 kph.

Currently the helmet that supposedly tests the best for most people is the Kask Mistral. I notice that the Mistral is widely used on the Velodrome, so it must be fast for a lot of people. What is the likelihood that the Mistral helmet is better for me than the P-09, given that the P-09 is an “older design”?

I know the answer is “it depends” and “you have to test”. Does anyone have any experience to share?

The answer is it depends.
If you can borrow or buy second hand and test.
The Mistral may or may not suit your position on the bike.
Also picking a helmet based on what is commonly used on the Velodrome would be unwise as what’s fast looking at a rear wheel 2 inches in front of you or riding a pursuit with one other rider on the track may not relate well to what’s fast trying to look up the road in a triathlon or TT.
If you have the ability to test then test and keep or discard based on your findings using the LG as a Baseline.

It almost sounds like smaller helmets are faster on you, which makes me think that your head position is high. If that is the case, the “big” helmet thing (Kask, Met drone,…) isn’t going to work for you and will likely be slower than the LG. Bare minimum would be to provide a picture.

Good suggestion about head position. I went back and found some side view pictures I took last year. Here with the LG helmet (if the picture loads). I don’t think head position is very high, but I am posing here so reality may be a little higher.

Well no obvious issue with head position.

The Kask Mistral seems to test well on a lot of people and it was very popular at the Olympic track events. The only thing I have heard is that you need to be pretty disciplined with head position. Rumor has it that the Met Drone is often a bit more forgiving. I picked up a Drone and tested against my Tempor and couldn’t find a difference. Nevertheless the comfort and vision on the Met is way better.

One interesting thing about the Kask would be the different visors. I have no idea about any tips for when it might or might not work, but it is an opportunity to tune the helmet, and spend more money.