Expalain this to me again as I am stupid and frustrated

Why doesn’t Egypt open its border and why don’t the Palestinians go there? I was watching the news on TV, I shouldn’t friggin’ have, seeing all the death and destruction, the children, the wounded, fuckin’ horror, piles of bodies in bags…Not that I haven’t seen this shit before.
Egypt is next door, Saudi is close and Iran is few days sailing away? I don’t get it.

Because once they leave, they won’t be able to return. Same as the occupied territories

That would have been my guess, or put another way, Egypt is afraid they’ll be stuck with them.

War with a vicious and cruel opponent sucks. Hence the images you see on TV.

Sadly, both hamas and Israel are in that boat.

Why doesn’t Egypt open its border and why don’t the Palestinians go there?

Same reasons that other neighboring countries won’t, they don’t want them and the cudgel to best Israel with disappears.

War with a vicious and cruel opponent sucks. Hence the images you see on TV.

Sadly, both hamas and Israel are in that boat.

So to be clear you’re equating Israel with Hamas?

War with a vicious and cruel opponent sucks. Hence the images you see on TV.

Sadly, both hamas and Israel are in that boat.

So to be clear you’re equating Israel with Hamas?

No, comrade.

Only that both have gone out of their ways to do evil and unthinkable (but different) things to innocent people.

Why would they want to facilitate people leaving their own country. Its not even that they don’t want them, they know Israel would never let them back. Jordan has a massive palestinian population

Wasting your time. Windy, sdg and pat think it’s proportionate

Why would they want to facilitate people leaving their own country. Its not even that they don’t want them, they know Israel would never let them back. Jordan has a massive palestinian population


Also Israel doesn’t want 10’s of thousands of militants or militants-in-training leaving and forming ISIS-like camps not far from the much larger Israeli land borders. Allegedly part of the reason it took the IDF so long to respond with numbers to the 10/7 attacks is the IDF thought it might be a ploy to get Israel to pull troops off the Lebananese and Iranian borders in a prelude to a much broader attack. Better to have the militants contained in a fenced-off-region. “The devil you know.”

There are so many systemic conditions that reinforce a really bad situation and make it worse.

The least bad thing to come out of this will be the end of bibi, the end of the right, enormous global pressure for a 2 state solution and complete intolerance for a continuation of israels last decade of behaviour.

Egypt has been fighting its own internal struggle against Islamic extremists, and they’re pretty cautious about allowing a large number of anti-Israeli pissed off displaced refugees in who might be riddled with Hamas members and who might make a good breeding ground for future Hamas or other anti-Israel movements.

Eygpt is not arab.

Better question is why Jordan and Lebanon and Saudi Arabia do not take Palestinian war refugees, or the PLA in the west bank for that matter. I’d throw Syria in the mix if it were not already a refugee producer nation.

They all want to see Israel catch shit for conducting a war that, when the fighting is done, as victor, Israel will then get the war criminal seat at the tribunal in the Hague.

Why doesn’t Egypt open its border and why don’t the Palestinians go there? I was watching the news on TV, I shouldn’t friggin’ have, seeing all the death and destruction, the children, the wounded, fuckin’ horror, piles of bodies in bags…Not that I haven’t seen this shit before.
Egypt is next door, Saudi is close and Iran is few days sailing away? I don’t get it.

A better question is why Biden and the US green light a crime of forced mass displacement while the rest of the world cries out in horror. If there is any line that Israel is not allowed to cross I don’t know what it could be at this point, short of maybe nuclear weapons.

Eygpt is not arab.

Better question is why Jordan and Lebanon and Saudi Arabia do not take Palestinian war refugees, or the PLA in the west bank for that matter. I’d throw Syria in the mix if it were not already a refugee producer nation.

They all want to see Israel catch shit for conducting a war that, when the fighting is done, as victor, Israel will then get the war criminal seat at the tribunal in the Hague.

Any country that is willing to take in a large population of poor, ill-educated, prone to religious zealotry, young males is playing with fire.

Any country that is willing to take in a large population of poor, ill-educated, prone to religious zealotry, young males is playing with fire.

I think that fear is part of Egypt’s reasoning, given they recently went through a military coup to get rid of an Islamist government.

On the other hand, it’s not like Palestinian refugee camps are a new phenomena to the world, and they haven’t been that problematic to their host countries, to my knowledge.

Because once they leave, they won’t be able to return. Same as the occupied territories

That is why the Palestinians might choose to stay, but Egypt doesn’t open their borders because they don’t want them either.

Eygpt is not arab.

Better question is why Jordan and Lebanon and Saudi Arabia do not take Palestinian war refugees, or the PLA in the west bank for that matter. I’d throw Syria in the mix if it were not already a refugee producer nation.

They all want to see Israel catch shit for conducting a war that, when the fighting is done, as victor, Israel will then get the war criminal seat at the tribunal in the Hague.

Any country that is willing to take in a large population of poor, ill-educated, prone to religious zealotry, young males is playing with fire.

Yes temporarily. The promise for a return to homeland on termination of hostilities will douse the fire. Nuclear desalination irrigation of the Negev and much of the once arable and now non arable of the Levant can be a game changer. I suspect Israel understands the potential in this future.

The promise for a return to homeland on termination of hostilities will douse the fire.

Do you think a promise of return from Israel is viewed as credible by the Palestinian population or Israel’s Arab neighbors?

The promise for a return to homeland on termination of hostilities will douse the fire.

Do you think a promise of return from Israel is viewed as credible by the Palestinian population or Israel’s Arab neighbors?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, the mere suggestion that Israel is not credible even to the Palestinians is anti-Semetic.