Everyone who says that they like IPAs is a liar

Nobody likes this shit. Stop gaslighting us.

Nobody likes this shit. Stop gaslighting us.

I totally agree.


I can enjoy some of the fruity ones. But most are just bitter and unappealing.

Nobody likes this shit. Stop gaslighting us.

Yeah, IPAs are trash.

Nobody likes this shit. Stop gaslighting us.

Any other indisputable observations?

I agree wholeheartedly.

Honey says:

  • Jeff

Call me with your complaint 20 years from now after your taste buds have aged to seasoned veteran status. That said there are some bad IPA’s and a wider range of flavors.

Nobody likes this shit. Stop gaslighting us.

Any other indisputable observations?

Leafs rule.

I had a cowbell IPA and Frank Brewing Co IPA this evening. They were both nice. Why would I keep buying it if I didn’t like it? I drank them both at home not sure how I would be gaslighting anybody.

I had a cowbell IPA and Frank Brewing Co IPA this evening. They were both nice. Why would I keep buying it if I didn’t like it? I drank them both at home not sure how I would be gaslighting anybody.

You’re gaslighting me right now. IPAs taste like ass dipped in ass with a side of ass.

I like them in certain situations.

Hazy IPAs and hazy pale ales are, generally, my favourite beers.

If you’re ever on Vancouver Island, try to find Category 12 beers and try their hazy IPA. It’s really good.

You must have some crappy breweries around you. Some iPas are trash, but good ones are ssssooooo good. Now, you can take all those sours and cram them up your skinny jean wearing, funky facial hair wearing, single speed riding booty. Those all taste like butt.

This may be the most stupid post in Lavender Room history. Drink what you like and like what you drink. Some people really like IPAs and others don’t. So what? No reason to call others liars. Blep showing his ass, what else is new? Schoolboy troll or just not a very thoughtful post.

I also don’t understand the appeal of sours, and double IPAs I often find to be just too much.

But a good, ice cold IPA with say a fried chicken dinner… That’s a match made in heaven.

My favourite cheat meal is an order of plain Korean fried chicken from this one spot in town that is, hands town, the best fried chicken I’ve ever had. They also serve fried potato wedges with a side of sour cream and sweat Thai chili sauce. It’s to die for. And a crisp IPA just cuts through the greasy meal perfectly.

I’ve always thought this about whisky - and to some extent wine as well.

These industries have great pr campaigns that have somehow convinced people that drinking their products is cool - it’s very weird to me.

I had a cowbell IPA and Frank Brewing Co IPA this evening. They were both nice. Why would I keep buying it if I didn’t like it? I drank them both at home not sure how I would be gaslighting anybody.

You’re gaslighting me right now. IPAs taste like ass dipped in ass with a side of ass.

I don’t want to know what you are doing in your free time…

I like them in certain situations.

Hazy IPAs and hazy pale ales are, generally, my favourite beers.

If you’re ever on Vancouver Island, try to find Category 12 beers and try their hazy IPA. It’s really good.

Hazy’s are good, though unfortunately I don’t have any staples that I can think of off the top of my head.

My go to’s are:

Founders All Day IPA
Dogfish Head 60 Minute
Bells Two Hearted

I had a cowbell IPA and Frank Brewing Co IPA this evening. They were both nice. Why would I keep buying it if I didn’t like it? I drank them both at home not sure how I would be gaslighting anybody.

You’re gaslighting me right now. IPAs taste like ass dipped in ass with a side of ass.

I don’t want to know what you are doing in your free time…


I had a cowbell IPA and Frank Brewing Co IPA this evening. They were both nice. Why would I keep buying it if I didn’t like it? I drank them both at home not sure how I would be gaslighting anybody.

You’re gaslighting me right now. IPAs taste like ass dipped in ass with a side of ass.

Just like the Leafs.