Everyday triggers

I believe I have posted about this before, but one can never get the message out there enough for the things that matter.

I was first in the office this morning and decided to make a quick visit to the washroom. I noted that the paper dispenser was hanging at a strange angle, placing the two rolls in a precarious position. After rectifying (take that as you may) the angle, I was pleased to see that the rolls were orientated in the correct position (paper comes from over the top). I had to leave as a man of Chinese appearance began installing timers over the door. I returned perhaps two hours later for my formal engagement and was dismayed to find that some heathen had flipped the ‘work in progress’ roll around, dispensing the paper from underneath. Who does that?

I am trying to decide whether I find this more infuriating than when people treat the act of packing a dishwasher as a Monte Carlo simulation. I didn’t think it was particularly OCD to want to have plates of a feather flock together, or starting from the back and working one’s way forward. Perhaps I need a lot more therapy than I thought.

What have you got?

Dirty dishes, that can be put in the dishwasher, but are left in the sink. If you’re standing at the sink, the dishwasher is right there, maybe you have turn to your right and bend over slightly to put your dirty dish in the dishwasher.


Personally, I prefer the third option to the second. It may be lazy, but it’s honest.

I think I’ll print that one off and stick it behind the door.

Continuing with work related items, I do not understand when someone takes the last cookie, donut, etc, but cannot be bothered to put the empty box in the trash can that is 3’ away.

I’m usually the first in the office so I make the first pot of coffee. One day, the pot was empty and a couple of workers were staring at it forlornly. They couldn’t figure out how it got filled and didn’t know what to do.
Yes, I left them stranded with no coffee.

Thank you for posting this, it makes me appreciate that my threshold for being triggered is a lot higher than many people’s.

Continuing with work related items, I do not understand when someone takes the last cookie, donut, etc, but cannot be bothered to put the empty box in the trash can that is 3’ away.

They just enjoy the look of disappointment on your face when you open an empty donut box. #punked

Coffee pot? At my work, we have individual packets to make coffee. And we have the gigantic industrial toilet paper rolls so they get changed by the cleaning staff. I don’t know which way they roll off the role because they’re inside the metal housing. At my house, option number two, underneath.

My peeve is that when we have a work lunch, they only have Coke or Diet Coke. No Diet Pepsi. Unfortunately facilities guy who would always have a Diet Pepsi for me has retired.

I don’t drink coffee but it infuriates my wife if someone leaves a pod in the Keurig.

I don’t drink coffee but it infuriates my wife if someone leaves a pod in the Keurig.

I had a coworker say something to me once about doing that, so she’s not the only one.


Personally, I prefer the third option to the second. It may be lazy, but it’s honest.

I believe the actual filed patent diagram on this shows the over the top method. So technically anything else is incorrect.

Dirty dishes, that can be put in the dishwasher, but are left in the sink. If you’re standing at the sink, the dishwasher is right there, maybe you have turn to your right and bend over slightly to put your dirty dish in the dishwasher.

If you saw my wife load a dishwasher you’d take that comment back.

It’s like she’s blindly chucking items into it from the living room. No clue how someone so smart and with OCD tendencies can somehow manage to be like that at the same time.

My elderly mom moved in with us. She cannot stand dirty dishes not being washed immediately after supper. So she ends up doing the dishes if we are not immediately motivated to do so. I have pointed out to her that she needs to let it go.

She on the other hand puts my favourite empty mug in the dishwasher repeatedly during the day. I then fish it out for my next cup of coffee or tea. Just leave it out mom!


Personally, I prefer the third option to the second. It may be lazy, but it’s honest.

My wife introduced me to this option and we’ve never gone back. Honestly I’m surprised we don’t see commercially sold vertical roll holders for TP as we do with paper towels. It only makes sense.

Come to think of it, I may install a wall mounted vertical paper towel holder in the bathroom. Holds at least two rolls at once.


Coffee pot? At my work, we have individual packets to make coffee. And we have the gigantic industrial toilet paper rolls so they get changed by the cleaning staff. I don’t know which way they roll off the role because they’re inside the metal housing. At my house, option number two, underneath.

My peeve is that when we have a work lunch, they only have Coke or Diet Coke. No Diet Pepsi. Unfortunately facilities guy who would always have a Diet Pepsi for me has retired.

My peeve is law firms that charge $1000/hr for legal services and use the lousiest grade of TP imaginable.

My other peeve is restaurant pens. Even in restaurants where the entrees are $20+ and the tab for a table of 4 may approach $200, they use crappy pens, worse than the Bics we used in HS. Why not put me in a better tipping mood with a decent pen?

My other peeve is restaurant pens. Even in restaurants where the entrees are $20+ and the tab for a table of 4 may approach $200, they use crappy pens, worse than the Bics we used in HS. Why not put me in a better tipping mood with a decent pen?

Because people steal them.

My other peeve is restaurant pens. Even in restaurants where the entrees are $20+ and the tab for a table of 4 may approach $200, they use crappy pens, worse than the Bics we used in HS. Why not put me in a better tipping mood with a decent pen?

Because people steal them.

This. People steal them. I ordered a beer last night at a pub, it came in a really nice, original glass. When I commented on it the waitress laughed and said those are the ones that get stolen the most.

I give training seminars, mainly to automotive salespeople. They NEVER bring pens to training (my trigger, who doesn’t bring a pen to a training class??) so we provide them. When we give them the BICs they complain, but when we give them a nice pen, the comment is often “Well, this will last until the first customer sees it…”

My other peeve is restaurant pens. Even in restaurants where the entrees are $20+ and the tab for a table of 4 may approach $200, they use crappy pens, worse than the Bics we used in HS. Why not put me in a better tipping mood with a decent pen?

Because people steal them.

Actually signing restaurant checks may be going away as things become more electronic. Which I’m good with. I never really understood the purpose of putting some squiggle scrawl on the bill.

I never really understood the purpose of putting some squiggle scrawl on the bill.

Speaking of triggers, I always draw dicks (with a few pubes out of the balls) on the electronic signing blocks. Drives my wife absolutely nuts…she’ll walk out of Home Depot like she doesn’t know me.

My other peeve is restaurant pens. Even in restaurants where the entrees are $20+ and the tab for a table of 4 may approach $200, they use crappy pens, worse than the Bics we used in HS. Why not put me in a better tipping mood with a decent pen?

Because people steal them.

This. People steal them. I ordered a beer last night at a pub, it came in a really nice, original glass. When I commented on it the waitress laughed and said those are the ones that get stolen the most.

We have a friend who does this. It’s just weird behavior for a otherwise normal middle class 50 something year old woman.