Established fitters, what's your studio like? What do you use for equipment?

Personally, I use a PC fit bike with two different cranksets (155mm-185mm & 140mm-170mm), a vertical laser, and my eyeballs. I did a few hundred fits with the Retul Vantage a few years ago and decided the juice wasn’t worth the squeeze. I found it to be a good tool to train and confirm my eyeballs, but not something I needed to be ongoing. I use my phone to shoot video during the fit, and freeze frame and slow mo as needed to double check or take a closer look at certain things.

The bike has a Kinetic Smart Controller and I use the Rouvy app and a basic flat recovery ride to control resistance during my fits.

I use about 4 tri saddles and 6 road saddles and that gets me through 90% of my fits. I use the Profile Design fitting bar for my road fits and a basic Profile set up for my tri fits. I dont have any of the new full forearm rests. I dont have any monitors on the wall for riders to see live video or view their pedaling mechanics. Nothing against them, but I have never used them, never felt the need for them, and suspect they could distract and detract more than assist.

I have a really simple set up in the back corner of an accommodating bike shop, and sometimes I see the fancier set ups and get a bit jealous, but then I do my work and I never feel lacking in anything. I still use a (highly modified) version of the FIST fit sheet from 2012. I give a paper copy, a PDF copy, and generally 1-3 :05 video clips, including “before and afters” if possible.

I’ve fitted for going on 15 years, over 4000 fits now, mostly and currently in Richmond Virginia. Charging $350 with 1 follow up included. Just upped my prices significantly in the last 6 months.

I think we are in about the same boat. I use a Guru DFU, used to have a Retul motion capture since 2009, upgraded to the Vantage and sold that stuff in 2017. At that time I bought the DFU and use, like you, my eyeballs and customer feedback during the fit session I do have the motion capture from Guru as well as an ipad app to sometimes check or control measurements.
Resistance is controlled by the good ol’ Computrainer.

I use a bit mote saddles, like 25 tri saddles and 25 road. But in all honesty I could work with about 5-10 of each. But sometimes it helps to have a few extra different ones.

I have a specific space in my building for the fittings, closed and sound free but still with windows that have view to the endless pool and coffee table. I also have a seperate space where a fysio works and another space where we can perform VO2 MAX testing.

Customers get a report from the Guru expanded with some extra measurements added that are more FIST based, an fit document with customer data and physical assessment data etc. And they get screen shots from before/after and/or video if they want.


Great thread for someone like me who is about to set up their studio! Thanks for posting it

Set up in my garage as I got kicked out of clinic during lockdowns
Retul Muve
Retul Angul if I need to fit on their bike
Elite Suito trainer
Velogicfit 3D Studio mocap
Velogicfit 3D Aero (frontal area)
PD sizer bar for road, Aeria Ultimate for Tri
Dash, Gebiomized, Jcob primary tri saddles. A couple of others options that just sit there, dropped ISM because of poor QC
Ergon, Gebiomized, Jcob primary road. One Spec Power for explaining how flimsy they are
Jcob, FSA, Zele & Rotor as common crank options
Spreadsheets for everything (bike speccing, geo matching, performance modelling) that can conceivably be calculated
Had a TV the rider could see but it got stolen for someone to do online workouts

(really the VF and PD bits should be no surprise to anyone, nor the spreadsheets)