Entry fee refund

I am new to the sport of triathlon and am wondering what everyone’s experience has been with obtaining refunds from races for training related injuries?

Do events typically provide a refund if you are injured…Does Active have a refund policy if you can’t compete?

You are generally out of luck. Some may have partial refunds up to a certain date, or allow you to use your registration the next year. But all of them should disclose this on the entry form.

SOL for the most part. Active.com doesn’t process refunds (AFAIK), so it’ll be up to the race.

Most triathlons do not provide refunds…

Problem is that the cost is realized whether or not the athlete participates or the event is cancelled for unpreventalbe cause.

Sometimes, not very often, the Race Director may offer you a discounted rate on a future race or potentially move your entry fee to another race. You need to contact the RD and explain your issues. Generally, I wouldn’t expect them to be overly-sympathetic, but if you are honest and give them enough time, they may work with you.


thanks…I am concerned because I will be spending a lot of money this season on races and one small injury could wipe me out…Are there any companies out there that provide race insurance (i.e. pay a couple of bucks per race to protect against unforseen injury, etc…) ?

That sums up pretty much everybody here. Just don’t concern yourself about getting injured and everything will be just fine.

yup…good advice. I probably shouldn’t be so concerned with what could go wrong. I guess my job (I work for an insurance company) is getting in the way of my personal life.

so there isn’t a company out there that provides any sort of insurance package for entry fees? I would pay a few extra bucks for the piece of mind, wouldn’t you?

No way, they would just deny your claim like all other insurance providers :wink:

so there isn’t a company out there that provides any sort of insurance package for entry fees? I would pay a few extra bucks for the piece of mind, wouldn’t you?

Take your own advice:

yup…good advice. I probably shouldn’t be so concerned with what could go wrong. I guess my job (I work for an insurance company) is getting in the way of my personal life.

my own advice aside, and considering I do work for an insurance company, would you see value in extra couple of dollars providing you with injury insurance for your entry fees?..The policy would, of course, have to be very tailored to the triathlon marketplace.

If it were literally a penny or two on the dollar, yes. More than that, no. I’ve never missed a race because of an injury.

Let’s say this did exist though, how would you prove it was a training related injury to file your claim? Maybe those shin splints aren’t from anything more than stepping off a curb and twisting your ankle.

If you’re trying to feel out the marketplace for a company like this, I’d just come out and ask if people would buy.

I agree. I’m pretty new to tri and don’t spend a lot of time thinking about injury (knock on wood). I think I probably would pay a little extra, but the price has to be right. Definitely no more than a buck or two. Plus, how would you verify the injury? Do you need to have a doctors note?? Might be hard to collect even if you are covered.

My sentiments exactly.

My intent was not to float an idea I had for a new company,but the more I got to thinking about it, the more it potentially made sense. Why not pay an extra dollar for the races I register for in exchange for entry fee insurance?

As far as claims are concerned, the only requirement would be a note from a doctor/chiro indicating you could not attend for whatever reason.

“As far as claims are concerned, the only requirement would be a note from a doctor/chiro indicating you could not attend for whatever reason.”

Prepare to get buried then. For a dollar I could see someone register at all kinds of races that sell out to ensure they’d get their spot. Then, if I couldn’t make it it wouldn’t be much of a challenge to get a Dr.'s note and a full refund.

Think about the payouts for an IM-branded race, those are what, $400 to register or something like that? I wouldn’t want to own that insurance company…

In my experience many races offer some sort of refund with a signed doctor’s note explaining the injury.

If it’s easy to collect and cheap to buy then i’d think about it. Seems like a pain in the ass for the race to have to verify all that info though. That’s probably why they don’t do it…

In my experience many races offer some sort of refund with a signed doctor’s note explaining the injury.
Really? I don’t think I’ve experienced this. What races do that?