Enthusiastic Triathlete Seeking Employment

Hi Slowtwitch,

I am a mechanical engineer that is seeking employment in the cycling/triathlon gear industry, as the opportunity to combine my career with my love for triathlon and sport would be incredible. I am currently located in Vancouver, British Columbia, but am open to relocation. Please feel free to contact me privately for my resume.


Hi, we are looking for someone with knowledge of the sport. Can you please send me an email to sam@thespeedhound.com? Look forward to connecting!


Hi Sam,

Thank you for your reply and contact information. I look forward to connecting with you as well.


Hi there hi there ! my personal experience with work and triathlon has been not of a promising mix that has not proven to be an entire appreciated position.

In my line of work which was the military I still came across of individuals( boses )who did not participate in triathlon as avidly as I did and thought that triathlon was more important than my work and consequently was looked at negatively because of my triathlon zeal, it’s a fine line to balance but Be careful about how you intertwine your personal affection for a triathlon and your work if I were to do it over again I would almost ma be careful about how you intertwine your personal affection for a triathlon and your work. if I were to do it over again I would almost hide it.

All the best