As I’m looking forward to IMLP in a few weeks, I’m thinking about any bucket list to do’s as I know I’m not going to PR.
End of January I had some medical issues and had to completely stop training until May. My entire base… POOF gone
A deferment was never an option as I’m a continent away and this is part of a US vacation for the family. Chatted with my coach and doctor. First I got approval and then the best plan we could with the time remaining.
But it kind of struck me hard a week ago realizing my 5k is 5 minutes slower and my FTP drop equates about 4KPH compared to January. That’s not even thinking of endurance.
I’m determined to enjoy it no matter what (and they call us stubborn) so I’ve been thinking of what I want to do as little personal goals that are on my IM bucket list and looking for other ones:
I’m going to hold the line on the swim, right over it. Normally I cruise to the side even though this is my strongest leg. And from everything I’ve seen, this is the swim to do itNegative split the bike. I always plan to go near even but never do it, this time, the negative split, 3 Bears and allT2 PRDo something fun in the chute instead of killing myself as I’m normally full zombieAnd finally, no sunburn
Others I should add?
If you had a freebie race what would you do?
P.S. For all the people who post after about the dumb dumb on the Speedmax doing a 7 hr bike… that was me
if you have an SO or kids on the course , definitely stop and take pics!
My better half had a rough first kona… We have a great picture taken around mile 14 (me spectating, her running)… Definitely something that we cherish from the day
1)Thank every volunteer you come across. EVERY volunteer.
2)Get crowds to do The Wave when you ride by on the bike riding no-handed
3)Ride a downhill going Full Superman such that your body is 100% laid out flat on the bike with stomach on the saddle
4)Do a dance at every aid station on the run
5)Make a sandcastle on the beach after you finish the swim
6)Bring phone and get as many selfies with volunteers and spectators as possible
7)Put a large chocolate birthday cake in your run special needs bag along with candles and matches. Light the birthday cake candles and sing Happy Birthday on while you run
8)Do you know anyone who owns a Chewbacca outfit? Borrow it for part of the bike
9)Start the run in a Gorilla outfit (just don’t run next to someone on a bike and get them DQ’d)
10)Run with a flyer in your hand showing a lost dog and ask everyone you come across if you’ve seen that dog
Some of the above may get you DQ’d (not sure phones, Chewbacca costumes and Gorilla outfits are allowed), so read the rules first.
i think i would try to help others on the run by pacing them / running along side them… Makes a difference i think for alot of people when the are struggling… Good luck!
Yes, that’s on the list. Haven’t stopped to do that since the very first “let’s just finish this thing” IM with one kid and now there are two IronKids to be in the photos!
Good thread! You wont be the only one at IMLP trying to have fun instead of “racing.†I’ve had quite a few issues. I couldn’t start training until March and just recently had to take 3 weeks off… At this point it’s going to be a struggle just to finish but I’m thinking about driving up alone and having it be a spiritual walkabout type of trip. Camping and all. we’ll see how it goes! I’m usually the type to be very stressed out before the race so I’m hoping to be in a completely different mindset! haha
As I’m looking forward to IMLP in a few weeks, I’m thinking about any bucket list to do’s as I know I’m not going to PR.
I’m determined to enjoy it no matter what
How about just accepting the fact that you will not PR every race for the rest of your life and just enjoy the experience?