Endless pools >>> "Fastlane" review

whats the skinny on this? any of you have this or try it out?

I am fairly quick and would need the add on, $700 kit for more horsepower.

my concern is the mounting aspect and mobility of it fearing a move and such.

and performance wise, is the stream too narrow, weird currents, dead spots? this thing must use some serious juice as well…

any feedback would be sweet.

Not rich enough to try. =(

this set up is $5,600 for the basic kit. the real endless pool is like 20k…

this is the same motor as used in the endless pool, do get the high performance motor though. Current is about 3-4 foot wide and no dead spots. You do have to get used to it though. I have butterflied in it. With the fastlane very easy to install and remove. Energy bills will rise , but not as much as you think.

this is a silly question but you couldn’t remove it after each workout right? its mounted. still looking for my own pool.

I guess you could, but it would be a pain in the arse. The piece that drops into the water should be bolted down, but the motor that runs it is pretty heavy ( about 200 -250 lbs with fluid). You would want to hide that behind some bushes and the two hydraulic hoses run into the unit in the water

They had one in a portable plastic pool at the Ralphs expo in 2006. I got to swim in it and I thought it was awesome. It feels pretty much like the normal endless pool, and if I had the $$ I would buy one today.
I don’t have any experience w/the portability aspect, but those guys had gotten it there and planned to bring it back home with them (in a truck?) so it would probably not be too hard to move occasionally. As another poster said, maybe too cumbersome to remove after each workout, but installing / removing it occasionally shouldn’t be too big a deal, provided your particular installation doesn’t involve cement or something.