Endless pool (or similar) owners: happy with purchase?

Considering getting an endless pool/spa combo. I’ve used an endless pool in the past years ago for a swim analysis, but otherwise have had no direct exposure. If you own or have extensively used an endless pool, please give me your thoughts.

Happy with purchase? Can it replace playing wall tag at the gym pool for triathlon training (up to full ironman races)?


I’m thinking about one too. When I google “where can I try an endless pool” the only option I found is on the official Endless Pool inviting me to come to the showroom in Pennsylvania. Surely, there has to be another place to try one out.

We’ve had an Endless Pool since the end of 2014, been very happy with it. It can definitely replace training in a regular lap pool. Ours is a “regular” Endless Pool, I’ve never swam in one of their swim spas.

My wife is a former collegiate swimmer who does almost all of her swim training in the EP and loves it. She’s a FOP triathlon swimmer. I’m a mediocre swimmer who doesn’t do enough training, but that’s not the fault of the EP!

As far as trying one out, if you contact Endless Pools, they should be able to set up a demo in your area. We’ve had a number of people who are interested in buying one try out our pool over the last few years.

We love ours. live where there is no pool available 8 months of the year. I have to get a couple swims in open water before races otherwise i swim 80%in my ep Bought it used from classifieds here

How much does an EP cost? Ballpark…?

I don’t know what their current prices are, but I’d guess at least $20-25k to start…

We have the Fastlane which is the current generator for a swimming pool. When we were shopping for a home we looked at house with the Endless Pool. She would not turn it on for us to see. It was not very attractive so we had a pool built and the current generator put in. It looks much better.

It is tremendously boring to use. Mostly I stare at the drain on the bottom of the pool for 1/2 hour. But if not for this, I would swim very very little. All said and done, I would do it again.


I’ve spent around 10+ hours in one for swim coaching. Personally, I didn’t like it and think it would utterly dull to use. For me at least, because it’s forcing water towards you, I had a more difficult time feeling the catch. It felt like the water was pushing my arms back, rather than me getting purchase on the water and propelling myself forward.

Also, I like having the certainty at the pool of exactly what my swim pace and distances are. The Endless gives you an estimate of pace, which I doubt is very accurate, and you’d have to go by time and pace to estimate how far you swam.

Having said that, if I didn’t have access to a lap pool, then obviously something is better than nothing. Although at $20k+, I’d almost consider just building a pool with sufficient length to swim.

I’m thinking about one too. When I google “where can I try an endless pool” the only option I found is on the official Endless Pool inviting me to come to the showroom in Pennsylvania. Surely, there has to be another place to try one out.

I have one but I’m in Australia.

When I purchased mine I contacted the importer in Brisbane and he called a few people within my area asking if I could come and try one of theirs.

The guy I went to was an ultraman guy and we are now great friends too.

I love mine. Avoid the spa types as they get too much “WASH” and it’s a messy swim.

Call the head office and ask them if anyone in your area has one to go and test.

I’ve spent around 10+ hours in one for swim coaching. Personally, I didn’t like it and think it would utterly dull to use. For me at least, because it’s forcing water towards you, I had a more difficult time feeling the catch. It felt like the water was pushing my arms back, rather than me getting purchase on the water and propelling myself forward.

Also, I like having the certainty at the pool of exactly what my swim pace and distances are. The Endless gives you an estimate of pace, which I doubt is very accurate, and you’d have to go by time and pace to estimate how far you swam.

Having said that, if I didn’t have access to a lap pool, then obviously something is better than nothing. Although at $20k+, I’d almost consider just building a pool with sufficient length to swim.

I felt the same. I don’t own one, but have used one on several occasions. My feeling is that of course the above is what I experienced. The main thing though, was balancing on the jetting stream of water–fall off that stream & you’re shot out the back. In a regular pool that isn’t going to happen. So found myself using a lot of energy balancing on that stream, rather than using the energy for the actual swim stroke/body roll/and-or kicking. It was a fight every time when compared to pool swimming. Maybe I don’t have the knack for it, but it felt very unrealistic for swimming IMO. However, to each his own. Some don’t have a choice where they live.

I just installed a fast lane on a friend’s pool when I remodel it for her. She loves it. I tried it out sans goggles and it was very cool. I wouldn’t be surprised if two could swim if the current was set to a higher enough pace and you stayed back a ways.


I’ve spent around 10+ hours in one for swim coaching. Personally, I didn’t like it and think it would utterly dull to use. For me at least, because it’s forcing water towards you, I had a more difficult time feeling the catch. It felt like the water was pushing my arms back, rather than me getting purchase on the water and propelling myself forward.

Also, I like having the certainty at the pool of exactly what my swim pace and distances are. The Endless gives you an estimate of pace, which I doubt is very accurate, and you’d have to go by time and pace to estimate how far you swam.

Having said that, if I didn’t have access to a lap pool, then obviously something is better than nothing. Although at $20k+, I’d almost consider just building a pool with sufficient length to swim.

I think I’d just buy a Vasa erg since at $2K it is much less expensive. However, I would not take a job in a location w/o a decent pool, swimming being a very high priority for me. :slight_smile:

Also, your comment about the water pushing your arms back is very insightful. I’ve always had the feeling that using one of these would feel very weird, and now I know why. Also, the boredom would be huge issue, with no one in the next lane to swim against. :slight_smile:

As an alternative, I’ve always wondered whether you could just tether your legs to one end of a pool so you don’t go anywhere and then swim on the spot without moving forward?..

I was a high school and college swimmer. FOP triathlon swimmer, but not as fast as I probably should be considering my background. I have a Fastlane and it works great, but is pretty boring. I have used a Vasa and IMHO there really is no comparison. Endless pool is much better. I like that you can make small changes in technique and get immediate feedback by whether or not you drop back or pull forward in the current. I also find it really points out streamlining flaws because it will push you out of the flow if you get out of alignment.

It is advertised as creating a flow rate equal to 1:08 per 100 yard pace, but I don’t think so. It may only be 1:12 pace, but that is just my feeling. Despite all of those positives, I just can’t get past the boredom of it, so it doesn’t get much use.

I was a high school and college swimmer. FOP triathlon swimmer, but not as fast as I probably should be considering my background. I have a Fastlane and it works great, but is pretty boring. I have used a Vasa and IMHO there really is no comparison. Endless pool is much better. I like that you can make small changes in technique and get immediate feedback by whether or not you drop back or pull forward in the current. I also find it really points out streamlining flaws because it will push you out of the flow if you get out of alignment.
It is advertised as creating a flow rate equal to 1:08 per 100 yard pace, but I don’t think so. It may only be 1:12 pace, but that is just my feeling. Despite all of those positives, I just can’t get past the boredom of it, so it doesn’t get much use.

OK, I will defer to your experience with the Vasa and Fast Lane. But still, as you said, the boredom factor is huge. I never ever get bored in the pool, mainly b/c there are an almost infinite number of combinations of strokes, distances, and tools that you can use. Mostly though, I just enjoy the feeling of flowing smoothly through the water. :slight_smile:

As an alternative, I’ve always wondered whether you could just tether your legs to one end of a pool so you don’t go anywhere and then swim on the spot without moving forward?..

You could but that would mind-numbingly boring. :slight_smile:

It gives you a much better feel for the catch than you would think, but I am not really sure of the science behind why. Maybe, its just me, but I like swimming upstream into the current in rivers too.

More so than an Endless Pool?

Fastlane is just the “in-ground” version of endless pool. Really no difference

As an alternative, I’ve always wondered whether you could just tether your legs to one end of a pool so you don’t go anywhere and then swim on the spot without moving forward?..

Tether yourself around the waist, not the legs, silly. And if you have enough room, use a stretch cord not something without any flex like a rope or nylon strap.