Endless Pool Fastlane Installation

The quote from contractor recommended by Endless Pools was $3,000 to install the Fastlane Pro in backyard pool.

Anyone else done this? This seems high.

I’ve done it, but it was during a pool remodel. I will find the invoice, but it was about that same amount. I think it is going to vary depending on the complexity of your install. Are they burying in hydraulic lines? How far do they have to go to where the equipment will be…do they have to go under any walls…etc.

Yeah, this is what is pissing me off.

I am building a new pool. I think there is a lot of duplicate expenses buried in on this.

I installed a Fastlane as part of a new pool construction. I don’t know the exact breakout of the cost to install the Fastlane as part of the overall project cost, but the install is a bit involved. $3K doesn’t sound outrageous to me. There’s additional conduit for the hydraulic lines, additional electrical work, etc.

I just finished building a pool. I opted not to install a Fast Lane but I did have two builders quote me for one. Both said $8500 - $9000 all in (parts & labor), in case that helps you.

Are you going to have a notch in the pool to hold the Fast Lane unit? That’s what I was going to do so that it wouldn’t look so much like a BBQ grill in the pool.

That’s what I was going to do as well, but when you read the install instructions it says you need a bunch of space on each side of the unit,I believe it was 3-4 feet.

That’s exactly how I built mine. Here are a couple of shots. The first one shows the alcove in the pool wall with the Fastlane installed. The second shows the metal frame and Ipe decking that was installed over the top of the Fastlane. It completely covers the Fastlane and the in-ground vault for the built-in pool cover that’s behind it.


I am born building a notch either because of the same issue. It will look like a grill in the pool no matter what.

This is the minimum you need. Pretty much what we did.

Screen Shot 2020-05-22 at 10.42.39 AM.jpg

That iPad interface is cool! I don’t have that. Is it new?

It’s newish. I think it’s been out a couple of years. It’s an option that you can add. You can retrofit it if your main controller is new enough to accept it. It’s a pretty strightforward install (I did it myself). You basically add a wifi antenna to the controller enclosure, and then plug in a chip into an open socket on the controller board. It’s nice because I can then program interval workouts, such as 5x400m with 20" recovery, and it automatically changes the pace of the Fastlane.

Mr. Cat…nice job, that looks great! I would like to do something like that

That’s a great setup. I think I found pictures of yours when I was researching the Fast Lane.

I charged about 3 k for the last one I installed. That was buried lines that were extended quite a ways though

Yes that seems high, the biggest job is not attaching the Fastlane to the Pool deck its actually running the Hydraulic lines to the pool. So if you do it during a pool installation I would not see this. If they have to cut cement to run the lines and then cover etc…etc…then yes. You also need the correct amperage from the breaker to the unit, at least 30amp if I recall.
You can do 90% of the install yourself by following instructions, I did everything except for the electrical.

I’m not sure which model, but my dad and I completely built one of their above-ground units for my mom with the metal frame and vinyl liner and installed the ‘jet’ without much trouble. Not sure how different it is for an existing pool, but in this case the unit just sort of hangs on the end of the pool, so any tubes just run out the back.

Are you pretty happy with your purchase? I am thinking of getting a pool, and having one of these installed. Thanks!

How much total extra cost did it run you to get it put in the pool?

Yes, we’re very happy with our Endless Pool and would definitely do it again if I were building another pool. I can’t give you a good number on total cost above and beyond the cost of EP unit itself, as all the plumbing, electrical, etc. cost of installing the EP was bundled into the total cost of building our pool.

If you have any questions let me know. A friend and I put together the one I got. It wasn’t a fast lane, but the above ground commercial elite model.


El Gato-

WE are having install issues with our Fastlane in a new construction pool. If possible, could you send a picture from your pool deck looking down on your unit so I can see how the unit fits against the wall to include the PVC Thru-Wall fitting. I have attached what mine currently looks like and it seems to be wrong. Thanks for your time.

FL PVC.jpeg
FL PVC.jpeg