Fess up: who else is drinking it?
I work in a grocery store. There are A LOT of folks who drink it. Tri folks, not so much. We actually have a guy who orders 2 full cases of half gallons of it at the end of the season. He freezes it so he can have it all year long.
He freezes it so he can have it all year long.
Okay, that’s gross.
I used to drink it every holiday season, but tried to limit it since it is sooo caloric. Anyway, approximately 2 years ago I was completely cured of even the slightest desire for the stuff. Even now seeing it at the grocery store, I am not tempted in the least to purchase it. WARNING: The rest of this story may be gross - read at your own risk.
My boys were ages 3 and 6 when I made a special trip to the store to purchase the first half gallon of the season. It was sooo good that my kids polished off their full glasses quickly and a short time later we sat down for a family dinner. I don’t know if it was the “gog” or maybe a touch of virus, but my 3 year old said he didn’t feel well - I immediately started yelling for him to get to the bathroom while he started vomiting HUGE puddles of rancid Egg Nog all over our floor leaving a trail to the bathroom (there is no way he drank that much- I know that he threw up way more than 1/2 gallon). He barfed on and in everything EXCEPT the toilet. Having 3 small kids, I have dealt with gross messes, barf, etc. but this was far beyond anything I’d ever dealt with. It was actually dripping off of the walls! And the smell… You get the picture. Anyway, no Egg Nog for me for the last 2 years and it won’t even close to happen this year either. I can’t look at the stuff without vivid memories of that fateful evening… At least that is a couple of pounds every year that I don’t need to worry about.
Now I just need to come up with some sort of cure for my chocolate addiction…
That’s great- its like a mini version of the beef stroganoff/Denny’s/poo story that gets revived on here every so often…
I picked some up when I came home for thanksgiving break, I bought the light egg nog, I had one glass and then the guilt set in. I probably won’t touch it for the rest of the season.
Kind of the opposite of how my onion ring farts make me hungry for onion rings.
my neighbor has the egg nog taste-off every year. a five nog taste-off usually chased with bourbon to cleanse the pallat. good times.
Home made egg nog latte’s 4-5 x/week…while quantities last (?Feb/March). I have a very nice espresso maker…yum!
I was completely cured of even the slightest desire for the stuff.
Kinda sounds like how you know you are done with oyster shooters; one bad one is aaalllll it takes.
The perfect recovery drink for cyclocross season! I polished off a quart in one day last week!
I haven’t had any yet this year but I will. But I can only drink it if it has been freshly made within the previous hour and I will not even consider the crap at the grocery store.