E3 Form saddle

I remember a long thread about saddles last year, including discussion of the E3 Form. I thought I would pass along my experiences. My most recent saddles have been a Fizik Arione Tri on my tri bike, a Selle San Marco ERA on my road bike, and I have been using Selle Italia Flite Genuine Gels on my mt bike for a long time. All have worked well for me.

When I had a new road bike built over the winter, I decided to try an E3 Form. It worked GREAT… for about 300 miles. Then the shell broke right in the middle of the saddle. When I pulled it off, I looked more closely to decide if I was willing to try another one or go to another saddle. Ultimately, I decided to use a Fizik Arione, as I felt the shell on the E3 was just too wimpy. I’m not huge, but not small… about 220#. Nonetheless, I found the saddle to be comfortable, and perhaps worth a shot for riders who are less concerned about breakage than the clydesdales among us.
