Dryer lint

When do you clean your trap? Before you put a load in or after you take the load out?

When do you clean your trap? Before you put a load in or after you take the load out?


When do you clean your trap? Before you put a load in or after you take the load out?



Neither. Before emptying and folding the load that just finished.

Neither. Before emptying and folding the load that just finished.

That’s after to me…basically I’m annoyed when I have to do it before turning on the dryer

When do you clean your trap? Before you put a load in or after you take the load out?

I’m usually putting a new load in right after taking the dry load out, so I guess that means “both.”

When do you clean your trap? Before you put a load in or after you take the load out?

I’m usually putting a new load in right after taking the dry load out, so I guess that means “both.”

When you do your first load of a laundry session do you have to clean it?

Neither. Before emptying and folding the load that just finished.

That’s after to me…basically I’m annoyed when I have to do it before turning on the dryer

It’s far easier to remove right when the load finishes - unless you run cycles ridiculously long there’s enough moisture that it clumps together without creating a ton of dust.

When do you clean your trap? Before you put a load in or after you take the load out?

I’m usually putting a new load in right after taking the dry load out, so I guess that means “both.”

When you do your first load of a laundry session do you have to clean it?

Depends. I usually intend to empty the lint trap when I’m done, but I sometimes forget and have to empty it before I start the next time I do laundry. I always check before the first load.

Before. Kinda pointless to do it after. I’ll never remember if I ran it last or my wife did and I’m going to check anyway.

When do you clean your trap? Before you put a load in or after you take the load out?

I’m usually putting a new load in right after taking the dry load out, so I guess that means “both.”

When you do your first load of a laundry session do you have to clean it?

Depends. I usually intend to empty the lint trap when I’m done, but I sometimes forget and have to empty it before I start the next time I do laundry. I always check before the first load.

Depends is the correct answer. A load of towels produces a lot more lint than a load of shirts.

Where are my towels going? That’s the rub.

After the load comes out. Every time, at least that’s the goal.

Generally after. Mostly because it feels weird leaving old lint behind, but it’s also a good habit to have for times when you’re using shared machines.

When do you clean your trap? Before you put a load in or after you take the load out?

Do you save your lint? I use it to make firestarters. Fill a cardboard egg carton with lint in each egg mold. pour melted wax into each section and create 12 firestarters.

When do you clean your trap? Before you put a load in or after you take the load out?

Do you save your lint? I use it to make firestarters. Fill a cardboard egg carton with lint in each egg mold. pour melted wax into each section and create 12 firestarters.

Thanks. I would not have thought to do that.

When do you clean your trap? Before you put a load in or after you take the load out?

When it starts smoking

When do you clean your trap? Before you put a load in or after you take the load out?

When my drier tells me it needs cleaned.

After the load comes out. Every time, at least that’s the goal.

This. Every time. But I only do laundry, maybe once a week sometimes even longer. Yes, I have a lot of clothes and a lot of towels.

When do you clean your trap? Before you put a load in or after you take the load out?

I have no idea what you’re talking about.

If I’m doing laundry, it’s after. If my wife did the laundry, it’s before, she rarely empties the dryer, so it would be after she was done.