Dry January is for Other People (the Fish Thread)

Kicking this off on behalf of our swim thread sponsor Dr. Tigerchick, who we’re wishing our best for a return to health.

3600 SCY:
1200S (17:34)/200k
4x(200P on 3:00/100P on 1:30 (avg. 2:36s and 1:17s)/200k
6x100S on 1:45 (1:21-24)/6x50S on 60 (38-9)/200K
4x25 on 30 - - then had to leave as my lane time was up and the New years resolution swimmers are out in force/

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I’ve been following off and on but not posting, as my motivation to swim wanes I figured I would join in. Injured running (peroneal tendonitis) in September and starting swimming 2x week in November after not swimming much since June. Running some but haven’t been able to build back up yet. Some stationary biking as well.

1/3 - 3,800 SCY via
300 WU
(200, 4x75, 50, 100, 50
200, 300, 50, 100, 50)
200s were 25 back 25 free in about 2:50, 75s were rotating fast 25 then full fast 75, 50-100-50 was ez 50s and fast 100s. 1:12/1:13 per 100yd on the fast parts
200, 300, 200 WD

1/8 - 3,500 SCY via
500 WU in 7:00
2x200 2x150 2x100 2x50
2x(3x150, 50ez)
500 WD ez
The non-WU/WD was all on the 1:30/100yd with a little extra between sets. The first 1k was supposed to be moderate-hard by rep but the moderate ended up being faster than intended. The 150s were rotating 50 hard with the rest moderate.
2:34 2:33 1:58 1:54 1:18 1:15 :39 :38
1:57 1:59 2:00 1:58 2:00 1:59
1:19 1:22 1:20 1:20 1:19

Nice swim sets. Hope you get to build back to full running too.

3600 SCY

400 (5:45), 300 (4:20), 200 (2:50), 100 (1:21) 20 seconds rest between each
200 IM Kick
10x100 on 1:45 (1:21-22)/200 IM Kick
Pull: 300 (3:58), 250 (3:18), 200 (2:41), 150 (2:00), 100 (1:20) all on 1:30/100 base
8x25 IM strokes on 30 (19-24)

good to see the thread going.
back in the drink post xmas break.
amazing how quickly the feel for the water goes away.
swam twice last week. 4500 each time … with nothing to write home about
tuesday was typical masters-- we did quite a bit of fly but only 2 strokes at a time, which was oddly tough and helpful. The first 2 strokes off each wall was fly… then switch to free. It worked my underwaterrs (which suck!!) and then 2 good strokes of fly without any deteriorization/fatigue. Was pretty annoying at first but then when we switched to all free, it was tough to NOT do it. HA. The power of little changes at a time adding up, over the span of 70% of one workout!
Today will be some anaerobic stuff which I am def NOT ready for. I did push a couple sub 30second 50s the other day without diggin too deep so maybe today will be ok. More to come on that!
Happy 2025 folks!

all the best


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32x50 on 1min, first one 32s last one 34, in between struggling for 38s…

they had the pool temps cranked up to high 80s, got out sweating then went into the sauna for a bit, came out feeling like summer :wink:

1/10/25 4,000 SCY via
500 500 200 WU
2x250 2x100
2x200 2x100
3x100 2x100
4x50 2x100 (skipped a 50 on first 100)
50 WD

WU free, first 250 back/free, the 2x100s were mix stroke/IM/kick, the rest free.

1/14/25 - 3,500 SCY via
500 300 100 WU
4x(75yd on 70s, 50yd on 50s)
4x125 IM
5x100 rotating fast 25 (final 25 to first) then full 100 fast (~1:17s, 1:09)
4x(75 ez, 2x25 kick fast)
2x300 WD

Swim question for any/all.

While working on some form stuff last night I realized that I hold my breath/forget to exhale when I’m doing drills. Am I the only one who can only concentrate on one thing at a time? Tips and tricks so I’m not dying 50m into a set?

Build the breathing routine in as part of the drill. Maybe bi lateral breathe every 3rd stroke to even out the stroke action of what ever drills you’re doing

Missed a couple of days from mild sickness

3700 SCY
400(5:46)300(4:21)200(2:51)100(1:21) 15 sec between
200IM K
Pull 2x[300 on 4:30,200 on 3:00, 100 on 1:30] 3:55,2:38,1:16,4:04,2:38, 1:17
200IM K
4x[100,2x50,4x25] on 60 sec/50 base: IM strokes

Good question,
happy to give my .02. on this. (i have been a swim coach for a very long time from- learrn to swim to the olympics )

Breathing is a drill. On land we breathe wo thinking about it. But in the water we need to. Breathing is 3 parts. In. Out. Hold. Seems youre struggling w the OUT. youre in good company as 99% of breathing issues in the water are exhale based. Bc of our land based brains and systems we are breath holding animals by nature. Couple tips: work the exhale on land and more specifically just before you get into the water, focus on a handful of engaged exhales. Two: in the water…practice floating with your lungs full and blow bubble (exhale) til you sink. Do that at the start and end of each swim for a few weeks and youll notice a diff.
Mastering 2 things at once is quite hard. So understanding that breating is a DRILL/Skill by itself might help you be easier on yourself when you are trying other drills.

all the best

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Its been. going around. for us here… seems like someone is down for the count since thanksgiving

Two good weeks of. 3 swims per week is getting me back on track. Tho a ways to go.

Got in 4700 or so yesterday but my morning was punctuated by some A-hole who somehow, knew my name and approached me saying: you never learn do you dave? you never learn eh? as he is leaning in toward me.
He ignored the lifeguards recommendation to not disturb the masters group and swim in another open lane but he went nuts I guess demanding the lane I was swimming in. Mind you I have been using this lane for masters for 18 months? Maybe more. Never seen this guy before etc… the whole thing was crazy. He then threatened to just jump in on my head next time…

sigh… some people just need a hug I guess.

But I def walked to my car after w my eyes up. He was pretty intense

Lets hope tomorrow goes better.


What a bad experience. The pool is a place to get away and escape rude people. Hope he’s a New Year resolution guy who will be gone in a few weeks. I’ve had a few new guys this month who race me for 25 yards then hang on to the side for 3 minutes and do it again, but no personal confrontations

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Thanks. I have zero problems with breathing when I’m swimming and not thinking. But as soon as I start thinking about a part of my stroke, or body position or kick, I start holding my breath.

I find it kind of amusing that I’m incapable of doing both, and it also makes me avoid changing my stroke.

ya they show up this time of year… still at least they’re in the pool swimming, that is something…

5x200, 5x100IM, 5x50
200s were hard, did something wrong in the gym on Sun and my lower back is painful stiff and weak… was expecting the fly to be not possible but that went OK oddly.

I don’t swim the volume you all do, but I liked this set this week:

8 x 25/50/75 on the same time. I did 1:05. So
8 x (25 on 1:05, 50 on 1:05, 75 on 1:05)

I gather that swimming the 25 and 50 fast is supposed to be the challenge.

500 snorkel 6x100IM 1:48 down to 1:45, 100 hard 1:11 5x50 32 faded to 34 250 snorkel
had a good swim feeling strong ? !! that hasn’t happened in a long time…
second swim this week unusually, back still bad and staying off running until it relents…

3800 SCY

12x100 on 1:45 (1:21-24)/200IM K
6x200P on 3:00 (2:38-43) on 3:00. Tried to stay under 2:40 but missed the last 2)
200IM K

Thanks for stepping in and keeping the stream flowing here. Probably noticed I have been absent the past 5 weeks, had a bit of a snag that almost put me out for good…Will do a post on the main forum later about it all, but cliff notes version is that right after my great SCM champ meet, my pacemaker battery blew up on me, had to try and get emergency replacement, all while my hospital was under a ransomeware attack and all computers and phones were down(and still are as they are not paying)

Did everything the caveman way, drove down and pestered my doc, had him come in on his day off with a mountain of paper work all done by hand, and finally got a new pacemaker on Dec 17th. So no swimming for 3 weeks and slowly got in and paddled around until I could do some full workouts. Haven’t gone back for my first download, but I can tell that I need some tweaks, as my HR seems 20 beats high for some reason(other than being out of shape and gaining 10 lbs)

So did this one at the cool sea level pool yesterday, so this is where I’m at for now. My home pool was 88 degrees a few days ago, so times there are skewed and the amount of rest I have to take is crazy just to cool down, so this is my new beginning here:

2x(4x200buoy or pull@3;10/3;00/200frog@4;00)buoys(2;54/52/49/48)pulls(2;39/36/32/27)frogs(3;45/41)
2x(3x50p@1;00/50fly/50frog)pulls(37 to 33+)fly(38/36)frogs(54/54)
6x50@1;00-3p(38/36/34)2 frog(56/57)buoy(41)
3300SCY in 62 minutes

Good to be back and glad to see some old regulars back at it in the new year. Get better Tiger!!


@monty glad you’re back, but that’s a scary story with the ransomware. Now we need you and Dr TigerC on paths to full recovery

Got in pool early today ahead of snow storm and swam with some masters doing the same

3700 SCY

2x500 on 7:30 (7:10,7:10)/200IM K
2x200 on 3:30 (2:48,2:47) 2x150 on 2:45 (2:07s)2x100 on 1:45 (1:21s) 2x40 on 50 (38s)/200K
Pulling on 1:30/100 base: 400 (5:23), 300 (4:02) 200 (2:38), 100 (1:17) 200K
4x25 on 60 (16,17s)

yikes Monty… this and the fires…? take care buddy