Draining Hydraulic Brake Cables and Leaving them Empty

I am changing a group set, there will be a three to four week gap between removing the old and replacing the new- the one being removed is new, and being replaced by another new one.

Are the hydraulic cables ok to be left empty having had fluid in them for a month?

As far as I can tell - the cables for tiagra / 105 are the same - so given the ones that are currently internally routed - can I leave them in and just attach new levers / calipers to them when I receive them and not have any problems?


Ideally you should replace the olive at the end of the brake line. They get compressed when you tighten them and therefore might not fit in a new shifter.

But I can keep the cable? And just replace the end? No problems with leaving them empty?


I wouldn’t know why not, but maybe I’m missing something. To prevent contamination, I would put a small plastic bag over the ends (or something similar).

Note that you will have to cut a small bit of the brake lines to install new olives.

thanks- thats helpful

Shouldn’t be any problems draining the hose; if you detach both lever and caliper it’s going to drain anyway

You can re-use the hose if it is long enough. You will probably need to cut 1cm off each end to install new barbs