Draft box for new Cervelo P5 and P Series

Hi all,

I am considering designing draft boxes for the new P Series and P5. As some of you know I sell boxes for the previous generation P5 and P Series.
Looking to see how many people would be interested in a box for either bike. At this point I don’t know if a single box would fit both the P5 and P Series in same size or if there is small variation between the two frames. If the rear of the both frames are the same, then it would save me a lot of work.

That said, if there is anyone in the San Francisco Bay Area with either bike that would like to get a box for their bike, I would love to measure the frame and offer you a discount on the final box.

Custom Bike Xcessories

Hi Jann,

Did you consider maybe designing a bento box like Anne haug has on her P5?

Could be useful as well! Just an idea.

Keep up the good work!

@LarsDiepenhorst Hadn’t seen the bento box, Looks like the box is made of some rubber like material, which I don’t have the capacity to make.