Doubts about Paulo

Since when is a gorilla built like the GOAT?

The Triathlon Hour shocked by Paulo’s Roth reaction

It was a moronic thing to say, but seems he runs his mouth quite a bit from the looks of it.


I don’t see any doping accusation in here, contrary to what TTH suggested.

Calling somebody a “gorilla” isn’t nice. “gorilla-style running” would be better, but still awkward. Someone like PS shouldn’t be making these remarks it’s simply not professional.

Maybe he’s referring to the Norwegians, not the Swedes. But I agree with him that we are seeing pretty strange things lately.

Kelly’s interpretation is: Sousa mentioned the Swedes because they’re the only Scandinavian nation left that doesn’t do things Paulo finds it hard to believe are honest (Norwegians, Danes).

Kelly’s interpretation is: Sousa mentioned the Swedes because they’re the only Scandinavian nation left that doesn’t do things Paulo finds it hard to believe are honest (Norwegians, Danes).

Ooohhh a Kelly vs Sousa internet bitching fight??

I’ll get the popcorn.

Talbot referenced it in an IG story calling it a doping accusation before this podcast which I think is what caught some people’s eyes

And I’ve seen some others jump on it as well. Holly Lawrence commented on it, and I feel like someone else did as well.

Admittedly I don’t really get the references, but feels like a dick thing to post publicly.

What race is he referring to and who is the gorilla he is referring?

Magnus at Roth

I dont know, doesnt feel like a doping reference to me, but more of a tongue in cheek about athletes sizes…

And for most of you trying to figure out what he meant by Swedes, it could be a historical reference to the two best from that country a couple decades ago. Jonas and Bjorn were of the size of Magnus and had some good success over their careers. And he was around for both their entire careers, so perhaps that is the reference???

I really dont know for sure, but that could be it…But not cool calling him a gorilla, even if he is white…But this is way down on my outrage meter, think he was just trying to be funny in a live situation, which often comes back to bit folks…

Magnus is tall but built like a race horse.
Probably still same weight as other pros

You think he weighs the same as Lange or Iden???

I think you might be saying he weights the same as the other heaviest pros racing that are over 6’1"+??? Rudy and Jan types???

Kelly’s interpretation is: Sousa mentioned the Swedes because they’re the only Scandinavian nation left that doesn’t do things Paulo finds it hard to believe are honest (Norwegians, Danes).

he must have forgotten the Swedish ice skater that probably would have out cycled magnus…

On one hand, I applaud someone with a lot to lose sticking their neck out to make a dull insulting joke that will benefit no one, and has only downside to it for himself.

On the other, I have to wonder how stupid does a person have to be to do that, knowing those things?

Which leads me to the last resort of our Trumpian friends, that the man is playing 3d chess and he knows bad press will come of it and he said just enough to be in bad taste, and alluded to what he’s accused of without actually saying it and can reply, of course that was never his intent, and now his name is in the conversation as a great coach who speaks truth to power, yada yada, and will get people messaging him to pay him money to coach etc. Afterall, he’s not as bad as that other famous coach that gets results and still gets customers.

So, it’s good business or he’s a complete idiot.

a few thoughts:

-magnus is exactly 1 centimeter taller than jan frodeno.

-paulo is acting like an ass here.

-paulo has been doing this sort of thing (acting like an ass) for a while. i used to think that his messages were in earnest but came across badly because english isn’t his first language (plus he’s an engineer) and something was lost in translation. now i think that he actually just says and thinks stupid crap sometimes.

-a serious discussion about doping in tri is a really important discussion to have. i’m interested in having it. it seems like maybe (?) paulo is too. but this passive-aggressive drive-by twitter crap is exactly the opposite of what we need and just about the worst possible way to engage with the issue.

I dont know, doesnt feel like a doping reference to me, but more of a tongue in cheek about athletes sizes…

And for most of you trying to figure out what he meant by Swedes**, it could be a historical reference to the two best from that country a couple decades ago. Jonas and Bjorn** were of the size of Magnus and had some good success over their careers. And he was around for both their entire careers, so perhaps that is the reference???

I really dont know for sure, but that could be it…But not cool calling him a gorilla, even if he is white…But this is way down on my outrage meter, think he was just trying to be funny in a live situation, which often comes back to bit folks…

no, that’s not a reasonable reading of this. paulo wasn’t talking about bjorn and jonas.

I would also just add that I’ve worked amongst professional athletes my entire adult life. The ones freaking out about the “cheaters” the loudest, often were cheaters themselves.

Not in doping, but in other frequent rule breakings to get an advantage. Of course, they could have been doping as well, but I had no way of knowing.

You think he weighs the same as Lange or Iden???

I think you might be saying he weights the same as the other heaviest pros racing that are over 6’1"+??? Rudy and Jan types???

It should be pointed out that not only did Magnus bike and run fast but he also swam pretty damn fast. I mean, he was less than 1:00 in back of a legit ex-Oly swimmer, going 46:21 for the 3800m. Sure, he was in a chain of fast swimmers with drafting advantage but still 46:21 is impressive regardless. He has become a “real swimmer” in the last year or two. My impression is that he has done a lot of work to become really fast at all three.

and now his name is in the conversation as a great coach who speaks truth to power, yada yada, and will get people messaging him to pay him money to coach etc. Afterall, he’s not as bad as that other famous coach that gets results and still gets customers.

He doesn’t post anything to try and get “customers”. I would think having 9 athletes qualified for the Paris triathlon (or is it going to be a duathlon?) is more than enough advertising…

I am in the minority here, but I’m calling storm in a teacup. I doubt Magnus is offended (in fact, he probably thinks it is funny, if he is even aware of it) -others getting offended on his behalf is just silly, and is one of the things wrong in the world. Again, I am the minority, I’m OK with that.