Don't we just love the death penalty?

Advocates for Missouri death row inmate Brian Dorsey plead for clemency with days to go before his execution

What do the victim’s relatives think?

What do the victim’s relatives think?

Especially the little girl he made into an orphan

It shouldn’t have taken this long.

What do the victim’s relatives think?

Why do all these people (below) totally disregard the victim’s relatives?

*“more than 70 correctional officers support the inmate’s clemency petition, it says, which also cites the support of five jurors from the penalty phase of his trial, a former Missouri Supreme Court justice and at least three Republican state representatives.” *

What do the victim’s relatives think?

Especially the little girl he made into an orphan

How many orphans were made from blacked out drunk drivers, and how many of them got the death penalty?

Dorsey is deeply remorseful for the murders, his clemency petition says, contending the killings of Sarah and Benjamin Bonnie happened while Dorsey was suffering a “drug-induced psychosis and alcohol-induced blackout,” making him incapable of the deliberation required for a first-degree murder charge.

Still, Dorsey accepts responsibility, the petition says, and in the years since has sought to atone: He has a spotless prison disciplinary record and works as a barber for the correctional staff, a position of immense trust

Obviously somewhat different circumstances, but the commonality bears consideration when you’re talking about intent and purposeful behavior in the commission of the actual crime.

What do the victim’s relatives think?

I can’t speak for the victim’s families, but if it were me, I wouldn’t give a shit. Any feelings of justice I might get would be dwarfed by the trauma of losing a loved one. It would only be a reminder that nothing is going to undo what happened.

What do the victim’s relatives think?

Why do all these people (below) totally disregard the victim’s relatives?

*“more than 70 correctional officers support the inmate’s clemency petition, it says, which also cites the support of five jurors from the penalty phase of his trial, a former Missouri Supreme Court justice and at least three Republican state representatives.” *

This guy used a shotgun on a man inches from his face as he slept next to his wife. Then as the woman (his cousin btw) woke up he tried to rape her and then killed her bc she resisted (court document’s evidence) and then poured bleach on her genitals to cover his tracks.

And he did this after they helped him and while their 4 year old daughter slept in the same house.

His argument against the accusation of rape is that she wasn’t alive so they can’t prove she didn’t resist. WTF…

I don’t give a fuck how great his haircutting skills are. There is no coming back from what he did.

Others may have a different opinion but he killed them, then had the clarity to try to erase his biological evidence with bleach. Then stole from them and drove to the person to whom he owed money and then tried to pay his debt with the stolen items from the family he just murdered.

I don’t care what his history is. That shows a definitive logical plan in my mind. This guy knew what he was doing.

I know that you won’t comment on any of that and instead will respond about his lawyers.

What do the victim’s relatives think?

Why do all these people (below) totally disregard the victim’s relatives?

*“more than 70 correctional officers support the inmate’s clemency petition, it says, which also cites the support of five jurors from the penalty phase of his trial, a former Missouri Supreme Court justice and at least three Republican state representatives.” *

Or you could keep reading.

Dorsey’s petition notes many of his friends and family members – including those he purportedly shared with the victims – are also opposed to his execution having written a letter asking Parson to impart mercy. A copy of the letter provided to CNN by defense attorneys redacted signatories’ names for their privacy.

But it does say those close to the decease, do not support clemency.

What do the victim’s relatives think?

Is it not a question for society rather than the victim’s family? If it’s an “eye for an eye” mentality, then I can see why that might be relevant, but that shouldn’t be relevant in a mature society where the aim of any justice system should be rehabilitation, and where possible restoration to society.

Oh wait, this is the U.S. The fundamentalists are in charge. Maybe you could just stone him after a brief, formality of a trial?

Just don’t understand the bloodlust culture of this country.

From Guns for all, to the death penalty we just can’t seem to get enough of.

We as a society just seem to value other things higher than compassion, forgiveness, and finding / hoping for the good in people. I use to believe the lie that we have a justice system built on rehabilitation, but long ago realized, that’s not that way, and we are much more an eye for an eye, and once found guilty of a crime you will were those numbers on arm forever.

Just heard a story out of Michigan I think, they started a new education system in one state prison (ignite) and it included 1 on 1 teaching. After only 1 month of classes, they had a huge increase in non-returning prisoners once released. Talk of expanding the program, but I am sure as society we will take the short sighted view of we don’t want to pay to give these inmates an education, and instead will pay the long slow bleed of keeping them incarcerated.

Funny how we get upset when Russia detains a US person for bringing illegal drugs into the country or any one of the other stories where Americans were imprisoned in foreign lands, but we have no problems doing it here.

I don’t care what his history is. That shows a definitive logical plan in my mind. This guy knew what he was doing.

I know that you won’t comment on any of that and instead will respond about his lawyers.

No way that l can defend his actions.

But why do so many corrections officers and others totally ignore all of this?

What do the victim’s relatives think?

Why do all these people (below) totally disregard the victim’s relatives?

*“more than 70 correctional officers support the inmate’s clemency petition, it says, which also cites the support of five jurors from the penalty phase of his trial, a former Missouri Supreme Court justice and at least three Republican state representatives.” *

This guy used a shotgun on a man inches from his face as he slept next to his wife. Then as the woman (his cousin btw) woke up he tried to rape her and then killed her bc she resisted (court document’s evidence) and then poured bleach on her genitals to cover his tracks.

And he did this after they helped him and while their 4 year old daughter slept in the same house.

His argument against the accusation of rape is that she wasn’t alive so they can’t prove she didn’t resist. WTF…

I don’t give a fuck how great his haircutting skills are. There is no coming back from what he did.

Others may have a different opinion but he killed them, then had the clarity to try to erase his biological evidence with bleach. Then stole from them and drove to the person to whom he owed money and then tried to pay his debt with the stolen items from the family he just murdered.

I don’t care what his history is. That shows a definitive logical plan in my mind. This guy knew what he was doing.

I know that you won’t comment on any of that and instead will respond about his lawyers.

So your ignoring that he was Higher than a kite, and black out drunk when this happened? I have not followed the case, so no clue what toxicology was shown, or evidence that he planed this was.

But it seems odd, that so many including jurors from the trial, relatives of the deceased, and many others, are coming forward asking for clemency.

But hey I understand, he killed 2 people, and some people would think he should be killed, brought back to life and killed again, cause somehow that makes thing better or fair or even.

Spare the rod, spoil the child I get it.

What do the victim’s relatives think?

Why do all these people (below) totally disregard the victim’s relatives?

*“more than 70 correctional officers support the inmate’s clemency petition, it says, which also cites the support of five jurors from the penalty phase of his trial, a former Missouri Supreme Court justice and at least three Republican state representatives.” *

This guy used a shotgun on a man inches from his face as he slept next to his wife. Then as the woman (his cousin btw) woke up he tried to rape her and then killed her bc she resisted (court document’s evidence) and then poured bleach on her genitals to cover his tracks.

And he did this after they helped him and while their 4 year old daughter slept in the same house.

His argument against the accusation of rape is that she wasn’t alive so they can’t prove she didn’t resist. WTF…

I don’t give a fuck how great his haircutting skills are. There is no coming back from what he did.

Others may have a different opinion but he killed them, then had the clarity to try to erase his biological evidence with bleach. Then stole from them and drove to the person to whom he owed money and then tried to pay his debt with the stolen items from the family he just murdered.

I don’t care what his history is. That shows a definitive logical plan in my mind. This guy knew what he was doing.

I know that you won’t comment on any of that and instead will respond about his lawyers.

So your ignoring that he was Higher than a kite, and black out drunk when this happened? I have not followed the case, so no clue what toxicology was shown, or evidence that he planed this was.

But it seems odd, that so many including jurors from the trial, relatives of the deceased, and many others, are coming forward asking for clemency.

But hey I understand, he killed 2 people, and some people would think he should be killed, brought back to life and killed again, cause somehow that makes thing better or fair or even.

Spare the rod, spoil the child I get it.

The guy turned himself in days later. We have no clue if he was “higher than a kite” or “black out drunk.” But if I was to guess…someone that impaired wouldn’t be able to drive a car. And he was able to craft this plan to kill them, rape her, cover his tracks with bleach, rob them, drive a car, and then try to barter his way out of debt with the stolen goods.

I admit he probably was high or drinking. Except that we know he was still able to function enough to have logical thought and operate a vehicle.

No way for him to prove he was as high as he claims.

I believe the clemency sought is due to inept attorneys saying he should not have received the death sentence. And they say this because of his apparent history of substance abuse, withdrawals, and depression that was not brought to light during the trial due to his attorneys.

This guy raped his cousin after he murdered her, poured bleach on her vagina, and then claimed they could prove rape bc they couldn’t prove she resisted.

I mean this with all sense of my body…fuck that guy. Doesn’t matter to me whether he lives or dies. So I don’t feel bad if he doesnt get clemency.

I don’t care what his history is. That shows a definitive logical plan in my mind. This guy knew what he was doing.

I know that you won’t comment on any of that and instead will respond about his lawyers.

No way that l can defend his actions.

But why do so many corrections officers and others totally ignore all of this?


What do the victim’s relatives think?

Especially the little girl he made into an orphan

How many orphans were made from blacked out drunk drivers, and how many of them got the death penalty?

Dorsey is deeply remorseful for the murders, his clemency petition says, contending the killings of Sarah and Benjamin Bonnie happened while Dorsey was suffering a “drug-induced psychosis and alcohol-induced blackout,” making him incapable of the deliberation required for a first-degree murder charge.

Still, Dorsey accepts responsibility, the petition says, and in the years since has sought to atone: He has a spotless prison disciplinary record and works as a barber for the correctional staff, a position of immense trust

Obviously somewhat different circumstances, but the commonality bears consideration when you’re talking about intent and purposeful behavior in the commission of the actual crime.

Court records say Dorsey raped Sarah’s body,

You missed that part in your not dissimilar analysis

What do the victim’s relatives think?

Why do all these people (below) totally disregard the victim’s relatives?

*“more than 70 correctional officers support the inmate’s clemency petition, it says, which also cites the support of five jurors from the penalty phase of his trial, a former Missouri Supreme Court justice and at least three Republican state representatives.” *

This guy used a shotgun on a man inches from his face as he slept next to his wife. Then as the woman (his cousin btw) woke up he tried to rape her and then killed her bc she resisted (court document’s evidence) and then poured bleach on her genitals to cover his tracks.

And he did this after they helped him and while their 4 year old daughter slept in the same house.

His argument against the accusation of rape is that she wasn’t alive so they can’t prove she didn’t resist. WTF…

I don’t give a fuck how great his haircutting skills are. There is no coming back from what he did.

Others may have a different opinion but he killed them, then had the clarity to try to erase his biological evidence with bleach. Then stole from them and drove to the person to whom he owed money and then tried to pay his debt with the stolen items from the family he just murdered.

I don’t care what his history is. That shows a definitive logical plan in my mind. This guy knew what he was doing.

I know that you won’t comment on any of that and instead will respond about his lawyers.

So your ignoring that he was Higher than a kite, and black out drunk when this happened?

A fundamental cornerstone of criminal law is intentional/voluntary intoxication is not a defense.

Sort of irrelevant to the point, which you missed or ignored.

He was either consciously performing those actions or he was in a drug induced psychosis. People will literally chew someone’s face off on PCP and have no recollection of it whatsoever. Doesn’t excuse it and society needs to be protected from them, but does that require death? I think it’s a circumstance that should be heavily considered in sentencing.

I don’t know the details of the case but generally, I don’t think that people who literally have no idea what they’re doing should be put to death. Life imprisonment is more than sufficient.

Apparently people involved in the case think so as well.

Sort of irrelevant to the point, which you missed or ignored.

He was either consciously performing those actions or he was in a drug induced psychosis. People will literally chew someone’s face off on PCP and have no recollection of it whatsoever. Doesn’t excuse it and society needs to be protected from them, but does that require death? I think it’s a circumstance that should be heavily considered in sentencing.

I don’t know the details of the case but generally, I don’t think that people who literally have no idea what they’re doing should not be put to death. Life imprisonment is more than sufficient.

Apparently people involved in the case think so as well.
So if he was aware of his actions then okay to execute him?

So if he was aware of his actions then okay to execute him?

If you’re blacked out, you’re not aware and not in control. If you are aware, you’re not blacked out and it’s reasonable to assume the person is more in control than in a blackout state.

Execution would be less egregious if that were the case.