Don't own a car in Canada

Because it will be stolen

Were you abandoned by your Canadian biological father? Your obsession with bashing Canada seems a little unhinged at this point.

That’s well and good, but not everyone has a moose that they can ride into town.

That’s well and good, but not everyone has a moose that they can ride into town.

They have towns?

No, we have hockey arena’s surrounded by igloos and use 40 passenger dog sleds for mass transit. We’ve modernized, some of us even have dial up internet. Try to keep up.

I have owned vehicles since 2001. Haven’t had one stolen yet.

No, we have hockey arena’s surrounded by igloos and use 40 passenger dog sleds for mass transit. We’ve modernized, some of us even have dial up internet. Try to keep up.

You forgot the Tim Hortons surrounding the hockey arena’s

I have owned vehicles since 2001. Haven’t had one stolen yet.

Who wants a mini-cooper filled with crocs? That is a natural deterrent.

I have owned vehicles since 2001. Haven’t had one stolen yet.

Who wants a mini-cooper filled with crocs? That is a natural deterrent.

Currently in a BMW X1. Filled with Crocs.

Keep up man… I haven’t been in a Cooper for at least 5 years. Switched to the Countryman in 2019.

Milton, Brampton, Mississauga.

They are seemingly the epicentre of car theft in Canada. In my boring town of 50,000 an hour from detroit I don’t know anybody whose car has been stolen. The article did say car theft rate is higer in America. I put my wife’s toyota in the garage every night if she doesn’t on account of her having one of those key fob things that allow you open car without putting key in.

Because it will be stolen

Canada’s car theft rate: 262.5 per 100,000
USA’s rate: 300 per 100,000

At least you are consistent. Always wrong.

Because it will be stolen

Canada’s car theft rate: 262.5 per 100,000
USA’s rate: 300 per 100,000

At least you are consistent. Always wrong.

Don’t be pissy, the BBC is your King’s news service

I have owned vehicles since 2001. Haven’t had one stolen yet.

Who wants a mini-cooper filled with crocs? That is a natural deterrent.

No, we have hockey arena’s surrounded by igloos and use 40 passenger dog sleds for mass transit. We’ve modernized, some of us even have dial up internet. Try to keep up.

You forgot the Tim Hortons surrounding the hockey arena’s

Brazilian coffee companies aren’t where real Canadian buy doughnuts for their sled dogs.


My BMW was not stolen last night.

I just checked and both my vehicles are still in my driveway this morning. Phew.


Same here. But my bike was stolen a while ago.

Don’t you have your own crap to deal with? lol

etc etc etc

Don’t you have your own crap to deal with? lol

etc etc etc

If it makes BBC we can chat