Don't like the vote....pull the fire alarm ETA and call those criticizing you Nazis ETAETA and plead guilty

Although he has immunity he should be charged and make him invoke it

The idiocy of members of Congress is something to behold. It really is The People’s House.

I noticed on Twitter that Rep. Indecent Exposure (R-CO) was quick to demand accountability. Because decorum!!!

The idiocy of members of Congress is something to behold. It really is The People’s House.

I noticed on Twitter that Rep. Indecent Exposure (R-CO) was quick to demand accountability. Because decorum!!!

How about this…you go pull the fire alarm at your hospital and see how that turns out

We’re paying these people good taxpayer funded salaries to act like middle school student government.,punished%20by%20a%20fine%20not

a) It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to wilfully or knowingly give a false alarm of fire within the District of Columbia

The idiocy of members of Congress is something to behold. It really is The People’s House.

I noticed on Twitter that Rep. Indecent Exposure (R-CO) was quick to demand accountability. Because decorum!!!

How about this…you go pull the fire alarm at your hospital and see how that turns out

Probably about as well as if I was groping a woman’s breast while getting my junk fondled in the lobby.

Both would and should end poorly.

The idiocy of members of Congress is something to behold. It really is The People’s House.

I noticed on Twitter that Rep. Indecent Exposure (R-CO) was quick to demand accountability. Because decorum!!!

How about this…you go pull the fire alarm at your hospital and see how that turns out

Probably about as well as if I was groping a woman’s breast while getting my junk fondled in the lobby.

Both would and should end poorly.

They are not equivalent in my mind. One is tactless white trash the other imperils people’s safety

They’re not equivalent in your mind or in reality. He committed a crime that can harm people, she did not.

The commonality is they’re both fucking (redacted) and yet somehow elected federal government representatives. Clown show.

The idiocy of members of Congress is something to behold. It really is The People’s House.

I noticed on Twitter that Rep. Indecent Exposure (R-CO) was quick to demand accountability. Because decorum!!!

How about this…you go pull the fire alarm at your hospital and see how that turns out

Probably about as well as if I was groping a woman’s breast while getting my junk fondled in the lobby.

Both would and should end poorly.

They are not equivalent in my mind. One is tactless white trash the other imperils people’s safety

Joe will be on TV soon talking about how extreme left wing members of the Dem party are trying to disrupt and fundamentally change our Democracy. That what he does when idiots act like idiots at the Capital

Let’s just hope nobody who was in the Capital when this happened dies or commits suicide in the next week. Body counts will be assigned.

And by “acting like idiots” you mean hunting the House Speaker and threatening to hang the Vice President of the United States.

At some point you have to realize you’re not making any useful point about anything except what an idiot you’re choosing to be, and even that isn’t very useful anymore here because we all pretty well know.

Bad indeed.

It’s a shame you’re incapable of also calling out the far right idiots that are trying to hold our country hostage for their minority extreme views.

The internet disputes the claim:

  • Congressman Bowman was actually in the Cannon House Office Building 1200 feet away from the US Capitol when he claims to have rushed out of the building to make the vote. Note that a fire alarm in the Cannon office building has no impact on the US Capitol building, so pulling it would not “delay the vote”.

  • There would be absolutely no reason for Bowman to try and delay the vote, which was passed, with ONLY 1 Democrat voting against it and 90 Republicans voting against it. If anything Bowman would have wanted to be there to vote, which is exactly what he was trying to do. He voted FOR the Bill.

  • Bowman’s statement: “I was just trying to get to my vote. The door that’s usually open wasn’t open…I didn’t mean to cause confusion. I didn’t know it was going to trip the whole building. I thought it would help me open the door.”

  • The doors he tried to open were an emergency exit. He likely thought that releasing the alarm would allow the fire exit door to open.

Sounds like an offense on par with sedition and insurrection,……

The doors he tried to open were an emergency exit. He likely thought that releasing the alarm would allow the fire exit door to open.

Which would be a much bigger legal issue than a false alarm. Locked and barred emergency exits are BIG problems.

Even if usually locked on the inside, on an alarm they should have delayed egress.

The doors he tried to open were an emergency exit. He likely thought that releasing the alarm would allow the fire exit door to open.

Which would be a much bigger legal issue than a false alarm. Locked and barred emergency exits are BIG problems.

Even if usually locked on the inside, on an alarm they should have delayed egress.

No way that door was locked so that it would not open regardless of alarm setting. Why did he just not push the door open and make his vote?

Regardless of where one is inside the Canon House Office building, the Independence Avenue front doors are always open and guarded and in my experience offer the quickest way to make it across the street and into the Capitol.

No way that door was locked so that it would not open regardless of alarm setting. Why did he just not push the door open and make his vote?

We can only speculate.

But I find it hard to believe he’d pull the alarm in a building that had nothing to do with the vote in an attempt to delay a vote he had no reason to want to delay. The explanation I posted sounds far more plausible.

No way that door was locked so that it would not open regardless of alarm setting. Why did he just not push the door open and make his vote?

We can only speculate.

But I find it hard to believe he’d pull the alarm in a building that had nothing to do with the vote in an attempt to delay a vote he had no reason to want to delay. The explanation I posted sounds far more plausible.

since we can only speculate. First time for this guy exiting his office enroute a vote on the floor? Nope! calls to vote are issued routinely with congress critters hearing and seeing said calls and then exiting their buildings often times pairing up with other critters as they make their way walking over to vote. Holding off on the vote with knowledge of enroute critters is also routine. Why did he depart from routine?

eta: And there was reason to delay the vote. Although the McC pubs way back had made a rule about allowing 72 hours review for all bills before a vote, in this instance there was to be no 3 day notice, the bill was 71 pages and the dems were looking to review those 71 pages to see if any poison pills were inserted. The label of being hotheaded has also been attached to Mr Bowman.

My speculation remains. Not given the opportunity to be a dumb shit congress critter by opening his mouth, he played the dumb shit by pulling the lever.

No way that door was locked so that it would not open regardless of alarm setting. Why did he just not push the door open and make his vote?

We can only speculate.

But I find it hard to believe he’d pull the alarm in a building that had nothing to do with the vote in an attempt to delay a vote he had no reason to want to delay. The explanation I posted sounds far more plausible.

since we can only speculate. First time for this guy exiting his office enroute a vote on the floor? Nope! calls to vote are issued routinely with congress critters hearing and seeing said calls and then exiting their buildings often times pairing up with other critters as they make their way walking over to vote. Holding off on the vote with knowledge of enroute critters is also routine. Why did he depart from routine?

eta: And there was reason to delay the vote. Although the McC pubs way back had made a rule about allowing 72 hours review for all bills before a vote, in this instance there was to be no 3 day notice, the bill was 71 pages and the dems were looking to review those 71 pages to see if any poison pills were inserted. The label of being hotheaded has also been attached to Mr Bowman.

My speculation remains. Not given the opportunity to be a dumb shit congress critter by opening his mouth, he played the dumb shit by pulling the lever.

The doors are open on weekdays. Votes are normally on weekdays. Bowman is used to taking those doors to vote and never had an issue. During an unusual weekend vote, he tried to use the doors he normally does to get to the vote and misread the sign in his hurry and did not understand it would set off the whole building alarm.

We have been speculating, are you in the speculation game or is there a source? what door did he attempt to leave by? Main doors are not manned with security and open for reps to move in and out while in session? What did the sign say? Did the actual opening of the door set off the alarm?

We have been speculating, are you in the speculation game or is there a source? what door did he attempt to leave by? Main doors are not manned with security and open for reps to move in and out while in session? What did the sign say? Did the actual opening of the door set off the alarm?

It is normally manned. You can see the station in this picture.

Here is the sign, assume Bowman misread it as pull alarm to unlock.

So bowman did something really dumb when he was in a hurry.
