Don't bring your guns to Turks & Caicos

I found this interesting as we just traveled to TCI last week. There is a mandatory minimum sentence of 12 years for possessing firearms or ammo, and American tourists seem to be finding out the hard way:

I found this interesting as we just traveled to TCI last week. There is a mandatory minimum sentence of 12 years for possessing firearms or ammo, and American tourists seem to be finding out the hard way:

I wonder what the Venn diagram of people that think he is being unfairly persecuted and people that thought Brittany Griner got what she deserved looks like.

Are gun nuts so nutty that they actually travel internationally with their guns?

Are gun nuts so nutty that they actually travel internationally with their guns?
He didn’t have a gun, he had a couple of rounds of ammunition that somehow TSA in the states didn’t pick up when he went down there.

I read 4 rounds in his duffel he last used to go deer hunting. Probably deep down in the bottom of one of the random pouches. The Fox News article I saw on it was trying to pin all the blame on Oklahoma TSA.

I saw this on the news yesterday and he’s not the only one. There’s another guy who’s already there and they are not letting leave because the exact same thing, ammo left in the bag. For fucks sake! Get a different bag and keep them separate.

Are gun nuts so nutty that they actually travel internationally with their guns?
He didn’t have a gun, he had a couple of rounds of ammunition that somehow TSA in the states didn’t pick up when he went down there.

Bad on him then. Don’t use the same bag for your gun stuff for travel.

Even in the USA there are consequences for that kind of thing. Probably wouldn’t get prosecuted, but good luck getting pre-check or global entry.

I think people just get complacent about things that are perfectly legal in their home country.

In Canada weed is federally legal. I know a shocking amount of people who have gone on vacation, unpacked their bags when they arrive in another country and have half a joint or an edible or something left over from a camping trip fall out of their bag. In many places you could be thrown in jail for life for that.

I think people just get complacent about things that are perfectly legal in their home country.

In Canada weed is federally legal. I know a shocking amount of people who have gone on vacation, unpacked their bags when they arrive in another country and have half a joint or an edible or something left over from a camping trip fall out of their bag. In many places you could be thrown in jail for life for that.

I generally agree, however there is no situation where someone is allowed to fly with loose ammo in their carry-on as far as I know. People who regularly travel with firearms should probably be extra diligent about this.

That said, it seems pretty clear that there was no ill intent in any of these situations, and the potential punishment doesn’t fit the crime. I assume they’ll come to some resolution that doesn’t involve 12 years in prison.

It seems like the TCI government is trying to make an example of a few people in order to reinforce their zero tolerance policy.

I found this interesting as we just traveled to TCI last week. There is a mandatory minimum sentence of 12 years for possessing firearms or ammo, and American tourists seem to be finding out the hard way:

I wonder what the Venn diagram of people that think he is being unfairly persecuted and people that thought Brittany Griner got what she deserved looks like.

Lots of red hats…

I think people just get complacent about things that are perfectly legal in their home country.

In Canada weed is federally legal. I know a shocking amount of people who have gone on vacation, unpacked their bags when they arrive in another country and have half a joint or an edible or something left over from a camping trip fall out of their bag. In many places you could be thrown in jail for life for that.

I generally agree, however there is no situation where someone is allowed to fly with loose ammo in their carry-on as far as I know. People who regularly travel with firearms should probably be extra diligent about this.

That said, it seems pretty clear that there was no ill intent in any of these situations, and the potential punishment doesn’t fit the crime. I assume they’ll come to some resolution that doesn’t involve 12 years in prison.

It seems like the TCI government is trying to make an example of a few people in order to reinforce their zero tolerance policy.

Just a guess - this guy probably flies very infrequently and didn’t even think twice about cleaning the bag nor does he have separate bags for the occasional flight.

But I do love our TSA that let him on the plane…

I think people just get complacent about things that are perfectly legal in their home country.

In Canada weed is federally legal. I know a shocking amount of people who have gone on vacation, unpacked their bags when they arrive in another country and have half a joint or an edible or something left over from a camping trip fall out of their bag. In many places you could be thrown in jail for life for that.

I generally agree, however there is no situation where someone is allowed to fly with loose ammo in their carry-on as far as I know. People who regularly travel with firearms should probably be extra diligent about this.

That said, it seems pretty clear that there was no ill intent in any of these situations, and the potential punishment doesn’t fit the crime. I assume they’ll come to some resolution that doesn’t involve 12 years in prison.

It seems like the TCI government is trying to make an example of a few people in order to reinforce their zero tolerance policy.

Just a guess - this guy probably flies very infrequently and didn’t even think twice about cleaning the bag nor does he have separate bags for the occasional flight.

But I do love our TSA that let him on the plane…

Maybe, but another article I read said he acknowledged using the bag on a hunting trip to Texas in November, so it seems like he probably should’ve checked it carefully before getting on an international flight with it.

I agree though - not a good look for TSA considering it has happened numerous times now. Somehow bullets are getting through airport security no problem but my wife forgetting to take her Kindle out of her bag sets off alarms.

I think people just get complacent about things that are perfectly legal in their home country.

In Canada weed is federally legal. I know a shocking amount of people who have gone on vacation, unpacked their bags when they arrive in another country and have half a joint or an edible or something left over from a camping trip fall out of their bag. In many places you could be thrown in jail for life for that.

I generally agree, however there is no situation where someone is allowed to fly with loose ammo in their carry-on as far as I know. People who regularly travel with firearms should probably be extra diligent about this.

That said, it seems pretty clear that there was no ill intent in any of these situations, and the potential punishment doesn’t fit the crime. I assume they’ll come to some resolution that doesn’t involve 12 years in prison.

It seems like the TCI government is trying to make an example of a few people in order to reinforce their zero tolerance policy.

Just a guess - this guy probably flies very infrequently and didn’t even think twice about cleaning the bag nor does he have separate bags for the occasional flight.

But I do love our TSA that let him on the plane…

Maybe, but another article I read said he acknowledged using the bag on a hunting trip to Texas in November, so it seems like he probably should’ve checked it carefully before getting on an international flight with it.

I agree though - not a good look for TSA considering it has happened numerous times now. Somehow bullets are getting through airport security no problem but my wife forgetting to take her Kindle out of her bag sets off alarms.

There are tons of concerns about how lousy TSA is at catching weapons. For sure, that is a problem. But, the fault overwhelmingly lies with the passenger. TSA exists to keep flying safe, not as a passenger resource to assure their compliance with their destination’s laws. Three other notes:

  1. This was on the return flight home. So, he had all that time in Turks to notice (or not) that he had ammo.

  2. He is a district sales manager for a medical device company. So, it’s not obvious whether or not he has much experience flying.

  3. The State Department has previously issued advisories about this issue for Turks.

Years ago now, I used the same bag for pretty much everything. Hey, I am resourceful. I had a single .22 LR in the bottom of a bag I traveled with that went through TSA not once, but twice. I found it cleaning out the bag when I got back from the trip. Lesson learned, I promptly bought a bag only for range time. Luckily for me, both flights were domestic flights.

I think people just get complacent about things that are perfectly legal in their home country.

In Canada weed is federally legal. I know a shocking amount of people who have gone on vacation, unpacked their bags when they arrive in another country and have half a joint or an edible or something left over from a camping trip fall out of their bag. In many places you could be thrown in jail for life for that.

I generally agree, however there is no situation where someone is allowed to fly with loose ammo in their carry-on as far as I know. People who regularly travel with firearms should probably be extra diligent about this.

That said, it seems pretty clear that there was no ill intent in any of these situations, and the potential punishment doesn’t fit the crime. I assume they’ll come to some resolution that doesn’t involve 12 years in prison.

It seems like the TCI government is trying to make an example of a few people in order to reinforce their zero tolerance policy.

I think Americans in particular need to pay attention to how much of the rest of the world views guns. As others have said on the lavender room, the US Left is not left, it is center as far as most of Europe stands and no matter what the right thinks does not change that. Keep thinking that is a harsh view but when in those countries you better realize it is not as harsh as you would think. Diligence should be a bare minimum of a thoughtful and safe gun owner, and you need to go above and beyond that when you decide to go outside the gun loving parts of the US. If you intend on visiting a foreign country, maybe spend just a couple minutes checking out their culture and customs. And yeah, maybe even look at the US Governments statements on said country. If you do not, well you just might do something that country thinks is stupid and get tossed in jail. Their country, their rules. Do not travel there if you cannot be bothered to follow them.

Wrong, it’s the TSA’s fault.

A passport should be a privilege; represent your nation. I’d be A-okay if the stag party brigades were brought to heel by papers being revoked…

Are gun nuts so nutty that they actually travel internationally with their guns?
He didn’t have a gun, he had a couple of rounds of ammunition that somehow TSA in the states didn’t pick up when he went down there.

something something personal responsibility

In this article about yet another person with the same issue it say the one person who has actually gone through trial ended up serving 6 months.

Wrong, it’s the TSA’s fault.

Nope. The buck stops with the passenger.
