Does anyone think that yoga is a complete waste of time?

I just saw BarryP’s thread so I figured I’d ask the contrary question. Has anyone done yoga and found that it just wasn’t worth the time, or saw no results (i.e. increased performance) whatsoever?

I waste much less time doing yoga as I do doing triathlon training.

…but triathlon training makes you faster at triathlon training. Does yoga make you faster at triathlon training? Obviously this is the meaning of life.

Has anyone done yoga and found that it just wasn’t worth the time

Yes. Halfway through the class, I’m looking around thinking to myself, what in the ‘F’ am I doing here? But I do hip exercises and stretches suggested by a physical therapist, which seem to accomplish the same things as in most of the positive responses to the BarryP thread.

an hour of yoga at the right studio i always worth it. if only for the scenery

I do a spin class and after every class we do like 10 mins of yoga/core

that usually hurts more than my legs do after spinning

an hour of yoga at the right studio i always worth it. if only for the scenery

It’s not supposed to be anaerobic

I do something very much like Yoga … well, it’s* like* Yoga in a way that Scrambled Eggs are like *Crème brûlée *

Y’know … as a Surfer, I should like Yoga … I mean it’s all about Balance and slowness and Calm and so on; which is kinda how I am, really … but once I get a DVD on or something OnDemand and I try it … I’m all like: “Okay, I can touch my toes. Great! Can we move on here? I haven’t got all day! What’s next?* Move it people*!”

I think it depends how you do it. Kinda like everything else
. Here’s my favorite

As I often say, “Yoga is bunk”.

The only injury that has affected training in the past year was caused by Yoga - I broke my toe hoping from downward dog to forward fold.

IMO, Hatha Yoga has helped me. I don’t like to stretch much so using Yoga once or twice a week has enabled me to be alot more flexible. I can stay aero for longer periods of time, I’ve done 40km staying aero many times, since going to Yoga. I honestly don’t get much out of the strength or core workout portion of my yoga class, as it’s geared more for 60 year old women etc. I haven’t tried other types of Yoga like Hot Yoga, and my class doesn’t get into the crazy positions I’ve seen in pictures. Plus the sessions are only $3 per class, drop in whenever you want. I will usually try to get my workout done and then use the Yoga as my stretching and cool down.

**As I often say, “Yoga is bunk”. **

That might be true if you use yoga to “train” for another sport like triathlons.

Yoga done on its own for the sole and with the original intent of relaxation and movement as opposed to the Western mindset of aerobic fitness, is very beneficial.

Grab your girlfriend/wife and go to a Bikram yoga class. Go straight home for sexy time.

At this point you will stop asking such ridiculous questions and sign up for weekly Bikram sessions.

If your answer is yes, I honestly think you must be doing it wrong.

I used to go to yoga with my daughter just to ogle the girls. I’ve got to tell you. it was working for them, they looked great!

That might be true if you use yoga to “train” for another sport like triathlons.

Yoga done on its own for the sole and with the original intent of relaxation and movement as opposed to the Western mindset of aerobic fitness, is very beneficial.

Beneficial in what way - relaxation or aerobic fitness? I’m just struggling to see where there is athletic benefit here except for possibly on the flexibility / injury prevention side. Also, does yoga promote mobility or just flexibility? As another poster pointed out, wouldn’t it be a better use of time to work on specific physical therapy and mobility exercises?

That’s like asking if the rat race of life is good for your nervous system.

I’m just struggling to see where there is athletic benefit here except for possibly on the flexibility / injury prevention side.

I wouldn’t discount that benefit in a hurry. As someone who has just dodged, by millimetres, the bullet that would otherwise have been a stress fracture in the femoral neck, I would say injury prophylactics are no bad thing. Bad core stability and/or flexibility feed bad form, which increases the risk of injury.

out of curiosity, several years ago, i did yoga 5 or 6 days a week for about 5 months. it made me feel good but certainly had no performance effects and despite being the most flexible id ever been in my life, i got hurt.

I just saw BarryP’s thread so I figured I’d ask the contrary question. Has anyone done yoga and found that it just wasn’t worth the time, or saw no results (i.e. increased performance) whatsoever?

When I did yoga (and I REALLLY need to start up again) I wasn’t doing anything else so no clue on performance, but in the kind of yoga I did (Ashtanga) that would really be contrary to the point. While it is GREAT for the core and cardio (yeah, Ashtanga gets your HR up) and strength and flexibility, it is the focus on the breath (never the pose) and the “spiritual” side that drew people. I never got into the spiritual side but fanatics of Ashtanga aspire to practice with the guru (not sure who now as when I was practicing the current one had died), not to “better” a pose or move on to 2nd series, etc. I did it then to get some time to myself (youngest was 3 and is now 11) and gain balance, flexibility and power.

IMO, Hatha Yoga has helped me. I don’t like to stretch much so using Yoga once or twice a week** has enabled me to be alot more flexible. I can stay aero for longer periods of time, I’ve done 40km staying aero many times, since going to Yoga**. I honestly don’t get much out of the strength or core workout portion of my yoga class, as it’s geared more for 60 year old women etc. I haven’t tried other types of Yoga like Hot Yoga, and my class doesn’t get into the crazy positions I’ve seen in pictures. Plus the sessions are only $3 per class, drop in whenever you want. I will usually try to get my workout done and then use the Yoga as my stretching and cool down.

If you could not do a 40k staying in aero position for the entire time before starting yoga, then you probably just need a better bike fit. In other words, the problem was probably your bike fit, not your flexibility.