Do you wear your garmin all the time?

I recently upgraded to the 965, only because my trusty 920 of several years finally died, and a nice team discount helped too…

I’ve only ever used the very basic features of any garmin watch I’ve owned - tracking my swim/bike/run workouts. Nothing else.

Is there really much to be gained by wearing this thing all the time? Is the info gained really meaningful?

I wear mine all the time except for bed.

I definitely got into the sleep metrics and all of that, but wearing a watch to bed is too cumbersome. I ended up getting an Oura ring.
I’m obsessed with RHR…not sure why.

I wear mine 24/7 and do weirdly find the sleep tracking and constant heart rate data interesting

Within the last 2 weeks I had a really bad case of flu, on the Friday I could see my resting heart rate was up but at that point didn’t know why, by Saturday evening I was bed ridden until Wednesday morning. I found it useful to see if down under I was getting better by reviewing the sleep data but mostly the resting heart rate which started to come down on the Tuesday so I knew by the wednesday I would be better.

Annoyingly my watch doesn’t do the constant HRV data which apparently would have shown me a little earlier that something was up and maybe I could have done something to help prevent the symptoms. I did do a tempo 5km on the Saturday morning which I think made me a lot worse, If I’d had the HRV and rising resting heart rate data I wouldn’t have done that all and probably would have been better off

I wear mine all the time except for bed.

I definitely got into the sleep metrics and all of that, but wearing a watch to bed is too cumbersome. I ended up getting an Oura ring.
I’m obsessed with RHR…not sure why.

So other than bed, you wear both the Oura ring and garmin? Do you pay for a membership for the ring, or just use the few free features?

Thx, I’ll prob give it a try just to see.
Did you have to do any special setup on it? It didn’t seem to walk me through much when I first powered it up.
Was out running on Sunday, long run at a typical pace for me, and the garmin kept beeping telling me I was going too fast and wanted me to slow down by over a minute/km. Not sure how it determines this stuff?
Yes, I’m an old man (50) that doesn’t want to learn new watch technology lol

I wear mine all the time except for bed.

I definitely got into the sleep metrics and all of that, but wearing a watch to bed is too cumbersome. I ended up getting an Oura ring.
I’m obsessed with RHR…not sure why.

So other than bed, you wear both the Oura ring and garmin? Do you pay for a membership for the ring, or just use the few free features?

I do have both on during the day…and I do currently pay for Oura, but debating on continuing that…
I don’t mind the price, but I hate that you just can’t pay an annual…they ding you monthly for $5.99…

Is there really much to be gained by wearing this thing all the time? Is the info gained really meaningful?

I wear mine all the time, apart from showering, and that’s when its charging.

Epix Pro 47mm here (and 955 Solar before) - and didn’t take long for it to be forgotten i was wearing while sleeping - a fabric strap helps.

As to the metrics - I’m of the understanding, the sleep score, stress, RHR (while at rest and sleep) are directly involved in all the Training metrics - so not wearing it at night might produce differing results

no. only when working out. i have a few nice dive watches that i prefer to wear as a regular watch.

I do but not really sure why. I think I’ve gotten used to having a digital time on my wrist, might as well use a $500 one lol. The sleep metrics are okay but not perfect. I find the hr monitor to be conpletely off, especially since the last few updates so its worthless for wrist hr now.

I wear my 955 solar 24X7. I’ve been wearing a Garmin like that since I got my 935 back in 2017

I find the tracking data interesting.

I wear my Fenix all the time. I sleep with it on sometimes, but usually I find it annoying and take it off. I don’t really need it to tell me if I had a good sleep, it’s pretty obvious.

I do like the step counter - it’s more a reminder to get up and move on low step days (rather than a number I have to hit).

Only when I train. I don’t wear a watch otherwise. However, I did a 6 month stretch wearing 24/7 exploring sleep and rest metrics. All interesting but I don’t DO anything with them. They don’t affect change. Not that much is needed. And certainly didn’t warrant enough further study when wearing one bugs me.

Yes, but mostly because I forget to put it on for workouts otherwise.

I don’t really look at the daily tracking unless I’m waiting in line and need something to occupy my monkey brain, but having the long-term trends is occasionally interesting from an ‘ah yes, I really shouldn’t be trusted with a human body’ standpoint.

Only when training or racing.

Always wear it - I agree with others, data is interesting, that data does not affect change in my behaviour, I have a monkey brain, I should not have been entrusted with the care of a human body.

I’ve become interested in the heart rate, HRV, and sleep tracking data. I wear mine 24/7.

I’ve reduced my alcohol consumption and increased my sleep duration as a direct result of tracking.

The only thing I wonder about the constant HR monitoring is if in 5 years down the road, we find out the constant exposuer to the HR infrared light is not good for the skin and can cause long term damage.

I’ve reduced my alcohol consumption and increased my sleep duration as a direct result of tracking.

Fact. It’s glaring, the differences in quality sleep and definitely RHR if I’ve had a couple of drinks.

100% all the time except when it needs charging (every 3-5 days). I find the Body Battery, HRV, and Sleep Scores very interesting and accurate. As previously posters stated, it’s interesting and informative to see how lifestyle choices impact those metrics. Funny timing on this post is that my watch received an update yesterday and this morning I noticed it did not record those three metrics. I was bummed because Tuesday night/Wednesday morning is my catch-up sleep day (~10hrs) and I wanted to see how I scored. I did a power cycle and charge this morning and after my nap my body battery is reporting again. Hopefully just a one-time glitch.
***VivoActive 5

I have a monkey brain, I should not have been entrusted with the care of a human body.

quote of the day! LOL

I wear mine full time. Find the sleep data interesting but don’t really change anything based on it.

Only when running for data and swimming just to keep a log of total time for overall training load.

Not on the bike and never in normal use. Metal allergies is a real thing and prolonged contact to skin over years is an unnecessary addition to that risk.

Ie: everything from skin rashes that look like third degree burns up to skin cancer are on the table with a metal allergy. Not saying it’s all watch related at all, but the metals in our food, jewelry, surgeries, etc all add up over time.

I feel the same about plastics.