Do you use compression?

When do you wear it and does it actually work to make you feel better and more ready for the next hard day?

Curious to hear what people say.
I am afraid to try it for fear that I will like it. And then I will be one of those guys at the local 10k with compression socks on.

I only ever use compression socks and it is after a long run typically on the weekend. I feel that they do help though for recovery into the next days workouts (usually a long bike with some efforts and a brick run with tempo work). During a race I never really felt that they would be comfortable to wear.

Wear them post-ride only, on the way home from a race or for 8-10 hours after my hardest training days.

They might help a small amount, no downsides, so I wear them to promote recovery.


Wear them post-ride only, on the way home from a race or for 8-10 hours after my hardest training days.

They might help a small amount, no downsides, so I wear them to promote recovery.


I’ve heard from a friend that they may cause compartment syndrome but no clue if that’s true. Anyone know anything about that?

Yep I use it. I think it helps hold things in place. I am 6’8" 295lbs and like the support it provides on longer runs. Maybe it’s a placebo effect but I feel less sore after my longer runs when I wear it. I’ve done a couple of half marathons with it so it is a small sample size. Currently starting my training program for the Boise 70.3 (my first triathlon) and I will be wearing compression gear.
I’ve always thought that not everything works for everyone. So try it and if it helps great. If not you still have some more work out gear so you can get one more workout before you have to do laundry.

“If you can compress it, why wouldn’t you?”

Melanie Mcquaid

Wear them 3 different times:

I wear them post race usually on the drive home to get rid of that cant sit still soreness.

After hard training days, Ill wear them to bed at night and take them off when I wake up. I feel that it gets rid of that stiff soreness you sometimes wake up with after a heavy day.

I travel for business a lot so during heavy training weeks I will also wear them when I hop on a plane. Sitting still on a plan that long always makes your legs tired, this definitely helps.

Who knows, could be placebo but regardless, works for me!

Never attempted putting them on during a race. Wouldn’t want to swim with them and if I put on in transition it would double my transition time, those things are a pain to put on with size 13 feet

Wore mine (calf sleeves) under my weatsuit, along with arm warmers. Air temp in the upper 40’s on this particular morning of a race. Only reason I wore the calf sleeves was because of the temperature…arm warmers for your legs.

No. No interest. For recovery after particularly long rides or runs I get my legs up, preferably over the heart.

Thought about it. But I am too cheap to buy any decent stuff. And I don’t want to waste my money on the cheap stuff. Ultimately I don’t do enough that I can’t just take it easy after a workout and recover.

I wear compression socks after a long run/race, or a particularly hard run/race. Makes me feel like I recover faster, and they feel nice to wear with achy calves.

I also wear compression socks to bed the nights before marathons. Feels nice, makes me believe I’m more well rested.

I also have a pair of compression knickers that I sometimes run in, but really based on coverage, not compression. I wear them when it’s too cold for shorts, to warm for full tights. They just happen to be compression too. Not sure if they work, compression-wise but they don’t hurt.

I have 3 or 4 pairs of compression socks, a pair of knickers and a pair of shorts (which I’ve worn once when I stuffed them in my gym bag thinking they were other shorts). I like them all but I’ve never bought any, they’ve all been given to me through various sponsorships over the years.

Oh, and I wear the compression socks on long flights too.

In my opinion, they SEEM to work for all of what I mentioned above, and they certainly have not reduced my performance. Since I strongly believe that the “mental” factor is a HUGE aspect of success, maybe even if they trick you into think they are working, they are servicing a purpose. And if they ACTUALLY help recover, then that’s a bonus :slight_smile:

I do find the socks to be super comfortable. The knickers rub a bit in the nethers since they’re so damn tight.

I have the calf sleeves, socks, full pant, and long sleeve in my arsenal.

Sleeves or socks after races or long car trips.Full pants after long runs or rides and I’m lounging around the house.Long sleeve top after hard swim sessions or after evening weight room workouts.
I never wear them while I’m racing.

In terms of feeling ready for the next day, I feel a little fresher. I won’t lie, I’m sure the mental aspects make me feel better too.

Sweat Science has a nice collection of compression articles:

I wear compression socks after long runs and rides. I’ve never raced in them though

I use it (shorts and socks) occasionally but I have problems with my left shin which I “think” is tight muscles and wearing them (socks) for to long makes it hurt worse later. At least it seems. Way I look at it it keeps everything tight and my problem in my shin is from the muscles being tight gon the shin. The compression keeps it tight around the shin and presses the calf tightly. IDK but I do think it helps to recover after race and during race. The tighter compression shorts feel good inn long rides .

I waer tights or socks for recovery from big sessions and they do seem to help. I wore the tights for a marathon on a cold day and was amazed how they seemed to reduce sore legs after the race - I was walking around normally the next day, after other marathons I have hobbled up and down stairs for a few days. Perhaps they help reduce the vibration of the leg muscles in the race.

“If you can compress it, why wouldn’t you?”

Melanie Mcquaid

This is the first thing I thought of as well. Brilliant.

I ONLY wear them for flights longer than, say, 3 hrs. I wore them twice last year. Both were international flights. Otherwise, the rest of ya’ll can have 'em!

I do use some compression. I have:

  • sleeveless compression tees
  • calf guards
  • 3/4 length compression tights

I’ve used the compression tops since about 2007. I found some on sale and figured for the price I was willing to experiment. For my money, they work.
So I wear the compression tops on my long runs. I typically don’t use them for recovery.
I wear the calf guards while running, and use them for recovery too. Since I run in FiveFingers my calves take a pounding and they have a happier time in the calf guards.
The compression tights are winter run gear as they’re a thermal pair. They’re comfy, warm and drastically reduce the amount of upper leg fatigue. Also typically I don’t wear them for recovery.

If I could afford more/better compression gear I’d probably use a little more, but I don’t dress head to toe in it and don’t lie around the house in it after I work out.

Not all compression gear I’ve tried has been created equal though: I have some Skins compression gear (awesome), 2XU (awesome) and some Nike (decent). I love the Nike base layers, but their compression garments aren’t in the same league as Skins, IMO.