Do You Need a Bike to START an IM Race?

Western Mass 70.3 this weekend, but looks like I probably can’t race as the injuries as stacking up. I entered late so cannot get a refund / transfer / deferral, and I’ll be there anyway as driving and staying with a friend who is still racing.

I’d love to do the swim still, but wondering if I can I effectively register the day before and pick bib number / timing chip, if I don’t have a bike with me. Does anybody know? Would be annoying to have to take a bike I have no intent on actually riding

In years past I might have said probably not. But in recent years they have changed the process so that instead of getting a timing chip when you register/check in you don’t get it until you actually drop your bike off the day before. So I’m not sure if it would be possible anymore.

It depends on the race. When I did 70.3 Victoria a couple of weekends ago, we got my timing chip when we checked into the race.

What injury prevents you from biking but still able to swim? Planning to drag your kegs on the swim? Can probably rent a bike near by, reach out to local Facebook cycling groups

can you just borrow a bike to take with you to rack and not use?

As I’m not flying, or driving too far, it’s not an issue really to take one of my own bikes. Would just make it a lot easier if I could just finish the swim and then DNF without the fuss of having a bike with me.

I pulled out early in the bike due to a mechanical at an IM70.3 last year and was shouted at by an official for trying to remove my bike (and was showing my race numbers / they had called out the DNF etc) when people had not even started the swim yet. I get the logistical challenges it creates… but did they really expect me to sit around watching a race for 4 more hours instead of starting the long drive home.

Trying to avoid a situation like that.

Chattanooga 70.3 a couple weekends ago, the only way to get a timing chip, is to check-in your bike. You can email the race contact or direct message the director on their facebook page to ask.

If you have to check in a bike, you could always bring a bike you don’t plan on riding, then after your swim go get the bike and walk out of T1 like you’re about to ride it. Then just continue on to your car.

Depending on your injury you could even bike it out for a half km or so as to not draw suspicion, then circle back to your car.

Just don’t forget to drop off the timing chip.

One of the issues that hasn’t been raised is the work that goes on behind the scenes overnight to check/double check and validate that all the gear bags are present and in the right order. So not having bike bag and run bag is going to end up with 3 vollies spending 3 hours at midnight hunting for your bag in amongst all the other 2000. So if it is possible somehow, then make sure you put empty/bags with fake filler into the transition to save the transition crew a lot of hassle. Also note that of course if you do drop your swim bag off pre race, you’re going to be waiting a long time for that to be available…

If you have to check in a bike, you could always bring a bike you don’t plan on riding, then after your swim go get the bike and walk out of T1 like you’re about to ride it. Then just continue on to your car.

Depending on your injury you could even bike it out for a half km or so as to not draw suspicion, then circle back to your car.

Just don’t forget to drop off the timing chip.

That’s a clever idea!

Many years ago I had a buddy who was supposed to race Timberman with me. He ended up not training for it at all, but came to cheer me on. The day before I convinced him to pick up his packet and give the swim a go, despite zero training. We went to a store and bought some goggles. He swam in a pair of board shorts, exited the swim and told Dave Ragsdale “I forgot my bike.” Dave didn’t miss a beat and replied “It happens.”

It’s born of my favorite racing stories and the picture of my buddy leaning over the rail after coming out of the water is probably the best race photo I’ve ever seen. Biggest smile on his face ever.

Timing chip gets picked up as you drop off your bike, but honestly, I don’t think the people assigning chips really even look to see if you have a bike. You could just as easily say “oh, I missed this on my way in, racked my bike, and realized i needed a chip”. This way, no actual bike is needed. Also: I don’t see how they could say no to you asking for a chip without a bike. It’s up to you how you spend your race entry.

That’s not true with all of the Ironman races. Do you know for sure it will be true at this race this year?

You don’t need a timing chip. Just pickup packet then go get in swim line on race morning.

You can walk into transition without your bike. They just want to see your wristband at the entrance. Tell them you need to pick up your timing chip.

Then head for the exit and get your chip.

If that doesn’t work, on race morning you could also say you never got a timing chip and they’ll get you one. Same procedure as if you forgot it.

I’d love to do the swim still, but wondering if I can I effectively register the day before and pick bib number / timing chip, if I don’t have a bike with me. Does anybody know? Would be annoying to have to take a bike I have no intent on actually riding

I have done this exact thing and did not bring a bike with me.

Don’t bring your bike. Just pick up your timing chip and turn it in after coming into T1.

The volunteers might be told not to allow bikes out of Transition until a certain time…and then you’re stuck waiting - or making a volunteer’s job difficult. No winning in either scenario.

In 2021 I was racing Cozumel. My buddy and I were unpacking our bikes and he opened up his bike bag to find he had packed two front wheels. He did the swim and drank margaritas while the rest of the athletes gotten PRs on one of the fastest race days I have ever seen.

You’re not going to be the first, nor the last, athlete who knows going into the race that you’re just doing the swim or just the swim/bike. The people given out the timing chips don’t know if you actually checked a bike. Maybe ask the athlete services staff at registration if there’s anything you should do- the actual Ironman staff at the help table, not the volunteers elsewhere in registration.

A lot of good speculation and information in here, thanks all! Might be a moot point in the end as my hip issues may have got significantly better, so (at this point) I’m planning on at least starting the bike and hopefully run, and just enjoying the race rather than trying to be competitive.

For anybody finding this post and has the same question, this was the response I received this morning from the Western Mass official email support

Thank you for your email and for your patience. You do not have to rack your bike. However you will need to come to the solutions table located in the athlete check in area so that we can make note of your bib number. Also, you will need to go to bike check in to collect a timing chip. After you complete the swim, you will also need to find a staff member so that we can mark you that you will not be continuing the event and so that they can collect your timing chip.
Worth calling out that I don’t know if this is across all races or just this one. But might be helpful for anybody thinking about doing the same