Do you monitor your children’s porn intake? Do they monitor yours?

Mike Johnson Admits He and His Son Monitor Each Other’s Porn Intake in Resurfaced Video

I just saw this online.

Yes, I do monitor my 14yo’s online activities. I’m guessing his boy is a wee bit older. I hope to god and Mohammed that he doesn’t monitor mine.

Here’s another not-the-least-bit-surprising and yes also familiar ick nugget to toss on the pile:

Mike Johnson Admits He and His Son Monitor Each Other’s Porn Intake in Resurfaced Video

What do the psychology studies say about massive porn viewership in today’s easy to obtain atmosphere?

My wife and I are ‘accountability partners’ . Happy to report we’re failing miserably.

The new speaker is a real fucking dweeb .

For us normies, this is strikingly odd, even perverse, behavior. In the fundie world, it’s not odd at all. It might be a little weird that is it a father and son but not so odd as to raise an eyebrow. In that world, men hold men accountable to a standard of behavior. Not necessarily a bad thing.

I’m a bit conflicted as I believe consenting adults should be able to practice more or less whatever consensual sex acts they want with whoever - solo, coupled, group. You do you.

But as a former sex crimes detective, I also know the realities of porn, prostitution, etc etc frequently cross wayover the line of healthy fun and consent and deep into perversion, abuse, and criminality. Many, many of the men I arrested for child porn offenses started off looking at legal, normal porn and then went deep down the rabbit hole. I heard that quite often during interviews; they didn’t mean to do it, they just got sucked down the rabbit hole of compulsive porn consumption and needed more and more stimulation to reach the same orgasmic, masturbatory goal. I believed many of them - but for the temptation and the easy access, they never would have dived down the rabbit hole. But they did; and now they will spend years in prison. I had a bit of sympathy for these guys; not much, what they did was beyond reprehensible, but a little.

Many, though, were true and absolute pedophiles who found deep sexual attraction in it. No sympathy at all for this group. Except - some them loathed who they were and what they were sexually drawn towards. They couldn’t explain or fight the attraction. For them, it just was. It would be like asking a straight man to be gay or a gay man to be straight. It doesn’t work like that. So, I guess there actually was a modicum of sympathy for true pedophiles, at least the ones who loathed who they were.Can you imagine living with yourself when your fundamental, baseline sexual attraction was pedophilic? How awful would that be?

All this to say, I don’t think normal, well moderated (and curated) porn consumption is harmful and should be monitored by daddy or anyone else. Moderation in everything, even and especially porn.

No, and god I hope not.

For us normies, this is strikingly odd, even perverse, behavior. In the fundie world, it’s not odd at all. It might be a little weird that is it a father and son but not so odd as to raise an eyebrow. In that world, men hold men accountable to a standard of behavior. Not necessarily a bad thing.

I’m a bit conflicted as I believe consenting adults should be able to practice more or less whatever consensual sex acts they want with whoever - solo, coupled, group. You do you.

But as a former sex crimes detective, I also know the realities of porn, prostitution, etc etc frequently cross wayover the line of healthy fun and consent and deep into perversion, abuse, and criminality. Many, many of the men I arrested for child porn offenses started off looking at legal, normal porn and then went deep down the rabbit hole. I heard that quite often during interviews; they didn’t mean to do it, they just got sucked down the rabbit hole of compulsive porn consumption and needed more and more stimulation to reach the same orgasmic, masturbatory goal. I believed many of them - but for the temptation and the easy access, they never would have dived down the rabbit hole. But they did; and now they will spend years in prison. I had a bit of sympathy for these guys; not much, what they did was beyond reprehensible, but a little.

Many, though, were true and absolute pedophiles who found deep sexual attraction in it. No sympathy at all for this group. Except - some them loathed who they were and what they were sexually drawn towards. They couldn’t explain or fight the attraction. For them, it just was. It would be like asking a straight man to be gay or a gay man to be straight. It doesn’t work like that. So, I guess there actually was a modicum of sympathy for true pedophiles, at least the ones who loathed who they were.Can you imagine living with yourself when your fundamental, baseline sexual attraction was pedophilic? How awful would that be?

All this to say, I don’t think normal, well moderated (and curated) porn consumption is harmful and should be monitored by daddy or anyone else. Moderation in everything, even and especially porn.

I wish I could remember which podcast I heard it on. It was an interview with a psychologist about all the different forms of “pedophilia”. His basic argument was we’ve so stigmatized it that no one gets treated for it which leads to more actual molestation.

Mike Johnson Admits He and His Son Monitor Each Other’s Porn Intake in Resurfaced Video

Did you bury the lead, he was proud to report his 17yr old son has a clean slate… Notably missing was that he did.

But the article brings up some disturbing points… We have now Speaker with a 3rd party app on all his computers and phones, scanning everything that goes in and out, and sends it to some other place to store and review. Am I the only one who thinks there might be a problem here?

But as a former sex crimes detective, I also know the realities of porn, prostitution, etc etc frequently cross wayover the line of healthy fun and consent and deep into perversion, abuse, and criminality. Many, many of the men I arrested for child porn offenses started off looking at legal, normal porn and then went deep down the rabbit hole. I heard that quite often during interviews; they didn’t mean to do it, they just got sucked down the rabbit hole of compulsive porn consumption and needed more and more stimulation to reach the same orgasmic, masturbatory goal. I believed many of them - but for the temptation and the easy access, they never would have dived down the rabbit hole. But they did; and now they will spend years in prison. I had a bit of sympathy for these guys; not much, what they did was beyond reprehensible, but a little.

But if not porn, I wonder where else they would focused, and what evil that would have led them to? Drugs, Alcohol etc…

But as a former sex crimes detective, I also know the realities of porn, prostitution, etc etc frequently cross wayover the line of healthy fun and consent and deep into perversion, abuse, and criminality. Many, many of the men I arrested for child porn offenses started off looking at legal, normal porn and then went deep down the rabbit hole. I heard that quite often during interviews; they didn’t mean to do it, they just got sucked down the rabbit hole of compulsive porn consumption and needed more and more stimulation to reach the same orgasmic, masturbatory goal. I believed many of them - but for the temptation and the easy access, they never would have dived down the rabbit hole. But they did; and now they will spend years in prison. I had a bit of sympathy for these guys; not much, what they did was beyond reprehensible, but a little.

But if not porn, I wonder where else they would focused, and what evil that would have led them to? Drugs, Alcohol etc…

Or how many are getting their rocks off watching porn* and not going after some kid in real life?

*Still obviously bad if it’s actual kids in the porn, but that’s a harm that could maybe be solved by technology in the not too distant future.

My kids are grown, but when my son was, I think 13 or 14, we had a common computer and before incognito mode. I saw in the history he was looking at girls with the body paint over everything and no actual clothing. He was probably looking at more, but this is what I saw. Anyway, I told him, I understand the urge and know I won’t be able to stop him, my only demand is, he is very careful about the age of what he is viewing. I told him, this is a family computer, but if there are images of girls his age on our computer, it would be my responsibility and I could get in a lot of trouble. It was completely self-serving but if he wants to look at porn, the only way I was going to stop him, in our house anyway, would be to keep him off the computer completely and that isn’t realistic.

I think the best part of the discovery though was it opened up some dialog for us to have the necessary discussions regarding sex.

I just saw this online.

Yes, I do monitor my 14yo’s online activities. I’m guessing his boy is a wee bit older. I hope to god and Mohammed that he doesn’t monitor mine.

Here’s another not-the-least-bit-surprising and yes also familiar ick nugget to toss on the pile:

Learn something new everyday.

But the article brings up some disturbing points… We have now Speaker with a 3rd party app on all his computers and phones, scanning everything that goes in and out, and sends it to some other place to store and review. Am I the only one who thinks there might be a problem here?

That was my first thought when I heard it. This sort of app is always a security concern and making it very security is an incredible undertaking. But the developers of this app likely lack the resources to make it very secure at all. The people buying it don’t really focus on security, So it is probably even less secure than you think.

Months ago there was a report on judge mandating this software, or something very similar, be installed on a the computers and phones of a whole family. Some experts that casually looked at were like, “holy shirt bags, this is a security nightmare.”

But the article brings up some disturbing points… We have now Speaker with a 3rd party app on all his computers and phones, scanning everything that goes in and out, and sends it to some other place to store and review. Am I the only one who thinks there might be a problem here?

He’s only second in line to the Presidency and gets ex officio access to classified information. Oh wait, is that a problem?

But as a former sex crimes detective, I also know the realities of porn, prostitution, etc etc frequently cross wayover the line of healthy fun and consent and deep into perversion, abuse, and criminality. Many, many of the men I arrested for child porn offenses started off looking at legal, normal porn and then went deep down the rabbit hole. I heard that quite often during interviews; they didn’t mean to do it, they just got sucked down the rabbit hole of compulsive porn consumption and needed more and more stimulation to reach the same orgasmic, masturbatory goal. I believed many of them - but for the temptation and the easy access, they never would have dived down the rabbit hole. But they did; and now they will spend years in prison. I had a bit of sympathy for these guys; not much, what they did was beyond reprehensible, but a little.

But if not porn, I wonder where else they would focused, and what evil that would have led them to? Drugs, Alcohol etc…

Or how many are getting their rocks off watching porn* and not going after some kid in real life?

*Still obviously bad if it’s actual kids in the porn, but that’s a harm that could maybe be solved by technology in the not too distant future.

In theory, yes. In reality, it doesn’t seem to work this way. There hasn’t been much research into this but the little that has been done (out of Canada if I remember correctly) did not support the hypothesis that it would reduce victimization. Apparently once you get a taste you want the real thing.

Also, there’s lots of research that indicates a huge percentage of child porn users are also “hands on” offenders. We started doing tactical polygraphs on CP-only suspects and found many victims.

Several years ago there was a company that created child sex dolls with the notion that if a pedophile used a sex doll that resembled a child, it would curb their desire for actual children. It didn’t work out that way.

But as a former sex crimes detective, I also know the realities of porn, prostitution, etc etc frequently cross wayover the line of healthy fun and consent and deep into perversion, abuse, and criminality. Many, many of the men I arrested for child porn offenses started off looking at legal, normal porn and then went deep down the rabbit hole. I heard that quite often during interviews; they didn’t mean to do it, they just got sucked down the rabbit hole of compulsive porn consumption and needed more and more stimulation to reach the same orgasmic, masturbatory goal. I believed many of them - but for the temptation and the easy access, they never would have dived down the rabbit hole. But they did; and now they will spend years in prison. I had a bit of sympathy for these guys; not much, what they did was beyond reprehensible, but a little.

But if not porn, I wonder where else they would focused, and what evil that would have led them to? Drugs, Alcohol etc…

Or how many are getting their rocks off watching porn* and not going after some kid in real life?

*Still obviously bad if it’s actual kids in the porn, but that’s a harm that could maybe be solved by technology in the not too distant future.

In theory, yes. In reality, it doesn’t seem to work this way. There hasn’t been much research into this but the little that has been done (out of Canada if I remember correctly) did not support the hypothesis that it would reduce victimization. Apparently once you get a taste you want the real thing.

Also, there’s lots of research that indicates a huge percentage of child porn users are also “hands on” offenders. We started doing tactical polygraphs on CP-only suspects and found many victims.

Several years ago there was a company that created child sex dolls with the notion that if a pedophile used a sex doll that resembled a child, it would curb their desire for actual children. It didn’t work out that way.

That’s disappointing.

Several years ago there was a company that created child sex dolls with the notion that if a pedophile used a sex doll that resembled a child, it would curb their desire for actual children. It didn’t work out that way.

Too bad they can’t just jac…OK, I’ll see myself out.

We have now Speaker with a 3rd party app on all his computers and phones, scanning everything that goes in and out, and sends it to some other place to store and review. Am I the only one who thinks there might be a problem here?

Am I the only one who thinks Google and Amazon and Facebook and Twitter/X and all the other apps we have on our computers and phones probably already introduce just as much risk?

We have now Speaker with a 3rd party app on all his computers and phones, scanning everything that goes in and out, and sends it to some other place to store and review. Am I the only one who thinks there might be a problem here?

Am I the only one who thinks Google and Amazon and Facebook and Twitter/X and all the other apps we have on our computers and phones probably already introduce just as much risk?

If google / amazon / Twitter, were found to be going through your emails, and other apps, There would be a hailstorm of biblical proportions. … (ten, nine … just starting the countdown till someone posts links to articles that they already are)

Obviously google has access to your gmail data… But like at work we used outlook, it was on my phone, pretty sure no one else was reading those. But I am often wrong.

We have now Speaker with a 3rd party app on all his computers and phones, scanning everything that goes in and out, and sends it to some other place to store and review. Am I the only one who thinks there might be a problem here?

Am I the only one who thinks Google and Amazon and Facebook and Twitter/X and all the other apps we have on our computers and phones probably already introduce just as much risk?

If google / amazon / Twitter, were found to be going through your emails, and other apps, There would be a hailstorm of biblical proportions. … (ten, nine … just starting the countdown till someone posts links to articles that they already are)

Obviously google has access to your gmail data… But like at work we used outlook, it was on my phone, pretty sure no one else was reading those. But I am often wrong.

I am with slowguy here
I am pretty sure those apps have access to all kinds of information.

Personally I am not too concerned.
These companies are too greedy.
Their interest in me, as a unique individual, is minimal.
They gave up trying to understand me many years ago when they got “big.”
Now, they are just try to imposes their calculus of highest revenue bullsh#t upon me.
Their efforts are as transparent as Coca-Cola and anti-drug ads from the 1980s.

The real danger comes from less totalitarian companies and institutions. Companies which genuinely do maintain an interest in your preference…
Only to exploit you later on

Yes I am talking about you Spotify.
I am watching you .