Do you like being timed in the porta potty?

This is very weird, but in a kinda interesting way. I guess I see where the motivation is coming from, but, jesus, knowing that a clock is broadcasting my speed to the world? Not sure that I would like that.

How long have you been in there?! A popular tourist destination in China has installed toilet timers. Reactions are mixed…-intl-hnk/index.html

Those restrooms where the lights are on motion detectors to trigger on/off.

When they turn off while you’re still sitting there, then you’re taking too long.

“Shit or get off the pot”

I was a Union heavy construction carpenter foreman. There were two times that I laid people off for taking long, leisurely craps on company time. I told both people to take care of their shit on their own time, and the next time they went in for a long one, the next day in both cases, it was their last day. I gave then their check at the end of the day and they were both offended. I remember telling one of them ‘‘Go tell the Business Agent why you got laid off. Have him call me.’’ He never did.

Same for smokers. If they needed to go have a smoke while I was working, it was their last one.

“Shit or get off the pot”

This is literally exactly this.

I was a Union heavy construction carpenter foreman. There were two times that I laid people off for taking long, leisurely craps on company time. I told both people to take care of their shit on their own time, and the next time they went in for a long one, the next day in both cases, it was their last day. I gave then their check at the end of the day and they were both offended. I remember telling one of them ‘‘Go tell the Business Agent why you got laid off. Have him call me.’’ He never did.

Same for smokers. If they needed to go have a smoke while I was working, it was their last one.

I had the exact same issue with one employee. Would show up 5-10 min late, then go take a leisurely morning dump for 20 minutes. While everyone else was getting to work, he was essentially starting half an hour later.

I’m not the type to watch guys like hawks or time their breaks but other employees were getting pissed off about the behavior because it was happening every single day. I had spoken to him about it, how the team views it, how it’s unprofessional etc. to no avail.

Same as you, one day when he came out of the can I asked him if he was ready to start working now. He said an enthusiastic “yep!” and I said “Perfect! I’m sure you’ll have no trouble finding another job site to starting working on. Best of luck to you. Now get the hell out of here.”

He was incredulous. Some people just have no self awareness.

I was a Union heavy construction carpenter foreman. There were two times that I laid people off for taking long, leisurely craps on company time. I told both people to take care of their shit on their own time, and the next time they went in for a long one, the next day in both cases, it was their last day. I gave then their check at the end of the day and they were both offended. I remember telling one of them ‘‘Go tell the Business Agent why you got laid off. Have him call me.’’ He never did.

Although there’s the old adage - “Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime - so I shit on company time”

If you spend more than a minute in a porta potty you are one sick person. I avoid them as much as I absolutely can. If it takes more time to do my business than I can hold my breath I ain’t going in.

I was a Union heavy construction carpenter foreman. There were two times that I laid people off for taking long, leisurely craps on company time. I told both people to take care of their shit on their own time, and the next time they went in for a long one, the next day in both cases, it was their last day. I gave then their check at the end of the day and they were both offended. I remember telling one of them ‘‘Go tell the Business Agent why you got laid off. Have him call me.’’ He never did.

Although there’s the old adage - “Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime - so I shit on company time”

New meaning to “That guy does shitty work”.

If you spend more than a minute in a porta potty you are one sick person. I avoid them as much as I absolutely can. If it takes more time to do my business than I can hold my breath I ain’t going in.

I get it, for porta johns. However some decent rest rooms are almost spa like.

Just had this image of someone flying in as they can’t hold it anymore, and letting it rip.

One of the simple pleasures in life is being the very very first to use a porta john. Experienced this one race morning years ago. Once.

If you spend more than a minute in a porta potty you are one sick person. I avoid them as much as I absolutely can. If it takes more time to do my business than I can hold my breath I ain’t going in.

Oof, I was in an ultra cycling event (team style) where I had to stop and use a porta-potty, I wasn’t sick, but cycling for more than 24 hours can jack stuff up, so I was just kind of taking a while, trying as hard as I could. My team outside the door were just going apeshit. Banging on the door, giving me updates like YET ANOTHER TEAM JUST PASSED US MOTHERFUCKER. JUST PINCH IT OFF ASSHOLE.

But I took the time to do the job right. There is no victory more important than a properly and completely executed bowel movement.

I was a Union heavy construction carpenter foreman. There were two times that I laid people off for taking long, leisurely craps on company time. I told both people to take care of their shit on their own time, and the next time they went in for a long one, the next day in both cases, it was their last day. I gave then their check at the end of the day and they were both offended. I remember telling one of them ‘‘Go tell the Business Agent why you got laid off. Have him call me.’’ He never did.

Although there’s the old adage - “Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime - so I shit on company time”

New meaning to “That guy does shitty work”.

“I get paid shit at work, so I shit when I work”

Those restrooms where the lights are on motion detectors to trigger on/off.

When they turn off while you’re still sitting there, then you’re taking too long.

That’s why it’s better to bring a Kindle than a book; it lights up

There is a new house going up next to me on Long Island, man this thing is huge. Right now it’s being framed by an all Mexican or South American crew. It’s great to see them working; everyone show’s up on time, there’s no BS’ing, everyone does their work, and the foreman works as hard as everyone else. It’s my kind a crew.

A lot of people who know nothing about this work have an issue with these guys. I don’t at all, they are working hard and doing a very nice job. And they probably deserve to make more than they do.

It’s going to be a beautiful house. None of them will be able to afford it but maybe someday a few of them will have found to way to make the kind of money it takes to buy that house.