Do you know anyone who was murdered or murdered someone?

My reply to another thread made me think of this. There is so much killing in America these days that I wonder how many of us are immune to it.

When I was around 12 or 13 my friends older brother who was under 16 shot and killed another kid on purpose.

When I was about 16 or 17 a girl in our crowd was raped and murdered.

Also in high school, Marco G, all star running back on the football team with me. He dropped out in junior year and went to work for The Mob. He was eventually convicted of murder for killing the ironworkers business agent at his desk.

When I was about 20 a friend was thrown off of a roof.

In my 20’s another friend was killed in a drug deal gone wrong.

In Miami, I worked with a Union carpenter who had killed an ironworker with his hammer at work. He was waiting for his trial when we worked together. He was a nice guy and great to work with.

As an apprentice instructor for Newark Housing Authority, I had one apprentice who was in a half way house after being in prison for killing someone.

I have a pretty long list. With all the killing that goes on, I won’t be surprised if some of you have had similar histories of killing around you.

A classmate from jr hs was murdered a few years after hs, by a roommate, possibly a domestic. For a town of 50k with a reputation of little crime, let alone violent crime, it was a shock.

I only know of one. One of my wife’s friends was murdered by her husband. He is in prison.

Aside from that, more an acquaintance… son of a woman I know is accused of shooting at a gang rivals car. Killed two people. The mother of the accused refuses to believe that her son did it. Of course, he’s denying it. Found all this out from a family member of theirs who is a police officer. He says there is strong evidence that it was him and he’s going to be convicted.

My reply to another thread made me think of this. There is so much killing in America these days that I wonder how many of us are immune to it.

When I was around 12 or 13 my friends older brother who was under 16 shot and killed another kid on purpose.

When I was about 16 or 17 a girl in our crowd was raped and murdered.

When I was about 20 a friend was thrown off of a roof.

In my 20’s another friend was killed in a drug deal gone wrong.

In Miami, I worked with a Union carpenter who had killed an ironworker with his hammer at work. He was waiting for his trial when we worked together. He was a nice guy and great to work with.

As an apprentice instructor for Newark Housing Authority, I had one apprentice who was in a half way house after being in prison for killing someone.

I have a pretty long list. With all the killing that goes on, I won’t be surprised if some of you have had similar histories of killing around you.

That is a lot.
In middle school I had a class mate raped and murdered. It was devastating to the school.

When I was 11 a kid from my elementary school was molested and murdered, and his body was found in the woods near our school. He wasn’t a close friend, but we had many classes together so we were friendly.

A guy I grew up with went to jail for manslaughter a couple years after high school. I don’t know the specifics of the case but I think it was a fight where the guy he fought ended up dying from a head injury. Last I heard he was back in for a life sentence for killing someone else in a drug deal gone bad.

While I still lived at my parents home, one of the next-door neighbors, a total shitbag, ran over and killed a guy and then fled the scene. Turns out the guy he killed was a pimp trying to collect some money after the shitbag was refusing to pay the hooker the negotiated price for her services. Shitbag did some jailtime.

I’m sure there are more.

J Lennon Kills State Trooper

My great uncle. There is a lot more to the story than is reported in that article. The town deputy, who had not been through the academy yet, had setup a speed trap on Jack’s property. Jack went out and told him that he did not have permission and he needed to move. There was a heated exchange between Jack and the deputy, with Jack storming off. The deputy called for back up for a “violent person with a gun” and the state cop showed up. There was no gun present when the deputy called, according to Jack’s wife, but what exactly was said between them is unknown.

The state cop shows up and forces his way into the house, past his wife, and enters the back bedroom. Jack killed the officer with one shot from a Winchester model 94 chambered for 30-30 in the doorway. The officer died instantly. His partner put Jack face down on the floor handcuffed and Jack died from a heart attack.

This was in a town of about 500 people, so big news. Nothing came of it, other than 2 lives were lost. I don’t know what came of the deputy. The gun was destroyed.

Of note, Jack was a WW2 vet who had been assigned to the Indianapolis as a BT. He transferred off that ship a week before she sailed to deliver the atomic bomb. Although not a common diagnosis then, looking back it was obvious he suffered from PTSD and survivor guilt.

A guy I played football with in high school was shot and killed a few years later outside of a bar.

Another guy went to prison for murder, although he was just sitting in the car when his buddy went in to rob the arcade in town and got into a fight with the attendant killing him.

My wife’s first “boyfriend” in middle school, killed his tent mate on a camping trip a few years later. Just stabbed him to death in the middle of the night for no reason. Somewhat well known case because his father was a well known writer.

2 from my Boy Scout Troop killed people

Greg Esparza killed a convenience store clerk in a robbery - he has always said he didn’t pull the trigger but would never say who else was with him -

And another kid killed his mom and her friend with his dad’s (who was in the Ohio Highway Patrol) service revolver when he was 14. It was in fact a weird ass family and I am sure there was a lot going on there.

Everilde was a really friendly guy I worked with from Puerto Rico. He had a wife and a very young kid. Unfortunately he decided that working in drug wholesaling was a reasonable way to make money and was killed during a drug deal. It is almost too cliche. He really was a good guy, but maybe he was the wrong crowd.

A high school classmate was just found not guilty of reckless homicide for running over her husband in her truck. There was evidence of clothing pieces and hair underneath her truck. She actually did run him over and caused his death but the State prosecutors were ill-prepared for the trial and she hired an excellent defense attorney.

She got away with it.

When I was a little kid our next door neighbor was an older lady who played a big role in raising my brother and I. We were raised by a single mom who worked so we would go over to her house when we came home from school every day.

She was murdered one night. They never figured out who did it but the consensuses was her son hired a hit man so he could get access to his inheritance earlier.

I know several:

  1. Friend growing up was a school shooter at his liberal arts college in MA.

  2. A guy I knew ran several people down in a bar parking lot in OK.

  3. Friend hacked his wife to death after she cheated on him. I had to be a character witness in his court martial.

No one I know. I’m guessing that this thread will be dominated by people who grew up and live in the US.

I was at HS in a European country. Once a kid stabbed another in the ribs, but it was a minor injury. Presumably had it been in the States, he would have shot him with a gun…

My answer begins with a question only a lawyer could love - what kind of murder are we talking about? Premeditated, 1st degree? 2nd degree? Manslaughter?

I had a law school classmate who, in our second year, ingested a bunch of booze and midazolam on a random weekday evening, drove down the wrong way on an interstate ramp and killed two people in a head on collision. He said he doesn’t remember a thing after leaving the bar. He did something like 15 years in prison. I think he’s working as a roofer now.

A woman who lived down the street from an apartment I once had, killed her husband in a ‘slow burn’ kind of situation. The husband was a violent alcoholic and the woman took a lot of abuse over the years. He came home drunk one night and (according to her) he verbally threatened her but that time apparently didn’t actually put hands/belt/cigarettes on her. It wasn’t clear whether he was too drunk to do harm that night, or he tried but she took action before he could hurt her again, or she’d just had enough and decided it was time for him to go. In any event, she shot him. She was charged but the prosecutor eventually dropped the charges.

When I first met my now-wife, she occasionally worked with a police detective who had a reputation for having been ‘old school’ when he was a young patrolman. There were never any details, just muttered comments over beers about how the guy had been “too enthusiastic” back in the '80s. It was clear he’d put people in the hospital, but the implication was that he probably put a couple in the ground as well.

In high school a friend of mine killed his little brother, drowned him in the bath tub when he was watching him.

Back in the 60’s my grandfather’s brother was an infamous burglar, The Phantom of the Palouse. He ended up killing a man in 1964. I met him a few times in the late 70’s early 80’s after he got out of prison. Lived in a tiny little shack in Republic Washington. He, like my gradfather, was a WWII vet and deeply broken mentally.

A woman I knew lived in one of the SF high rise apartments buildings in Russian Hill and a guy somehow got in the secured front doors and ended up at her apartment and murdered her.

Sweeney, you need to hang with a different crowd!

My reply to another thread made me think of this. There is so much killing in America these days that I wonder how many of us are immune to it.

When I was around 12 or 13 my friends older brother who was under 16 shot and killed another kid on purpose.

When I was about 16 or 17 a girl in our crowd was raped and murdered.

When I was about 20 a friend was thrown off of a roof.

In my 20’s another friend was killed in a drug deal gone wrong.

In Miami, I worked with a Union carpenter who had killed an ironworker with his hammer at work. He was waiting for his trial when we worked together. He was a nice guy and great to work with.

As an apprentice instructor for Newark Housing Authority, I had one apprentice who was in a half way house after being in prison for killing someone.

I have a pretty long list. With all the killing that goes on, I won’t be surprised if some of you have had similar histories of killing around you.

That is a lot.
In middle school I had a class mate raped and murdered. It was devastating to the school.

Back to the OP, only two that I can think of.

A teacher in HS (who was also a lifelong friend of my mother’s) was killed by her husband in a murder-suicide, I was probably 12 or 13?

Also worked in the late 80s (I bartended, he was a bouncer at the same club) with a guy who was convicted with another guy of beating a rival drug dealer to death, dismembering and burying him. IIRC they actually buried him 2 or 3 times over an extended period of time - first in a shallow grave, then encased in cement, then they broke that open and burned the remains. The guy I knew died in prison from cancer.

I take care of someone who is in jail for murdering several family members. Superficial pleasantries, but every visit there is at least one odd comment. Once asked me what it felt like to “pull the plug on people”. Even though things rock stable, I won’t let clinic schedule with any of the NP’s.

When I was a little kid our next door neighbor was an older lady who played a big role in raising my brother and I. We were raised by a single mom who worked so we would go over to her house when we came home from school every day.

She was murdered one night. They never figured out who did it but the consensuses was her son hired a hit man so he could get access to his inheritance earlier.

Are you Mark Wahlberg?

I kid, in bad humor, as I’m sure that was devastating; so I apologize. But this does remind me of “Four Brothers.”

I don’t know any. But unbeknownst to her at the time my wife once went on a date with a guy who’d killed his best friend’s mum the week before in a life insurance plot.

That makes you world’s best rebound.