Do you drink red bull during a HIM or IM? At what point

of the race did you find it to be most effective? At the start of the run? I’ve never tried it but have read about many people using this or a coke during a IM.

70.3 - 5 hour energy. before the bike.

I get on The Bull in my special needs bag on the run at Ironman. I haven’t used it at a 70.3, but wouldn’t hesitate to at the half way point of the run.

Word of warning: If you haven’t tried it in training and don’t drink Red Bull occaisionally to gauge your reaction, never try anything new like this on race day.

I know Red Bull isn’t entirely… healthy. The taurine in it does seem to have an effect on my alertness though, and it makes me feel better during a race- even if it a placebo of something small to look forward to at the special needs bag pick up area.

If that isn’t reason enough, there is always this:

At the same point that I start drinking vodka…

I tried it only once so far. In my first HIM after the halfway point of the run. I never tried it before during a run, and I knew that it might screw up.
But back then I was so beaten up, that I just couldn’t resist the sweet taste of a red bull :slight_smile: I just wanted to be finished and this red bull at least got me some mental motivation.
Even though as expected, my stomach rebelled. And I even had problems after the run. Would I have done better or worse with out it, I’m not sure. Back then in the race it felt right.

I am debating if I should try flat coke in training, but red bull won’t happen anymore. For me the danger of an upset stomach is just to big.
But as another post suggested, try it on one of your tempo runs and you’ll find out if it is for you…

I found this interesting. Crowie spoke at last years Buffalo Springs 70.3 and said Red Bull is what he carries in his Fuel Belt.

At last years tough man half it was sponsored by red bull.
So after the bike they handed it out and I definitely needed it.
Never used it in training before but drink it on occassion.

Maybe ill add it to my special needs too

I use it all the time in training and racing. Special needs in IM and before the run in 1/2’s. Not for everyone but I look forward to it. Also have one before the race. Tom, curious why you think your alertness is due to the Taurine when that drink is loaded with caffeine?

I like flat coke better, i have a very sensitive digestive system and red bull is a gamble at times. Flat coke is always a good option about 60% or so through the run.

Ironman: in the morning before the swim & bike special needs & T2 & Run special needs.

70.3: in the morning before the swim and T2

I like flat coke better, i have a very sensitive digestive system and red bull is a gamble at times. Flat coke is always a good option about 60% or so through the run.

Agreed. I can’t stand the carbonation. Do they have a flat Red Bull option, Flat Bull?

70.3. I have about a can and a hal during the 2nd half of the bike, and have a bottle of it in my fuelbelt for the 2nd half of the run

So in exchange for taking my money and not giving me the opportunity to buy a Kona spot (aka Kona Lottery) WTC sent me the Kona 2010 dvd yesterday. Watched it (had already seen it on youtube, but the Ford commercials come out so much better in full dvd resolution), and noticed that 80-year old Lew Hollander in his interview claims he never eats anything he can’t identify the ingredients of. Then later he’s showing off the contents of his special needs bag: a potato (maybe more), and a can of Red Bull. So I guess you’re good.

70.3 - 5 hour energy. before the bike.

X 2 IM in swim/bike bag and bike/run. 5 hour was great, no reaction what so ever. Had redbull at turn and threw the bottle. Just wasn’t what I wanted…


I have used it but find carrying Vivarin is simpler more convenient means of getting caffeine when I need it during a race. Carrying a water bottle full of Red Bull on the bike is quite good assuming you carry 2 bottles so you always have sports drink or water in the other… I’m not afraid to use a good bit of caffeine racing. Whenever you need a kick in the ass it’ll help a little. More on the bike than the run though. Eventually fatigue seems to win out then it’s all about hardening up.

70.3 - 5 hour energy. before the bike.

X 2 IM in swim/bike bag and bike/run. 5 hour was great, no reaction what so ever. Had redbull at turn and threw the bottle. Just wasn’t what I wanted…


For my first IM there will be at least 5 on hand. Ive previously always done them on the bike, but maybe before the swim for a swim that long. Need to train that way at the pool and in OW races prior to test it out. I can say every time Ive ever taken it ive never had a bad reaction.

you know there is a 17 hour limit in IM’s right? At least five gets you right through to the next day :slight_smile:

you know there is a 17 hour limit in IM’s right? At least five gets you right through to the next day :slight_smile:

I figure i’ll want to tell the stories of my epic adventure for a few hours after the race;) So should I measure out half of the 4th one to be sure Ive got 17 hours worth in stock?

(I just figured 5 was a good safe number from a backup standpoint)

I don’t notice weird feelings that other drinks give me, just more alert. I probably will have a third in special needs at the turn, but that would be it I think. Might have one at the bike/run for my halfs this year, with one before the race perhaps? We’ll see…


I used 5 in both of my last IMs. Granted during the race about 1/2 of each can was splattered all over me or anyone near me.