Do you agree with this "mission statement"?

The statement:

  • “God intended America to be a new promised land where European Christians could create a society that could be an example to the rest of the world.”*

Agree, or disagree?

Apparently, 52% of today’s republicans agree.

I could be wrong but isn’t it about the exact opposite?

I wonder what native Americans think about that.

“If you wanna make an omelette you gotta break a few eggs. And by eggs I mean Native American people, families, societies, culture, heritage, and birthright.”

  • Also God

“If you wanna make an omelette you gotta break a few eggs. And by eggs I mean Native American people, families, societies, culture, heritage, and birthright.”

  • Also God

Well, that’s what they deserve for being godless heathens. Unlike the wonderful, kind, moral, charitable, soft-spoken christian Donald Trump, who god apparently ordained.

I wonder what native Americans think about that.

Yeah, me too.

I think the statement in the survey is kind of a 1950s fairy tale, privileged simpleton’s version of america.

“Empire of the Summer Moon” was a very interesting read.

At times, the author empathized with the natives in their brutal response to the European settlers (invaders?). And at times, he seemed to question their behavior.

Before Jack White made it a lyric, I was having a discussion with my racist FIL during a Thanksgiving dinner.
My FIL said immigrants should make boats and return to where they came from. I responded,“could you imagine how empty the country would be? The native Amiericans sure would be happy.” He grinned, obviously missing my point.

The statement:

  • “God intended America to be a new promised land where European Christians could create a society that could be an example to the rest of the world.”*

Agree, or disagree?

Apparently, 52% of today’s republicans agree.

There’s no God so…

The statement:

  • “God intended America to be a new promised land where European Christians could create a society that could be an example to the rest of the world.”*

Agree, or disagree?

Apparently, 52% of today’s republicans agree.

As: a) a person who very much believes in God and His providence, and b) a diligent student of God’s Word, I have no way of knowing whether that statement is true or not true. How would I go about testing such a statement? By looking at God’s blessings? Sure. I think one could argue that God has blessed America. One could argue that God has judged America. That’s true for all of us. Often, God has blessed His People, despite their rebellion (Ez. 36).

I think I can confidently agree with parts of that statement, such as it’s God will for America to be an example to the rest of the world, in the same way that it’s God will for Zimbabwe to be a Godly example to the rest of the world. (Mt. 5:14-16). But, for America to be “a new promised land where European Christians could create a society”… ???

I wonder what native Americans think about that.

Being a colonizer and colonizing new lands used to be a cool thing. Now its thought of as very old fashioned. If the Europeans came to the new world in 2023, the Native Americans may have had a fighting chance as the UN and public support would have been on their side.

I wonder what native Americans think about that.

Yeah, me too.

I think the statement in the survey is kind of a 1950s fairy tale, privileged simpleton’s version of america.

What people like to do is come up with explanations after the fact, and then delude themselves that they explain the fact. If it were the Aztecs and Inca that had developed transatlantic sea travel and Europeans who had been devastated by diseases from the Americas. The story would be the same just reversed. It would be the Gods of the Aztecs/Incas that intended Europe to be the promised land for American immigrants.

The statement:

  • “God intended America to be a new promised land where European Christians could create a society that could be an example to the rest of the world.”*

Agree, or disagree?

Apparently, 52% of today’s republicans agree. As: a) a person who very much believes in God and His providence, and b) a diligent student of God’s Word, I have no way of knowing whether that statement is true or not true. How would I go about testing such a statement?

I appreciate your perspective.

However, as a believer, you seem very unusual. Most christians that I have spoken with I.R.L., say that their feelings about and understanding of god does not involve ‘testing of statements’ or of evidence, but it is all about ‘belief’ and ‘faith’. And belief and faith seem impervious to evidence found in the real world. But it sounds like you are very different from this. Can you elaborate a bit?

“Empire of the Summer Moon” was a very interesting read.

At times, the author empathized with the natives in their brutal response to the European settlers (invaders?). And at times, he seemed to question their behavior.

Before Jack White made it a lyric, I was having a discussion with my racist FIL during a Thanksgiving dinner.
My FIL said immigrants should make boats and return to where they came from. I responded,“could you imagine how empty the country would be? The native Amiericans sure would be happy.” He grinned, obviously missing my point.

Great book.

“Empire of the Summer Moon” was a very interesting read.

At times, the author empathized with the natives in their brutal response to the European settlers (invaders?). And at times, he seemed to question their behavior.

Before Jack White made it a lyric, I was having a discussion with my racist FIL during a Thanksgiving dinner.
My FIL said immigrants should make boats and return to where they came from. I responded,“could you imagine how empty the country would be? The native Amiericans sure would be happy.” He grinned, obviously missing my point.

Great book.

I liked it too. IIRC, Rogan interviewed the author.

The statement:

  • “God intended America to be a new promised land where European Christians could create a society that could be an example to the rest of the world.”*

Agree, or disagree?

Apparently, 52% of today’s republicans agree.

Of course, and he put the indigenous people there to test, how Christian these settlers would be to a foreign country. Unfortunately instead of showing compassion and love, they destroyed them, FAILED the first test and God walked away. He thought about doing the turning everyone to stone but he had done that and really doesn’t like to repeat events. So instead he let us just devolve into what we are today.

The statement:

  • “God intended America to be a new promised land where European Christians could create a society that could be an example to the rest of the world.”*

Agree, or disagree?

Apparently, 52% of today’s republicans agree.

Of course, and he put the indigenous people there to test, how Christian these settlers would be to a foreign country. Unfortunately instead of showing compassion and love, they destroyed them, FAILED the first test and God walked away.

Then he came back and inspired the one true Christian faith, Mormonism.

I appreciate your perspective.

However, as a believer, you seem very unusual. Most christians that I have spoken with I.R.L., say that their feelings about and understanding of god does not involve ‘testing of statements’ or of evidence, but it is all about ‘belief’ and ‘faith’. And belief and faith seem impervious to evidence found in the real world. But it sounds like you are very different from this. Can you elaborate a bit?

DSW: We live* in the same community. Come over to my church and see for yourself.

*… Or “used to live”, when we met in-person at a local micro-brewery. Upon request, you sent me a DSW T-shirt that I regularly wear and a DSW sticker that I put on my disc wheel. Represent!

I would love to elaborate (below) … it’s my favorite topic. But, if my guess at your “elaborate” request is mis-applied, pls be more specific on what aspect you wish me to elaborate.

Lots of Bible instruction on testing against God’s word (see 2 examples below). But, the Bible is silent on: a) my career choice; b) who I’m supposed to marry, or c) whether to colonize another country (one way or the other). Sure, as to (c), we are to bring God’s word to the furthest reaches of the world (Great Commission), but that’s a big distinction. Read the famous chapter of the Bible on “faith” (Heb. 11). All these saints’ faith were bathed in evidence. That’s the point of Heb. 11.

The sentiment that “faith” is in any way dis-connected to “evidence” is anti-Biblical. The Apostle Paul talks a lot about faith, but could anyone really argue that Paul lacked evidence in his confidence (i.e., faith) that God would intercede on his behalf before God’s judgment throne? That’s silly.

1 Thess 5: 21-22: “… test everything; hold fast to what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.”
Rom. 12: 2: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Rom. 12 speaks directly to my point about how would I “test” for the poll question on God’s will. ???

The statement:
“God intended America to be a new promised land where European Christians could create a society that could be an example to the rest of the world.”

Well, it’s not much of a mission statement. No indication of who the organization is (is this America’s mission statement or God’s?), no clear indication of the mission (is ‘be an example’ the mission?), very little statement of purpose, vision, or values, and no hint of how the organization plans to achieve their mission.

So, overall, I’d give it an F.

The statement:

  • “God intended America to be a new promised land where European Christians could create a society that could be an example to the rest of the world.”*

Agree, or disagree?

Apparently, 52% of today’s republicans agree.

To be fair it does not say “good example”.

To be fair, “mission statement” was DSW’s editorializing, that term was not used in the actual questionnaire.

Though the concerning bit on that section was the correlation between people who agreed with the statement, and the people who feel “true American patriots may have to resort to violence” in order to save the country."

Overall the “God wants white nationalism (not a) mission statement” was less concerning to me than the support for authoritarianism and political violence. Which were, thankfully, significantly less than 50%, but still disturbingling high.