DL Aero Bars

I did a little survey in Edmonton at the ITU World Final: Areo Bars Vs. No Aero Bars In DL racing

Elite women 31 of 65
Elite men 18 of 71
U23 women 11 of 31
U23 Men (slept in)

I think the trend is away from DL aero bars, but with no data it is hard to tell…with the advent of draft legal racing for age group athletes, I think we will see LOTS of DL aero bars, so I’m buying stock .

with the advent of AGDL, I’m stocking up on helmets, handlebars and tubular mesh bandages.

The recurring theme when DL racing for age groupers is discussed is more accidents…I spoke to two Mexicans (in Mexico, they have been racing age group DL race for 8-9 years) and they say this is not the case. If we had DL races, I think we’d see lots of smaller packs like those that exist in races today. This was the case at ITU Worlds where 36 drafting penalties were given in the standard event. I’m sure more could have been issued…if the event WAS DL there would be happier officials and athletes. I’d be excited to DL races come to age groups standard events.

oh I think DL is quite exciting, but I am also hoping that the urge to add this new style of racing doesn’t exceed the grasp of the ridership to ride elbow to elbow. In my observation the level of crashes in USA Cycling Cat 4/5 Men events is more than it used to be, but then again there are just more entry-level men (of all ages) rubbing together at these draft legal mass start events.

there is a longterm cultural bias within triathlon/roadie world that the two tribes not intermingle; consequently the level of peloton nous of the typical American AG-er is less than that of those with more pack riding experience. Go do a ‘century’ ride to imagine what it would be like to toss a salad of mixed-ability riders in pacelines and imagine the possibilities. Not one person in there will ever admit they don’t know how to ride in a paceline or in a pack, but by god it’s exactly the reason I avoid those events.

Now, if DL was more team centered…then the strategies are way different, and rather than every rider against the other, there is a greater good to sitting in, blocking, or bridging to the group ahead. Believe it or not, road racing works because the group is under control, by a dominant team or by exigencies of the race situation (breakaway, etc). Yes, the is still that ‘moment of inattention a touch of wheels’, but shit happens when all the riders have the bit in and someone gets flicked or put in the gutter. How awesome would a DL Tri be if it were a team TT in which you’d only have to finish three out of five starters?

My question to the few that I have worked with for DL events is “are you comfortable in the drops for extended time periods”. That is to say that the sensible part of me doesn’t see the de facto need for an armrest. What is the purpose of a ‘clip on aero bar’? It’s not necessarily more aero, if the fit is ok. On more than one occasion I’ve talked folks out of putting on an “aero bar” on a road bike - if they can’t interface with the drops properly they need a proper fit first.

Joking aside, I would agree that DL does not mean more crashes; but I also think it doesn’t mean an increase in sales of more tchotckes to attach to a bike.