Discomfort in the saddle

I am incredibly uncomfortable riding (currently on the trainer, but it has been a long time since my bike has seen the outdoors) as I try to get back to regular training. After about 15-20 minutes, it is uncomfortable and feels like I am sitting heavy. When I try to change position or stand up, it is really painful for those few seconds that I change position. Anyone else experience this or something like it? Any suggestions? Thank you!

Where’s the pain when you’re standing? In your legs? Or in your soft tissue/undercarriage?

Do you have a chamois cream? That is a small thing that makes a big difference.
You probably do but this is something no one mentioned to me when I started riding and the lack of it caused some uncomfortable skin issues!

Soft tissue/undercarriage. Like the pressure point on the sit bone. And it is equally uncomfortable/painful on both sides.

I will get some today for tomorrow’s workout!

Hmmm, time to try out some new saddles?

I will get some today for tomorrow’s workout!

I like the stuff that comes in the purple tube. If someone else doesn’t remember the name for me, I’ll look when I get home.

The thing I use if it’s humid is a powder called Zeabsorb. That is kind of like baby powder and prevents pimples in undesirable locations.

I got the Chamois Butt’r in the purple tube (yellow cap). It made a big difference. Feel like a little bit of an idiot for not considering trying something in the first place. :slight_smile: Thanks for the tips!

yup that’s the stuff!
No need to feel like an idiot, I didn’t think of it either…