Disc vs. deep section rear wheel?

In the same vein as my recent post regarding aero advantages of different helmets, what is the consensus on rear wheels? How marginal are the gains from using a disc wheel over something like, say, an 808? Obviously, bike, fit, and kit are important. After those, are there more cost effective areas to address than upgrading to a disc wheel?

Its all marginal gains and dependant on how important minutes/seconds are to you. if you were wanting a disc I’d bet very good money there is 2/5ths eff all difference between a mega dollar Zipp/Princetons works disc for example compared to a ‘cheap’ discs now available…

Over the course of an IM though you are only talking a very small amount of time over normal rims. I always rant about this but even a road bike over a TT bike is only about 17 minutes at 200 watts.


Looking at the 84mm Vanquish vs. the disc (same brand, so a good apples-to-apples comparison), you would save 15-20sec. per 40k with the disc…so 40sec. range in a HIM and close to 1.5min in an IM (the lower the speed the greater the absolute time savings for a given distance). For a competitive AGer that’s not trivial. There are upgrades with better bang for the buck (aero trisuits, helmets, bottle placement, etc.) but it’s not an either-or for most racers at the pointy end.