Different strokes for different folks: June swim thread

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June 1- 2000 yd swim, 2.8 mi walk

20 x 100 on 1:50

I think everything felt ok. Have been babying a little sore spot in my lat this week and took yesterday off to try to get it to go away. I had some … sensation? today but not pain. I hope it doesn’t get sore later. I’m trying so hard to be careful here. I stuck w my plan for 2000 and didn’t let myself add to it.

Kicking off June in the lower pool once again and morning swim. Little sore from past days of just going faster, but loosened up and still crushing my kick and just swimming faster from fitness:

15x50as 5buoy@;50(42 to 40’s)5frog@1;00(54 to 51’s)5p@;45(37’s)50 kick
3600SCY in 61 minutes

Tuesday was 4000 meters short course in 1:25. I think 250 meters of it kicking.

Thursday was 600 meters warm up. Then 500 meters, 600 meters half pull half swim, 800 meters swim, then 3 times 200 pull followed by 3 times 200 swim.

100 meters kick then 100 meters in 1:35. I think that was 3900 in 1:25. I actually didn’t get lapped in this session by the 30 year old guy but I think he was worn out from all his ironman prep for IMLP.

Our coach says next week are starting tapering. LOL it probably just means shorter intervals but faster times albeit with more rest between repeats.

Mad thread title , love it.

Just been doing lots of steady recently and spice it with some 25-35m sprints. My fly and breast are starting to feel fast again. With fly I am trying to think keep head and face as close to water surface. Reckon some of the photos of phelps his chin is still in the water.

My training buddy wants to do a Lcm 1k tt each month now and I’m not that keen for the pain. On a good day I’ll feel fine but on a bad day I’ll feel terrible from like lap 3 onwards. Will talk him into a broken 1k on a short rest interval and add up your times or is that even worse 🤣

Mad thread title , love it.

I take my job here pretty seriously!

June 2- 2800 yds free, 100 kick, 3.9 mi walk

14 x 200 on 3:30, first was 3:11, the next four in the 3:04-3:07 range I think, then I stopped keeping track as my brain is out of the habit of watching splits (but my goodness did it feel good to do it a little today)

Shoulder started to feel a little weak after 2000 but it was just that, weakness, and while I don’t like it, weakness isn’t pain. It is muscles working, from strength yesterday and “fast” swimming today and going a little longer today. I do hope it doesn’t result in super achiness later today - I will try to ward that off w ice.

Very glad you are working your way back into the swim of things Allison, just stay focused on the end goal…

Rare Sunday morning swim for me, but last day at the lower pool and it was only 82.5 degrees!! So opted for a short rest distance day, and thought if things felt good, would go for that 1k time trial I have been thinking about for weeks now…And as it happened, all felt great, warm up 1k under 14 minutes, and my kicking is at a level it hasn’t been in a decade. Sure hope it translates to my 200 breast and 400IM, time will tell I suppose:

1000pull for time@13;30(12;28–6;19/6;09)500frog@9;30(9;03)
10x50as 4buoy@;50/50/50/1;00/fly@1;00)buoys(41/40’s)fly(35+/36)
10x50as 4frog@1;00/back@1;00)frogs(54/53’s)backs(42/40) 100p SD(1;22)
4100SCY in 69 minutes

Must have been same thing thinking cause we did a 1k tt today lcm. Managed a 1226. When did the pain hit for you? By around 700 I was ready for it to be done…

Yours was a beaut, nice neg split. I think I was close to an even split or 1-2 seconds faster back half.

Then just lots of recovery until felt good again then got out

Ooops - new thread! 😂

(But isn’t freestyle the only stroke?)

I’m happy to report 5 short sessions over this last week. I’m bouncing back into form surprisingly quickly. Flipturns feel good.

Sexiest bits:

-a 17.0sec 25m.
-a 37.0 50m.
-a 1:23.0 100m.

Very glad you are working your way back into the swim of things Allison, just stay focused on the end goal…

Thanks, Mark. I’m trying to focus on that end goal (which is pain free swimming). I looked at the clock again today and the pace difference is interesting as soon as that muscle weakness sets in - it would not have been a bad idea for me to stop at 2000 or 2200 but my head was set on 2400. Still working on that.

2400 yds and 3.2 mi walk
12 x 200 on 330, splits I recall were 3:11, 09, 09, 07, 08, five more in that range, last two 3:13, 3:16. I think the “shoulder feels weak” started on the 9th one but the splits didn’t go up until the last two.

(But isn’t freestyle the only stroke?)

Look, doggie paddle is a stroke. I take pride in racing dogs.

Back at my normal pool and the water temps are coming down as the air goes up towards the 100’s. They like to keep it fresh in the summer, thank goodness for that, so now only about 83…Got in late so only had 53 minutes:

2x(3x100buoy@1;40/100back@1;40/100frog@2;00)buoys(1;24 to 1;19’s)frog(1;48/46)backs(1;28/26)
3x(100frog@2;10/3x50buoy@;50/1;00/1;10/50stroke@1;00)frogs(1;47/46/43)buoys(40 to 36’s)fly(34)back(38)brst(40)
100p SD(1;16)
3000SCY in 53 minutes

I didn’t have a good swim this AM. Lat spot was a little sore the whole time, couldn’t keep my hips up and head down. I think starting w a long warmup instead of 100s/200s didn’t help. I was hoping to get back to be able to doing longer repeats but I guess I need to build that up not jump into it. I kick a lot more on shorter stuff and that I think is helping shoulder. Lat sore spot may be related to doing strength yesterday (strength is very other day). Trying to remind myself that this was an off and on thing last week. As soon as something feels abnormal I freak out that I will not be able to swim at all again.

Positives today: the 1:45 interval felt stupid easy and the lat spot is not as sore as it was last week.

2400 yds and 2.8 mi walk

1000 easy 16:28
14 x 100 as two on 1:50 and the rest on 1:45

Thanks to everyone for putting up w my long winded little freak outs :slight_smile:

I didn’t have a good swim this AM. Lat spot was a little sore the whole time, couldn’t keep my hips up and head down. I think starting w a long warmup instead of 100s/200s didn’t help. I was hoping to get back to be able to doing longer repeats but I guess I need to build that up not jump into it. I kick a lot more on shorter stuff and that I think is helping shoulder. Lat sore spot may be related to doing strength yesterday (strength is very other day). Trying to remind myself that this was an off and on thing last week. As soon as something feels abnormal I freak out that I will not be able to swim at all again.

Positives today: the 1:45 interval felt stupid easy and the lat spot is not as sore as it was last week.

2400 yds and 2.8 mi walk

1000 easy 16:28
14 x 100 as two on 1:50 and the rest on 1:45

Thanks to everyone for putting up w my long winded little freak outs :slight_smile:

Nah - post it!!

Let’s compare:

I think there is a law in my swimming: Whenever I Am Beginning To Achieve Good Swimming Form, Thou Shalt Fuck It Up Somehow.

With my swimbag slung across my shoulder, I bent down, in an awkward position, to pat the dog. My lower back seized. I know what happens now: It will gradually get worse. 2-3 days from now will be the trough. If I’m lucky I might swim, gimpilly, by the end of the week.

Thanks for reading. Carry on then.

With my swimbag slung across my shoulder, I bent down, in an awkward position, to pat the dog. My lower back seized. I know what happens now: It will gradually get worse. 2-3 days from now will be the trough. If I’m lucky I might swim, gimpilly, by the end of the week.

Thanks for reading. Carry on then.

dog petting spiking your back pain NOOOOOOOOOO!!! I’m sooooo sorry :frowning:

my nearest outdoor pool has a single (one, 1) swim lane, rest of the pool is frolicking kids… so it’s always a gamble at this pool, usually have to go swim in the indoor pool. Today actually got the lane !
The other downside of the outdoor pool is it’s some weird distance, can’t find an official length but I’m about 15% slower there than in a 25yd pool. A 25m pool should be about 10% slower, no idea what this one is. Never mind, just do the laps :wink:

4x400IM averaging 9min good enough for today.

has anyone seen the movie Young Woman and the Sea ? biopic about Gertrude Eberly, first woman to swim the English channel… Daisy Ridley stars, apparently she took swim lessons from Olympic 10k medalist Siobhan-Marie O’Connor. The trailer didn’t give a good look but her technique looked fine… very annoying, I need to see lots of underwater footage. ha.

continuing with swim focus, and finally after so many good feeling days, had a real shitter today. Just felt off, think my pacemaker was going on and staying on at the higher rates, which really screws with me. Like swimming at 10k altitude…So just went through the motions, did 45x50 of various stuff on the minute’s and a couple pull things.

40x50@1;00as 25 swim or buoy(42 to 36’s)frogs(54/52’s) dolphin/frog, flutter/frogs(52 to 60)
3050SCY in 57 minutes

Got my big OW pier swim race this Saturday, so will take it easy and try and get that early week feeling back again…

now we know why you been stringing a good few weeks together. Hoping its a great day for the pier swim. enjoy

Wed. June 5 - 2400 yds , 4 mi walk

24 x 100 on 1:45

Pleased to have been able to drop my intervals and still feel like it is easy. Shoulder was super achy last night, laid on an ice pack for a bit. Felt fine in the water today, though I had another “hips feel too low” day.

For my hips I only do a 2 beat kick but when I am feeling good I can feel both my heels just break the surface, don’t think of my hips just my heels

Two lcm main sets today over 2 hours. 400im training

first main set 2x150 fly back br 4x100 free 6x50 (235, 125, 40 cycle)

second long aerobic sequence 4x50 stroke 200 FRIM 200 fr 200 FRIM (on 3 for the 2s and 50 for the strokes and 55 for br)