Did The DNC or RNC sway anyone's vote?

Just curious if the DNC swayed anyones votes?

Either from one candidate to the other, or one candidate to not voting.

I think Tyler was seriously looking at voting for Harris and the Democrats but then thought back to 2020 and decided that with so many crossing the border, he will vote for Trump this time…


but Sanuk is an idiot and thinks because you watched it that means you were open to it changing your mind the entire time

The conventions? No. But my wife, who identifies for a host of structural reasons with Republicans more so than Democrats, will be voting D for the first time. That took nothing more than paying attention to what Trump says and does, and the repercussions of his remaking of the Supreme Court.

My boss, a Pakistani-American physician and business owner, said he would vote for literally any Republican except for Trump. First time D voter as well.

There are no Tylers in my world. Votes either stayed in their previous alignment or they shifted to D.

The conventions? No. But my wife, who identifies for a host of structural reasons with Republicans more so than Democrats, will be voting D for the first time. That took nothing more than paying attention to what Trump says and does, and the repercussions of his remaking of the Supreme Court.

My boss, a Pakistani-American physician and business owner, said he would vote for literally any Republican except for Trump. First time D voter as well.

There are no Tylers in my world. Votes either stayed in their previous alignment or they shifted to D.

I am just in general fascinate by how anyone could be changing their vote at this point. I saw something on CNN, where a panel of voters who were undecided a couple of months ago switched their votes (around 6–>D, one not voting, 1–>R).

Nothing really surprised me about either.

The RNC was the absolute batahit crazy cult meeting I suspected it would be.

The DNC might as well have been renamed the comedy central roast of Donald Trump v2.

Both extremely worrying from a “who’s running that country again?” perspective.

There are no Tylers in my world. Votes either stayed in their previous alignment or they shifted to D.

I live in the most conservative part of a state that elected an open lesbian as mayor by more than 2:1. My district only voted for Joe 2:1 in 2020 - other state districts voted for him 8.5:1.

Existing D voters are more enthusiastic though.

Both extremely worrying from a “who’s running that country again?” perspective.

How so? How on Earth can any rational person think that both parties and their candidates are equally crappy?

Both extremely worrying from a “who’s running that country again?” perspective.

How so? How on Earth can any rational person think that both parties and their candidates are equally crappy?

I never said they are equally bad. The Rs are certainly worse. But the Ds don’t exactly fill me with warm and fuzzy feelings either.

Im in Canada. Our left and right wing parties are almost identical. They differ on a few social items but are largely all bought and paid for by the same interests and they both produce policy that is just sucking the middle class dry. I have zero faith in either of them to act in an honourable fashion or do what is best for the majority of citizens here.

I largely feel the same way about US politics, other than the fact that the Rs have really gone full bat shit crazy since 2016. Harris was not a popular VP. Why should we be excited with her as president, aside from the fact that she’s not Donald Trump?

Maybe I’m just far too cynical.

The fact that she’s not Donald Trump is kinda my point. Some seem to think this is the same standard R vs D election we’ve had every four years for decades, where many abstain because they are not “excited” for one candidate or the other… I disagree strongly. People are too fixated on wanting only their “perfect” candidate, but really it’s about which one is closer to your view.

I think there is a strong possibility that the USA is permanently altered if Trump wins again. Some of the damage done to our institutions might already be fatal. But I think it’s ridiculous to vote for anyone but Harris at this point. To act like it doesn’t matter who wins is either ludicrous, and/or demonstrates that you’re already so extreme that you’re incapable of recognizing centrist politics.

I know you’re Canadian and not voting for either, but the “both suck” line is tired and inaccurate, and shouldn’t be allowed to go without challenge, lest someone reading decide to sit out the election when every vote against Trump is needed.

I hear where you’re coming from, but I don’t share your concern that trump will damage America beyond repair. The supreme Court was compromised before Trump. The incestuous revolving door between public office and lobbyists existed long before him, and so on.

I think Trump round 2 will be very similar to Trump round 1. And I really don’t want to experience round 2. If I were American, I would vote D, but I would not do so enthusiastically nor would I expect the Democrats to serve my interests or those of my community in any meaningful way.

The DNC might as well have been renamed the comedy central roast of Donald Trump v2.

it surprises me that you take this opinion unless you didn’t watch the DNC and are taking your cues from fox news. did you watch it? and i mean did you sit your ass down for 4 days - like my wife and i did - and watch it?

I think Trump round 2 will be very similar to Trump round 1.

Pretty much all of the people that worked with him in the first Trump Administration strongly disagree with you.


Not just you, but this recurring criticism always gets me.

Most presidential candidates aren’t wildly popular, until they become the candidate. Dole v. Clinton? I was younger, but I don’t remember people being excited until they were. Really, H’s kid?? W lost the New Hampshire primary. Obama, who? That was until he built momentum and everyone coalesced around him.

VP’s making that run are always a pro/con list. And again, to the larger whole, what objectively was she unpopular for, other than “failed border czar”. I will agree, she wasn’t front of the house staff a lot, but I sense from the swift and universal support that the back of the house respected her leadership skills and relationship building.

Both extremely worrying from a “who’s running that country again?” perspective.

How so? How on Earth can any rational person think that both parties and their candidates are equally crappy?

I never said they are equally bad. The Rs are certainly worse. But the Ds don’t exactly fill me with warm and fuzzy feelings either.

Im in Canada. Our left and right wing parties are almost identical. They differ on a few social items but are largely all bought and paid for by the same interests and they both produce policy that is just sucking the middle class dry. I have zero faith in either of them to act in an honourable fashion or do what is best for the majority of citizens here.

I largely feel the same way about US politics, other than the fact that the Rs have really gone full bat shit crazy since 2016. Harris was not a popular VP. Why should we be excited with her as president, aside from the fact that she’s not Donald Trump?

Maybe I’m just far too cynical.

Er…I’m in Canada also, and I say that our Left and Right Parties are black and white.

The DNC might as well have been renamed the comedy central roast of Donald Trump v2.

it surprises me that you take this opinion unless you didn’t watch the DNC and are taking your cues from fox news. did you watch it? and i mean did you sit your ass down for 4 days - like my wife and i did - and watch it?

In fairness, no, I did not watch it that closely. But I don’t watch any right wing media, at all. If anything, it seemed to be left wing media focusing on everyone’s turn at mocking trump as opposed to more substantive/important highlights.

I don’t know that either convention did. First off, the people that would watch have made up their mind. It’s incredulous to me that uncertain and uninvolved people would suddenly decide to watch both these events and have an epiphany.

I don’t know that either convention did. First off, the people that would watch have made up their mind. It’s incredulous to me that uncertain and uninvolved people would suddenly decide to watch both these events and have an epiphany.

I’m trying to comprehend “undecided” in 2024. 😂

How can anybody not know if they prefer one or the other when both are light-years apart in every conceiveable way. I think “undecided” is synonymous with “bullshit”.

I’ve read a few BC Tri Guy posts…Dude…come out of the closet. 😂 Maybe my “reading between the lines” is faulty, but I’m willing to bet where your heart is.

Replying to last post. Conventions are a 4 day political ad. There is almost always a bounce in polls. This is prior to Harris’s speech last night. It’s funny, Nate Silver posts this and he’s called a democrat shill, when he was saying Biden’s odds were poor he was a Thiel backed Trumper. He can’t make anyone happy, nor does he appear to care. His article on the speech last night comparing it to Hillary’s was great.


We have lives to lead, and all the other priorities that far outweigh and are over and above the vote we have to offer (In its impact) but that’s what we do and should. Vote.