Did the change from Biden --> Harris change anyone's vote?

After the debate a similar post was made, and most people were keeping the exact same vote. There was one poster who moved from Trump → not voting, and a second who went from Biden → not voting. But everything else was the same.

I doubt the change of ticket here moved the needle for most people.

I was voting against trump before, and am still voting against trump.

I went from entirely unenthused about Biden to the same with Harris, but I’m a never Trumper, so I’ll be voting.

Honestly I can’t remember ever really be enthusiastic about voting for any presidential candidate.

I really like JD Vance, wish he were running against Harris.

Harris is a big improvement over Biden.

But Trump is still Trump. My opinion of him has softened somewhat.

I’m looking forward to the next couple of months.

I went from entirely unenthused about Biden to the same with Harris, but I’m a never Trumper, so I’ll be voting.

Honestly I can’t remember ever really be enthusiastic about voting for any presidential candidate.

Obama 2008. Not before or since.

If it was going to be Biden v Trump, I was going to either vote 3rd party or not vote.

If it’s Harris, I will vote for her. Small caveat that she pics a reasonable VP


I was thinking about going third party because of Biden and the idea that at some point we deserve better candidates from the major parties. (Aka not weekend at Bernie’s). It was more of a - no we’re not going to take this - do better next time- thought. I’m an independent and both candidates were not great. I’m leaning more towards Kamala now. I’m never Trump and Vance only solidifies that. I’m an independent on the fence from Romney McCain republicans. Not the current MAGA ones.

How far has Kanye fallen since being on the ballot last time?

I really like JD Vance, wish he were running against Harris.

Harris is a big improvement over Biden.

But Trump is still Trump. My opinion of him has softened somewhat.

I’m looking forward to the next couple of months.

So who are you leaning towards now? I remember after the debate you said you couldnt vote for either biden or trump. Still looking to sit it out?

I was thinking about going third party because of Biden and the idea that at some point we deserve better candidates from the major parties. (Aka not weekend at Bernie’s). It was more of a - no we’re not going to take this - do better next time- thought. I’m an independent and both candidates were not great. I’m leaning more towards Kamala now. I’m never Trump and Vance only solidifies that. I’m an independent on the fence from Romney McCain republicans. Not the current MAGA ones.

How far has Kanye fallen since being on the ballot last time?

Following in the footsteps of Steven Seagal as a Russian loving stooge.

I’m voting against Biden.

If it was going to be Biden v Trump, I was going to either vote 3rd party or not vote.

If it’s Harris, I will vote for her. Small caveat that she pics a reasonable VP


I’m in this camp as well. I liked Harris in 2019 when she was in the primary race, but she didn’t seem ready then. She’s improved a ton as VP, and is the first D candidate since Obama that I’ll actually be happy to give my vote.

Have voted for R candidates in the past, but Trump/Vance and the state of the party overall are just pure trash.

I really like JD Vance, wish he were running against Harris.

Harris is a big improvement over Biden.

But Trump is still Trump. My opinion of him has softened somewhat.

I’m looking forward to the next couple of months.

Honest question and not looking to shitpost here:

How has your opinion on Trump changed? He isn’t any different. His tone is the same. Is it simply because someone tried to kill him?

I really like JD Vance

You are the first person I’ve heard say that. Not a critique, just an observation.

Many MAGA don’t trust him because he said mean things about trump, many Dems are ideologically opposed to him, and many independents seem him as a spineless opportunist without conviction to what he knew was true- ok, that last one might be mostly me.

I’ve seen at best indifference from many, but you are the first I’ve heard say they like him.

I’m voting for whoever the Dem nominee is versus Trump. That will never change.

If the Republicans could get back to being typical Republicans and not shackled by MAGA asshats than I’d revisit my stance on the party. Until then… fuck 'em.

I’m voting against Biden.

That is going to be a touch more difficult now.

I’m voting for whoever the Dem nominee is versus Trump. That will never change.

If the Republicans could get back to being typical Republicans and not shackled by MAGA asshats than I’d revisit my stance on the party. Until then… fuck 'em.

Amen brother.

How many more election cycles of losses and poor performance will that take?

Several years ago I said here that the GOP would have to lose, lose again, lose some more, lose some more again (2018, 2020, 2022 and 2024) before they would change tack. I’m now thinking it will take loses not only in 2024, but also in 2026 and 2028 before a measure of sanity returns. And I’m not sure that happens.

I really like JD Vance, wish he were running against Harris.

I am so curious what you think makes JD Vance even remotely qualified to be President of the United States of America.

I really like JD Vance

You are the first person I’ve heard say that. Not a critique, just an observation.

Many MAGA don’t trust him because he said mean things about trump, many Dems are ideologically opposed to him, and many independents seem him as a spineless opportunist without conviction to what he knew was true- ok, that last one might be mostly me.

I’ve seen at best indifference from many, but you are the first I’ve heard say they like him.

I like that Vance was critical of Trump.

I’m ideologically aligned with most of what I’ve heard from Vance.

I’m growing very tired of media and even people in the LR presenting such biased and misrepresented narratives around candidates. Just basic liars. Taking things out of context, and ignoring the timeframe of comments, its bullshit and those people/institutions need to be held accountable. The link posted from ABC about Vance wanting childless Americans to pay higher taxes is a great example. It’s all about click bait and inflaming the divisive rhetoric and I’m sick of it.

After the debate a similar post was made, and most people were keeping the exact same vote. There was one poster who moved from Trump → not voting, and a second who went from Biden → not voting. But everything else was the sa
I doubt the change of ticket here moved the needle for most people.

I was voting against trump before, and am still voting against trump.

It didn’t change my vote.

I have 4 other people in my family.

All have either voted for Biden in previous election or were 2 young to vote.

My wife has never voted for R. Teacher for 30 years. Lifelong Dem. My oldest voted for Biden. Is now out of college and in a career. Middle is dyed in the wool Dem. Green hair, attends Palestine and abortion demonstrations. My youngest just became old enough to vote.

I will vote without joy for Trump. I’ve made my reasons here clear. 100% chance I vote 100% chance it’s Trump.

When my wife saw it was Kamala she just said “what makes anyone thing she has any more chance than last guy”. Totally un excited. 80% chance she makes it to the polls and 100% chance she votes for Harris if she does. Her largest motivation to make it to the polls is the same one as the last 26 years. To cancel my vote out.

my oldest. 75% chance he makes it to polls 90% chance he votes for Trump if he does.

middle. lots of issues with Biden Harris related to Israel Gaza. Trump no chance because he took away abortion. Heavy complacency in this voting demographic is my anecdotal view. 30% chance she votes at all 100% chance it’s Harris if she does.

youngest just finished first year of school. Basic consensus in his peer group is Biden is way too out of it to run country and vote for. Country is bad and in their impressionable years Trump had us in better place.

50/50 he votes. 80/20 he votes Trump if he does.

We finally beat Medicare.

no change from me, but will vote more enthusiastically for Harris than i would have done for Biden. i wasn’t planning on volunteering to do the get out the vote stuff for Biden - but i will for Harris.