Diana Nyad’s Swimming Brought Her Glory, Fame, And An Adversary Dedicated To Exposing Her Lies


The trailer for the Netflix movie led me to this article. Seems like an awful lot of lying is going on.

Moderator, if this should be in the Lavender Room, just let me know and I’ll repost.

Off topic, but I love defector’s business model. I have been a subscriber since day one. However, the article is paywalled and most wont be able to read it.

That was an interesting read. She’s certainly controversial. I will probably watch the movie when it releases on Netflix.

Off topic, but I love defector’s business model. I have been a subscriber since day one. However, the article is paywalled and most wont be able to read it.

I had no problem reading it. I’m also not in the US, so maybe that’s part of it?

I have seen that article and it paints a lifelong journey of lying and misdirecting by her. It is sad for me to see, as I once knew her in the old days when she was the first swim commentator for the very first Kona Ironman. But I have known many like her, who get trapped into fudging in the beginning, and it leads to outright lying and cheating if not stopped somewhere down the line. I think we had a tragic example of this with Frank Meza and his running exploits.

Unfortunately she has gotten a ton of mainstream publicity and it will be hard to nudge that needle. Perhaps the next Netflix special will be the complete undoing of her career now that they have made her a hero…Very famous triathlete comes to mind in this same area, cheating and lying their whole career, and hardly anyone knows or cares to know…

Very famous triathlete comes to mind in this same area, cheating and lying their whole career, and hardly anyone knows or cares to know…

Lance Armstrong?
Kevin Moats?
Dmitry Gaag?

Very famous triathlete comes to mind in this same area, cheating and lying their whole career, and hardly anyone knows or cares to know…

Lance Armstrong?
Kevin Moats?
Dmitry Gaag?

He said very famous and he didn’t say professional.

Very famous triathlete comes to mind in this same area, cheating and lying their whole career, and hardly anyone knows or cares to know…

Lance Armstrong?
Kevin Moats?
Dmitry Gaag?

I can think of one that used to post on this forum.

I have seen that article and it paints a lifelong journey of lying and misdirecting by her. It is sad for me to see, as I once knew her in the old days when she was the first swim commentator for the very first Kona Ironman. But I have known many like her, who get trapped into fudging in the beginning, and it leads to outright lying and cheating if not stopped somewhere down the line. I think we had a tragic example of this with Frank Meza and his running exploits.

Unfortunately she has gotten a ton of mainstream publicity and it will be hard to nudge that needle. Perhaps the next Netflix special will be the complete undoing of her career now that they have made her a hero…Very famous triathlete comes to mind in this same area, cheating and lying their whole career, and hardly anyone knows or cares to know…

I care to know. Who are you talking about Monty?

Fascinating read. Thanks for sharing.

She is 100% a con in every way. Starting with claiming she swam in an Olympic trials and finished 5th/6th (in different tellings of the lie) when she was never there at all… anyone who would lie about something like that has serious problems.

Very famous triathlete comes to mind in this same area, cheating and lying their whole career, and hardly anyone knows or cares to know…

Lance Armstrong?
Kevin Moats?
Dmitry Gaag?

He said very famous and he didn’t say professional.

Sister Madonna

Very famous triathlete comes to mind in this same area, cheating and lying their whole career, and hardly anyone knows or cares to know…

Lance Armstrong?
Kevin Moats?
Dmitry Gaag?

He said very famous and he didn’t say professional.

Sister Madonna


LOL, oh yeah. I recall the stories of Sister Madonna.

LOL, oh yeah. I recall the stories of Sister Madonna.

Can you share or would that violate ST forum rules??? If you want, you could send me a PM. I’m very curious since she was put up on such a pedestal as a role model and saintly person.

Thank you for the article!

I’d never heard of her, or the story, wow. I’d have been fooled by the film for sure.

Incredible story, thanks again.

Very famous triathlete comes to mind in this same area, cheating and lying their whole career, and hardly anyone knows or cares to know…

+1 to the other requests to say who this is! You can’t leave us in suspense!

LOL, oh yeah. I recall the stories of Sister Madonna.Can you share or would that violate ST forum rules??? If you want, you could send me a PM. I’m very curious since she was put up on such a pedestal as a role model and saintly person.https://triathloninspires.com/iron-nun-madonna-budder/

Sister Madonna had many rumors over the years of various rule infractions or being “helped” to finish; she was a great PR story for Ironman. Nothing, as far as I’m aware, is substantiated with evidence.

But, speaking generally, if something seems too good to be true it frequently is.

Quibble with the claim of the first paragraph, “who at the time was the most famous female swimmer this country ever produced.”

Maybe I’m wrong, but I remember that time. It was back when I viewed the Olympics with childhood romanticism and watched every event I could. And I don’t think I knew who Nyad was, but I knew about Janet Evans and Dara Torres. Maybe I’m not representative of the mainstream U.S., though. I only learned who Nyad was much later, maybe on this forum.

Now I’m far more cynical and am barely aware of the Olympics when they’re happening, except for a few events. :frowning:

There’s a lot of stuff in years past before multiple timing mats, cameras everywhere and widespread use of GPS devices.

I only have a fuzzy memory of something that I saw over a decade ago. Did it happen? Was it a dream? The brain is a funny thing…