I borrowed a bike off a friend just over a year ago, long story an old athlete of ours who completed IM then it sat in her garage for a year, so she let me borrow it for IMNZ in 2016.
Recently the right base bar mounted Di2 changer stopped working. Everything else was still 100% functional, so took the bike into the LBS for them to have a look.
It’s been there a week now, LBS is being overly helpful, running diagnostics, updating etc the week leading into IMNZ when they’re crazy busy already, can’t talk highly enough of them. However, when they updated the firmware it transpired that it’s prob not been updated in 2 years, and everything else stopped working. LBS can’t get a single thing to function now.
Called Shimano into the equation today and they’re saying as the bike is out of warranty and the firmware hasn’t been updated in so long, I have to purchase a whole new group.
The firmware hasn’t been updated as the bike ran perfect, regular as clockwork, I’ve never had to update a thing…this thing was the Toyota Corolla of bikes for the year I had it.
I understand the bike is out of warranty, I understand that the firmware hasn’t been updated, but it kinda sticks in the throat a bit that the bike was 90% functional when it was taken into the shop and now I’m being told I have to purchase a new group.
It feels a little bit like Shimano have a licence to print money with this one - or am I being unreasonable?