Desoto does it again

i know that others have posted about desoto’s customer service, but i can’t get the kind of service i got from desoto without trying to return the favor. i got their “tres” wetsuit; size 3 top and bottom. i’m a fairly lean 5 foot 10 inch ex-swimmer and the 4 was too loose. but i soon noticed that the straps that go over the shoulders on the “bibjohn” (the bottom) were too tight. so, i emailed their customer service and asked if they thought i should get a size larger. the next day i had an email from emilio desoto, president of the company, saying to either send him my phone number or to call him to talk about it. so, i called him and he spent 10 minutes talking with me about the different aspects of the fit and how it felt when i swam. we eventually concluded that the size 3 was right for me, but needed to be modified. so, he had me send them the suit and they made the modifications and sent it back within a week, all for free.

it may have cost them a few bucks to do that, but i’ll be wearing desoto stuff until they give me a reason to stop, which they haven’t done so far. with customer service apparently going down the drain in a lot of businesses, it’s refreshing to do business with somebody who cares about pleasing his customers.