Dems Time to roll the dice?

Good article in the Atlantic

Dems hold new debates, townhall with Whitmer, Harris, Newsome, whomever else lots of TV coverage, could do them every week or two weeks till Aug 19 convention. Then nominate and elect at the convention

“There are risks. The Democrats could gamble and lose. But there are also clear benefits. The Republican convention, due to take place in less than two weeks, would be ruined. Trump and other Republicans wouldn’t know the name of their opponent. Instead of spending four days attacking Biden, they would have to talk about their policies, many of which—think corporate subsidies, tax cuts for the rich, the further transformation of the Supreme Court—aren’t popular. Their candidate spouts gibberish. He is also old, nearly as old as Biden, and this is his third presidential campaign. Everyone would switch channels in order to watch the exciting Democratic primary debates instead.
By contrast, the Democratic convention would be dramatic—very, very dramatic. Everyone would want to watch it, talk about it, be there on the ground. Tickets would be impossible to get; the national and international media would flock there in huge numbers. Yes, I know what happened in 1968, but that was more than half a century ago. History never repeats itself with precision. The world is a lot different now. There is more competition for attention. An open, exciting convention would command it.
Whoever wins—Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, Vice President Harris, or anyone else—would be more coherent and more persuasive than Trump. He or she would emerge from the convention with energy, attention, hope, and money. The American republic, and the democratic world, might survive. Isn’t that worth the gamble?”

I’m not sure why anyone would assume that knowing the name of their opponent would have a substantial impact on the narrative at the GOP convention. It doesn’t matter who their opponent is. They just talk about how liberals are ruining the country, MAGA, Trump is awesome, etc. There’s little reason to suspect having an unknown opponent would force them to talk policy.

Not a bad idea. It would be kind of like The Apprentice!
Everyone wants to follow a story. The Dems would be in the news for relatively good reasons, which is part of the battle.
Don would have to get his nickname generator fired up so he can shit on all the candidates.

Dump has used the media for free advertising for 4 decades now.

So why the hell not.

Good article in the Atlantic

Dems hold new debates, townhall with Whitmer, Harris, Newsome, whomever else lots of TV coverage, could do them every week or two weeks till Aug 19 convention. Then nominate and elect at the convention"

Great move…how many state deadlines would be missed s d therefore how ballots would the nominee not be on?

I was under the impression that the nominee of the Democratic Party is already on every ballot no matter who that person is.

As I see things…

Biden is likely to lose to Trump. It would ultimately destroy his legacy and usher in a new chapter of lawlessness and unaccountability like we’ve never seen before. The Court could swing ever further to the right. It is wildly short sighted and egotistical that he’s the only one who could beat Trump. That may have been true in 2020, but the opposite is likely true today: among reasonably strong candidates, I think Biden is the only person Trump is likely to beat.

He needs to complete his mission and not “step down” but elevate someone to continue his role of demon slayer. Someone the party can envision eight years of energized support for. Newsome is likely that guy. Full court press, Joe and Jill, Barack and Michelle, Hillary and Bill, every last living influential Democrat needs to be on the trail or in the press touting him as the next savior of the party. Biden needs to relish, not resent, the opportunity, his last great act of patriotism and service to the country. His people need to make this argument to him loud and long and convincingly. And I’m not just saying this as a political strategy; it’s the reality of the situation. He has the ability, again, to keep Trump out of the White House and in the courtrooms where he belongs, and doing so would be the single most important act a public servant could perform today. Only Joe Biden has the ability to do that. His legacy would be orders of magnitude greater than what a defeat to Trump would ensure.

Good article in the Atlantic

Dems hold new debates, townhall with Whitmer, Harris, Newsome, whomever else lots of TV coverage, could do them every week or two weeks till Aug 19 convention. Then nominate and elect at the convention"

Great move…how many state deadlines would be missed s d therefore how ballots would the nominee not be on?

This I do not understand. The Dems do not have an official candidate at this point. As they have not had there convention and officially nominated someone. But yes I have heard their are 3 states the republicans are ready to fire up lawsuits on if the Dems do change from Joe. I would bet they are Republican led states, where they changed the election laws which probably means they were Trump states anyhow. But for fun the Dems might take that to the S.C. … which recently ruled, we cant have different presidential ballots around the country (even though we already do (i guess some states have put a non-us citizen on the ballot)) so that would be a fun case to follow.

I was under the impression that the nominee of the Democratic Party is already on every ballot no matter who that person is.

Your impression is wrong which is why they are doing a virtual roll call in July

Good article in the Atlantic

Dems hold new debates, townhall with Whitmer, Harris, Newsome, whomever else lots of TV coverage, could do them every week or two weeks till Aug 19 convention. Then nominate and elect at the convention"

Great move…how many state deadlines would be missed s d therefore how ballots would the nominee not be on?

This I do not understand. The Dems do not have an official candidate at this point. As they have not had there convention and officially nominated someone. But yes I have heard their are 3 states the republicans are ready to fire up lawsuits on if the Dems do change from Joe. I would bet they are Republican led states, where they changed the election laws which probably means they were Trump states anyhow. But for fun the Dems might take that to the S.C. … which recently ruled, we cant have different presidential ballots around the country (even though we already do (i guess some states have put a non-us citizen on the ballot)) so that would be a fun case to follow.

There are deadlines for submission of candidates to be on the ballot

Good article in the Atlantic

Dems hold new debates, townhall with Whitmer, Harris, Newsome, whomever else lots of TV coverage, could do them every week or two weeks till Aug 19 convention. Then nominate and elect at the convention"

Great move…how many state deadlines would be missed s d therefore how ballots would the nominee not be on?

This I do not understand. The Dems do not have an official candidate at this point. As they have not had there convention and officially nominated someone. But yes I have heard their are 3 states the republicans are ready to fire up lawsuits on if the Dems do change from Joe. I would bet they are Republican led states, where they changed the election laws which probably means they were Trump states anyhow. But for fun the Dems might take that to the S.C. … which recently ruled, we cant have different presidential ballots around the country (even though we already do (i guess some states have put a non-us citizen on the ballot)) so that would be a fun case to follow.

There are deadlines for submission of candidates to be on the ballot

And there are lawyers and courts that would take up any and all of the cases to adjust as required.

I was under the impression that the nominee of the Democratic Party is already on every ballot no matter who that person is.

Your impression is wrong which is why they are doing a virtual roll call in July
Are there no allowances for the party candidate to change between then and the election? That has happened multiple times in the past.

As I see things…

Biden is likely to lose to Trump…. I

I disagree with you there.

Biden had 80 million more votes in 2020? I know no one who has changed their mind to vote for Trump since 2020. I’ve made an effort to talk to people— and I was very pleased by what I saw at the 4th of July parade yesterday. There was only 1 MAGA kook! The MAGA are less than 2020.

We weren’t enamored with Biden in 2020. We aren’t enamored with Biden in 2024. A lackluster feeling for him will not make Americans forget their love of democracy and their enthusiasm for rejecting Trump
and MAGA

The choice on our ballots will be a Biden administration or a Trump administration. We will need every vote— but we have a good chance to soundly beat Trump.

Good article in the Atlantic

Dems hold new debates, townhall with Whitmer, Harris, Newsome, whomever else lots of TV coverage, could do them every week or two weeks till Aug 19 convention. Then nominate and elect at the convention"

Great move…how many state deadlines would be missed s d therefore how ballots would the nominee not be on?

This I do not understand. The Dems do not have an official candidate at this point. As they have not had there convention and officially nominated someone. But yes I have heard their are 3 states the republicans are ready to fire up lawsuits on if the Dems do change from Joe. I would bet they are Republican led states, where they changed the election laws which probably means they were Trump states anyhow. But for fun the Dems might take that to the S.C. … which recently ruled, we cant have different presidential ballots around the country (even though we already do (i guess some states have put a non-us citizen on the ballot)) so that would be a fun case to follow.

There are deadlines for submission of candidates to be on the ballot

And there are lawyers and courts that would take up any and all of the cases to adjust as required.

And they’d probably lose.

The Democrats chose to have their convention after the deadline for several states. It’s not like it was sprung on them

I was under the impression that the nominee of the Democratic Party is already on every ballot no matter who that person is.

Your impression is wrong which is why they are doing a virtual roll call in July
Are there no allowances for the party candidate to change between then and the election? That has happened multiple times in the past.

Depends on the state and the reason. I believe death is an available reason in every state

Good article in the Atlantic

Dems hold new debates, townhall with Whitmer, Harris, Newsome, whomever else lots of TV coverage, could do them every week or two weeks till Aug 19 convention. Then nominate and elect at the convention"

Great move…how many state deadlines would be missed s d therefore how ballots would the nominee not be on?

This I do not understand. The Dems do not have an official candidate at this point. As they have not had there convention and officially nominated someone. But yes I have heard their are 3 states the republicans are ready to fire up lawsuits on if the Dems do change from Joe. I would bet they are Republican led states, where they changed the election laws which probably means they were Trump states anyhow. But for fun the Dems might take that to the S.C. … which recently ruled, we cant have different presidential ballots around the country (even though we already do (i guess some states have put a non-us citizen on the ballot)) so that would be a fun case to follow.

There are deadlines for submission of candidates to be on the ballot

Yes, but conventions are typically in the summer, July and Aug, but I have not looked up and graphed Historical dates. Given this and the election is not till Nov. why would a State have such an early deadline. I know Ohio does, and that the Dems conv. is later than typical, but not outside of norms such that Ohio needs something sooner, and it became a topic as in the past when a party process was later, they gave a waiver (Rep. where the last one, not sure which year but I believe it was a trump year) but this year they tried to say NO… of course it did not work.

To give you an idea of the absurdity, Michigan Primaries for all the other positions (not POTUS) is this Aug. If those candidates can make the ballot, I am sure Potus can also.

I was under the impression that the nominee of the Democratic Party is already on every ballot no matter who that person is.

Your impression is wrong which is why they are doing a virtual roll call in July

You are correct, but some states, have decided to play with the election laws and move the date to submit the name really earl, so although they are on the ballot, the name has to be turned in early.

Good article in the Atlantic

Dems hold new debates, townhall with Whitmer, Harris, Newsome, whomever else lots of TV coverage, could do them every week or two weeks till Aug 19 convention. Then nominate and elect at the convention"

Great move…how many state deadlines would be missed s d therefore how ballots would the nominee not be on?

This I do not understand. The Dems do not have an official candidate at this point. As they have not had there convention and officially nominated someone. But yes I have heard their are 3 states the republicans are ready to fire up lawsuits on if the Dems do change from Joe. I would bet they are Republican led states, where they changed the election laws which probably means they were Trump states anyhow. But for fun the Dems might take that to the S.C. … which recently ruled, we cant have different presidential ballots around the country (even though we already do (i guess some states have put a non-us citizen on the ballot)) so that would be a fun case to follow.

There are deadlines for submission of candidates to be on the ballot

And there are lawyers and courts that would take up any and all of the cases to adjust as required.

And they’d probably lose.

The Democrats chose to have their convention after the deadline for several states. It’s not like it was sprung on them

Why are you playing the Ignoramous? When was the Republican convention in 2020??

I’ll help you Aug 24 - 27th

How about 2012?? Aug 27th - Aug 30th

2004?? – Aug 20 - Sept 2nd

Should I continue?? (I believe they alternate between who has the 2nd convention) So the last 3 times the Rep had the 2nd convention they were all later than the Dems convention time. STOP PLAYING THE FOOL and acting like this is some super late convention.

As I see things…

Biden is likely to lose to Trump…. I

I disagree with you there.

Biden had 80 million more votes in 2020? I know no one who has changed their mind to vote for Trump since 2020. I’ve made an effort to talk to people— and I was very pleased by what I saw at the 4th of July parade yesterday. There was only 1 MAGA kook! The MAGA are less than 2020.

We weren’t enamored with Biden in 2020. We aren’t enamored with Biden in 2024. A lackluster feeling for him will not make Americans forget their love of democracy and their enthusiasm for rejecting Trump
and MAGA

The choice on our ballots will be a Biden administration or a Trump administration. We will need every vote— but we have a good chance to soundly beat Trump.

So do you live in one of the 7 states that matter? I can tell you Michigan he is losing to Trump, I know several folks who voted for him in 2020 that will not be voting for him this time. Off the record and now denying it, Whitmer has told the Dem. party she doesn’t think he can win the state anymore.


As I see things…

Biden is likely to lose to Trump…. I

I disagree with you there.

Biden had 80 million more votes in 2020? I know no one who has changed their mind to vote for Trump since 2020. I’ve made an effort to talk to people— and I was very pleased by what I saw at the 4th of July parade yesterday. There was only 1 MAGA kook! The MAGA are less than 2020.

We weren’t enamored with Biden in 2020. We aren’t enamored with Biden in 2024. A lackluster feeling for him will not make Americans forget their love of democracy and their enthusiasm for rejecting Trump
and MAGA

The choice on our ballots will be a Biden administration or a Trump administration. We will need every vote— but we have a good chance to soundly beat Trump.

So do you live in one of the 7 states that matter? I can tell you Michigan he is losing to Trump, I know several folks who voted for him in 2020 that will not be voting for him this time. Off the record and now denying it, Whitmer has told the Dem. party she doesn’t think he can win the state anymore.


When you pretend to know what gong to happen in 4 month with certainty, you sound like SDG. Is that what you’re going for?