Dems, Convention Process if not Harris?

OK, so let’s assume a few things, if you care to participate (and I’m basing this on some stories, credible or not, that say Harris would not be “handed the nomination”):

Biden announces that he is ending his campaign.Out of respect for a “Democratic process” he declines to endorse anyone or to direct his delegates to support anyone (meaning his isn’t saying it’s Harris by decree).The decision about who will represent the party will be made at the Convention (probably from a limited number of real contenders).
What would you see as a process to go from those who want to be considered over the next several weeks, down to a manageable number, down to a nominee?

I can see ways to get through the convention going from three or four names to one. I can’t see the carnage of 17 people vying for the nomination.


OK, so let’s assume a few things, if you care to participate (and I’m basing this on some stories, credible or not, that say Harris would not be “handed the nomination”):

Biden announces that he is ending his campaign.Out of respect for a “Democratic process” he declines to endorse anyone or to direct his delegates to support anyone (meaning his isn’t saying it’s Harris by decree).The decision about who will represent the party will be made at the Convention (probably from a limited number of real contenders).
What would you see as a process to go from those who want to be considered over the next several weeks, down to a manageable number, down to a nominee?

I can see ways to get through the convention going from three or four names to one. I can’t see the carnage of 17 people vying for the nomination.


What would be great TV would be to have a weekly series of debates. Super delegates vote each week, maybe something like 10->8->6->4-2 at convention. Lots of free publicity. Need to have the debates be about how they are different then Trump, not slinging mud at each other though.

I’m not a legal scholar but if Biden steps down as candidate then Harris auto-bumps up. DNC could be a rousing event with real speakers (unlike RNC).
The big problem is if Biden has to step down as POTUS - Harris bumps up but Dems would likely not be able to get a VP passed. So Speaker of the House becomes VP.

Mike Johnson continues to be the scariest person in DC

I’m not a legal scholar but if Biden steps down as candidate then Harris auto-bumps up. DNC could be a rousing event with real speakers (unlike RNC).
The big problem is if Biden has to step down as POTUS - Harris bumps up but Dems would likely not be able to get a VP passed. So Speaker of the House becomes VP.

“if Biden steps down as candidate then Harris auto-bumps up” I’m not aware of that. My understanding (also not a legal scholar) is that his delegates would be free to vote as they see fit. Harris has an advantage, and a very heavy one if Biden endorses her, but she would still need to round up a majority and other entrants might have a better lock on say, the midwestern delegates.

From a foreign perspective, the Democrats will lose in a landslide if either Biden or Harris is the nominee.

I’m not sure if anyone can win now but they have to go in a completely different direction with someone completely off the radar.

Mike Johnson continues to be the scariest person in DC

JD Vance is making a run for that title.

I’m not a legal scholar but if Biden steps down as candidate then Harris auto-bumps up. DNC could be a rousing event with real speakers (unlike RNC).
The big problem is if Biden has to step down as POTUS - Harris bumps up but Dems would likely not be able to get a VP passed. So Speaker of the House becomes VP.

The only issue is around the Biden-Harris campaign funds if Harris is not on the ticket. The money would then be effectively a Super PAC, so you couldn’t run directly coordinated ads. But that is about it.

The Biden campaign employees are spreading a lot of misinformation about the campaign money and the Ohio ballot laws.

Reminds me of this quote:
“It’s difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on not understanding it." -Upton Sinclair

From a foreign perspective, the Democrats will lose in a landslide if either Biden or Harris is the nominee.

I’m not sure if anyone can win now but they have to go in a completely different direction with someone completely off the radar.

Harris consistently had some of the lowest polls and approval ratings in her own run back in 2019. I can’t see that changing. Go back and watch her get eviscerated in a debate by Tusli.

I’d like to see a dem governor from a moderate state get the nod. I’ve no idea how that happens.

OK, so let’s assume a few things, if you care to participate (and I’m basing this on some stories, credible or not, that say Harris would not be “handed the nomination”):

Biden announces that he is ending his campaign.Out of respect for a “Democratic process” he declines to endorse anyone or to direct his delegates to support anyone (meaning his isn’t saying it’s Harris by decree).The decision about who will represent the party will be made at the Convention (probably from a limited number of real contenders).
What would you see as a process to go from those who want to be considered over the next several weeks, down to a manageable number, down to a nominee?

I can see ways to get through the convention going from three or four names to one. I can’t see the carnage of 17 people vying for the nomination.


I’m endorsing a Hunger Games or Squid Games scenario…

I’m not a legal scholar but if Biden steps down as candidate then Harris auto-bumps up. DNC could be a rousing event with real speakers (unlike RNC).
The big problem is if Biden has to step down as POTUS - Harris bumps up but Dems would likely not be able to get a VP passed. So Speaker of the House becomes VP.

“if Biden steps down as candidate then Harris auto-bumps up” I’m not aware of that. My understanding (also not a legal scholar) is that his delegates would be free to vote as they see fit. Harris has an advantage, and a very heavy one if Biden endorses her, but she would still need to round up a majority and other entrants might have a better lock on say, the midwestern delegates.

Typically, legally the delegates are required to vote for who won their states primary for the first vote.
So right now the 28 of the delegates from Nebraska HAVE to vote for Joe on the first vote - the last Nebraska delegate is legally pledged to Dean Phillips on the first ballot.

If Joe drops out and endorses Harris, she gets those 28 delegates.

If Joe drops out and doesn’t endorse anyone, the 3,905 delegates pledged to him no longer have a legal obligation to vote for anyone. Phillips and Jason Palmer have 7 total pledged delegates, and there are 37 uncommitted delegates.

From the DNC 2024 rules:

  1. Roll Call for Presidential Candidate:
    a. After nominations for presidential candidates have closed, the Convention shall proceed to a roll call vote by states on the selection of the presidential candidate. The roll call voting shall follow the alphabetical order of the states with the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico and the territories treated as states for the purpose of the alphabetical roll call. b. On the first ballot of the presidential roll call, only pledged delegates will be permitted to vote unless a presidential candidate has been certified by the DNC Secretary to have obtained a number of pledged delegates equal to a majority of all pledged and automatic delegates to the Convention9, at which point automatic delegates will also be permitted to vote on the first ballot. c. In the event that a nominating contest moves beyond the first ballot of the presidential roll call, all pledged and automatic delegates will be permitted to vote for a presidential candidate on all subsequent ballots until a nominee is chosen. d. A majority vote of all Convention delegates eligible to vote on the ballot in question shall be required to nominate the presidential candidate. e.** Eligible delegates may vote for the candidate of their choice whether or not the name of such candidate was placed in nomination.** Any vote cast other than a vote for a presidential candidate meeting the requirements of Article VI of this Call and Rule 13.K. of the 2024 Delegate Selection Rules shall be considered a vote for “Present.” f. Balloting will continue until a nominee is selected. Upon selection, balloting may be temporarily suspended, provided that the balloting shall continue at a time certain determined by the Convention Chair, until all states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the territories shall publicly deliver their vote prior to the nominee’s acceptance speech. The nominee shall become the candidate of the Democratic Party of the United States for the Office of 9 The determination that a presidential candidate has secured the requisite number of pledged delegates shall be made by the DNC Secretary upon certification of pledged delegates at the conclusion of the delegate selection process (the Secretary’s President upon the conclusion of their acceptance speech.

Right now the votes are scheduled to be virtual between 8/1 and 7. There was some kind of issue in Ohio. Some house Dems want it in person now that that Ohio problem is solved.

From a foreign perspective, the Democrats will lose in a landslide if either Biden or Harris is the nominee.

I’m not sure if anyone can win now but they have to go in a completely different direction with someone completely off the radar.

Harris consistently had some of the lowest polls and approval ratings in her own run back in 2019. I can’t see that changing. **Go back and watch her get eviscerated in a debate by Tusli. **

I’d like to see a dem governor from a moderate state get the nod. I’ve no idea how that happens.

I went back and checked it out. Turned out that Tusli was, as usual, misrepresent some things.

PolitiFact | Were Tulsi Gabbard’s attacks on Kamala Harris’ record as a California prosecutor on target?

They should not being doing anything just because of Ohio. Trump is going to win Ohio anyway.

They should not being doing anything just because of Ohio. Trump is going to win Ohio anyway.

There are only 6 states with more DNC delegates than Ohio.
The GOP attempted to disqualify all Ohio general election voters.

If you remember this spring Ohio republicans attempted to change the law that Ohio had to finalize their ballots before August 12. They tried to change it to August 7 knowing that the DNC would be between August 7 and 12. They tried to make it so that there was no D on the general election ballot.

Yes, but I don’t care what the unAmerican Republican Party does in their attempts to game the system and prevent Democrats from winning. It’s regrettable, but it’s highly unlikely that any Democratic Presidential candidate is going to win Ohio in the 2024 general election. And the Ohio delegates to the DNC aren’t bound by whatever the Republican Legislature does. So, it would be foolish for the DNC to orchestrate anything because of Ohio.