Dementia and the 2nd amendment

I don’t know if it was a factor here (sure looks possible), but do the very old and/or visibly senile folks have a right to possess a firearm? I have seen first hand the effects of dementia-induced paranoia and hallucinations and a person wit a gun in such a state could be extremely dangerous.

81-year-old charged with murder of Uber driver he mistakenly believed was a scammer

Are mentally incapacitated people allowed to get firearms?

I don’t think that guy was formally mentally incapacitated.

The “dementia inflation” on this forum is getting a bit out of hand. Biden doesn’t have dementia. Trump doesn’t have dementia. The word dementia doesn’t appear in the linked article.

Yes, you can get a court order to take guns away from people who appear dangerous to others or themselves.

Better that family members handle it outside of the court. Did that with my dad. Took the ammo away.

Guy in the article may just be an asshole. He was being scammed, didn’t consider that the driver may be a fellow victim (as she was), not a perp. American “gun-first-shoot-first” attitude.

I wonder how many older americans have actual dementia (or the beginnings of it) without a formal diagnosis? I do know (and have seen it) that dementia (or the the beginnings of it) can create powerful paranoia and worse.

In your father’s case, what would have been your next step if he refused to relinquish his weapon(s)? I wonder what happens in cases when the older person has no connected or surviving family?

The “dementia inflation” on this forum is getting a bit out of hand…


I saw no sign of dementia in this altercation, just an American story of old white and scared man, confronts a black woman and thinks he can just shoot her because he is afraid and mad…What say the gun nutters here, where do you insert the good guy with a gun to stop this senseless murder of this woman?? Maybe if she were packing she would have at least got in one or two shots before she was murdered…

This seems like one of those cases where his lawyer will sue FOX for brainwashing their client, and making him think behind every corner there is a bad guy, and of course she had the gaul to walk up to his door…Feels a lot like the recent driveway shootings by old scared white guys, is this an epidemic to expect from the baby boomer generation???

Or perhaps if he just didnt bring out his gun, or even own one?? So what does a jury of his peers do now, I’m thinking he is going to live with the other guys I mentioned, how does this get justified??

I saw no sign of dementia in this altercation, just an American story of old white and scared man, confronts a black woman and** thinks he can just shoot her because he is afraid and mad**…What say the gun nutters here, where do you insert the good guy with a gun to stop this senseless murder of this woman?? Maybe if she were packing she would have at least got in one or two shots before she was murdered…

This seems like one of those cases where his lawyer will sue FOX for brainwashing their client, and making him think behind every corner there is a bad guy, and of course she had the gaul to walk up to his door…Feels a lot like the recent driveway shootings by old scared white guys, is this an epidemic to expect from the baby boomer generation???

Or perhaps if he just didnt bring out his gun, or even own one?? So what does a jury of his peers do now, I’m thinking he is going to live with the other guys I mentioned, how does this get justified??

Can you source this?

Watch and listen to the video, pretty obvious…

In your father’s case, what would have been your next step if he refused to relinquish his weapon(s)?

We didn’t give him the option of refusal.

In your father’s case, what would have been your next step if he refused to relinquish his weapon(s)?

We didn’t give him the option of refusal.


The “dementia inflation” on this forum is getting a bit out of hand…


My mom and my MIL both have dementia, to different degrees, and let me say it’s NO fucking joke, and NOT to be taken lightly

In your father’s case, what would have been your next step if he refused to relinquish his weapon(s)?

We didn’t give him the option of refusal.


Emphysema/congestive heart failure. We were worried mostly about suicide, but also that he’d had a few scary screaming jags aimed at my mother, his caretaker.

Probably close to 100 firearms, thousands of rounds of ammo, and literal kegs of powder.
So when he was asleep we cleared every chamber, magazine, ammo can, loaded the thousands of pounds of stuff into a truck, and gave it away all for free to an FBI agent buddy of his. Most of it probably to just dispose of rather than use.

Didn’t say anything. I think he knew, but decided not to make an issue of it.

Wow, quite a situation.

Good thing you that were able to do this without him resisting.

Anecdote. A woman in WA shot herself while driving her car and crashed. Cops ruled it suicide. But family friend told me she was old demented and paranoid. He said she probably thought someone was following her, pulled her carry piece out, and shot herself by accident.

That sounds like they’re trying to collect a life insurance settlement, which usually don’t pay out for death by suicide

Sounds reasonable, though