Death penalty for fraud

The Vietnamese don’t fuck around.

a 67-year-old Vietnamese property developer was sentenced to death on Thursday for looting one of the country’s largest banks over a period of 11 years.

The Vietnamese don’t fuck around.

a 67-year-old Vietnamese property developer was sentenced to death on Thursday for looting one of the country’s largest banks over a period of 11 years.

Wonder if that would deter the fat orange one?

*“According to prosecutors, over a period of three years from February 2019, she ordered her driver to withdraw 108 trillion Vietnamese dong, more than $4bn (£2.3bn) in cash from the bank, and store it in her basement. That much cash, even if all of it was in Vietnam’s largest denomination banknotes, would weigh two tonnes.” *

That’s a lot of dong.

Can you ever have too much dong?

If you mess with someone else’s dong without authorization, it might just get you killed.

Can you ever have too much dong?

would weigh two tonnes.

Two tons is - arguably - too much dong.

If you mess with someone else’s dong without authorization, it might just get you killed.
so what you are inferring is she was dinged for stealing dong…

The Vietnamese don’t fuck around.

a 67-year-old Vietnamese property developer was sentenced to death on Thursday for looting one of the country’s largest banks over a period of 11 years.

Wonder if that would deter the fat orange one?

Given his little hands, I doubt he has that much dong.

That is Tonnes, not tons, an extra 240 pounds of dong per ton.

Metric dongs and standard dongs…

If you mess with someone else’s dong without authorization, it might just get you killed.
so what you are inferring is she was dinged for stealing dong…

Ding dong! Hi, it’s the Vietnamese police. We’re here to investigate how much dong weight you’re hiding downstairs.

Any case that employs 200 lawyers is a triumph, even if the client gets executed.

Downstairs? You mean undonground?

… the puns just write themselves on this one :blush:

5 months late? Was on the top of my feed. Weird

It’s likely the algorithm picking up on how many times you type dong into google. So it pushes threads like this up because it knows that you like dongs.