Deal alert - Form goggles = $179

Kona special, 6 days. Normally $250+

Arg… I was planning to wait until black friday to see what they hit us with. Think I’ll still wait though.

I tested these at AG nats, and I’m still a little skeptical, but I did have the feeling that it could help me to not get bored and settle into a long easy stroke rate during my swims and give me a number to focus on and just see my stroke rate in front of my face.

Arg… I was planning to wait until black friday to see what they hit us with. Think I’ll still wait though.

I tested these at AG nats, and I’m still a little skeptical, but I did have the feeling that it could help me to not get bored and settle into a long easy stroke rate during my swims and give me a number to focus on and just see my stroke rate in front of my face.

I have a good feeling black friday will not be better than this price, also you do not need to by the subscription anymore

Post deals and relevant FYI type stuff in here. Have a spare room or bed for a race? A race entry to transfer? If it’s not clearly a buy/sell deal, it goes here.

lets get philosophical / artistic

what do you think of the way they look? i am quite into the low profile goggles of the arena cobra at the moment. i wore swedes for a few year before that. but back in the 80s they wore massive face mask style goggles. why are big glasses cool in cycling but big goggles are not cool in swimming? is it because all the top swimmers do not wear big goggles anymore?

lets get philosophical / artistic

what do you think of the way they look? i am quite into the low profile goggles of the arena cobra at the moment. i wore swedes for a few year before that. but back in the 80s they wore massive face mask style goggles. why are big glasses cool in cycling but big goggles are not cool in swimming? is it because all the top swimmers do not wear big goggles anymore?

I also use the arena cobras and love them and race in them. The form goggles look chunkier in pictures than in real life. I was in the open water when I tested them, which was a little more choppy, but I didn’t notice any weighty drag on my face in that case.

I only use them in the pool. If I do a stroke like fly, they come off, so I would be afraid to use in open water

interesting how styles come and go. do the form fog much? the arena cobra is the best goggle i have had in that respect

Had mind for a couple of years now. Zero fogging for me. Never touched the insides and just soak them in soapy water when I get home.

Tempted to buy another pair as for 12mths the new googles are free

When did swimmers wear big goggles? I’ve been swimming competitively since 1980, and I don’t remember one time that any serious swimmer wore big goggles.

Deal Alert!
Swedish Goggles still only $4.99 and no subscription or electronics required!

Deal Alert!
Swedish Goggles still only $4.99 and no subscription or electronics required!

no more subscription required. sounds like you havent tried them

I’m not a goggle historian but vlad salnikpv had big goggles

I love them. Use them only in the pool as my preferred open water goggles are photochromic. No problem with fogging or leaking. Many great work outs and training plans available, and very good swim/stroke analysis in the app.

I got a pair of these about a month and a half ago after swimming for a couple decades in Speedo Vanquishers. They fit similarly, I just found that I have to tighten them a bit more than Vanquishers. I haven’t had any issues with fogging. I only use them in the pool. I swim throughout the summer alone as our masters group only goes Oct-June and is only 2x per week. I really, really enjoy using these for the programmed workouts when I am swimming alone. Super easy to use and they just work.

Now that masters swimming has started again I like using them to log workouts (records all data without any effort). One of the coolest things is that the feedback that I get from the googles often aligns with the feedback that I get from the coach on deck, which to me gives me confidence in both the Form goggles and the coach.

Overall a great product in my opinion and worth the money- especially this sale price.

I only use them in the pool. If I do a stroke like fly, they come off, so I would be afraid to use in open water

So many people rave about how great they are in the pool, but aren’t interested in open water.

My experience is the exact opposite – pretty bad pool experience, but super useful in open water. I only wear them for races.

The main issue in the pool for me is that they are so chunky and have so much drag, during strong pushoffs from the wall they get torqued enough to unseal and water leaks in. It’s only an issue for me during turns, I’m not going fast enough for it to be a problem during steady-state swimming. I’ve tried tightening them and adjusting the fit all sorts of ways but it still happens. And I’m already wearing a watch, that records everything fine and I can easily peek at it underwater during turns to get a check on pace or lap count. Admittedly not quite as nice as an in-eye display, but it’s enough for me.

In open water there are no wall turns, so I don’t have the leakage issue and I don’t have a good opportunity to peek at my watch for stats. Having my HR, total distance, and avg pace visible at all times during a race is super nice.

I really wish they would expose a “current pace”, “last 25y pace”, “10s pace” (something like that) metric for open water.

Another Arena Cobra user here and love them.

@vonschnapps - what photochromic goggles are you using? I love my photochromic ski goggles and didn’t realize there were swim goggles available with that too.

Another Arena Cobra user here and love them.

@vonschnapps - what photochromic goggles are you using? I love my photochromic ski goggles and didn’t realize there were swim goggles available with that too.

AquaSphere, bought them a few years ago and they are great in most conditions (dark and rainy would be the exception).

Seriously considering purchasing a pair because I’m not very good on my swim pacing.

Has you (anyone reading this) stopped using theirs? If so, why?

If you’ve had them for more than the first year, are you still using a subscription?

Seriously considering purchasing a pair because I’m not very good on my swim pacing.

Has you (anyone reading this) stopped using theirs? If so, why?

If you’ve had them for more than the first year, are you still using a subscription?

just a reminder, you do not need a subscription anymore!