Dead longhorn at OK State [Mar 11 court update, matter to be continued April 8 in court]

Mar 11 update - see post 174

Sat 12/9 update - police now know the ranch the longhorn came from. Police say at this time it is a misdemeanor for illegal disposal of a dead animal. Police have the security camera footage. OK State issued an updated statement saying Student Conduct is conducting a separate investigation because this incident in no way represents the Cowboy Code.

Tues update - see new title, that’s all the news has. I believe “served a search warrant” means they searched the place, right?

police say the longhorn died from “natural disease processes.”
Its placement on the frat lawn was “unlawful”
info about animal cruelty forthcoming in the next few days

UPDATE: rumors on campus are that two frats have been playing a “game” all term in which they leave dead animals on each other’s lawns, and IDK if that makes the story better or worse. Worse I think. They CLAIM the animals are ones they found dead, and that the longhorn was a cow that died on someone’s farm. Seems like BS.

original post:

I’m so mad. I’m not even going to make any Animal House jokes though the obvious one comes to mind.

We made some sort of championship game (big 12s?) and this morning a dead longhorn was found outside one of the frats.

I hope they catch the culprits so they can be expelled. And IDK what the legal penalty is for animal cruelty but I hope it’s jail time.

The football culture here is usually enjoyable. But this is so, so not okay.

I’m so mad. I’m not even going to make any Animal House jokes though the obvious one comes to mind.

We made some sort of championship game (big 12s?) and this morning a dead longhorn was found outside one of the frats.

I hope they catch the culprits so they can be expelled. And IDK what the legal penalty is for animal cruelty but I hope it’s jail time.

The football culture here is usually enjoyable. But this is so, so not okay.

I just saw that on the net.

It was repulsive, cannot believe anyone would do this just over a football game.

cannot believe anyone would do this just over a football game.

see updated post

no one is buying that someone coincidentally found a dead longhorn from someone’s farm, are they? cuz I’m not

UPDATE: rumors on campus are that two frats have been playing a “game” all term in which they leave dead animals on each other’s lawns, and IDK if that makes the story better or worse. Worse I think. They CLAIM the animals are ones they found dead, and that the longhorn was a cow that died on someone’s farm. Seems like BS.

original post:

I’m so mad. I’m not even going to make any Animal House jokes though the obvious one comes to mind.

We made some sort of championship game (big 12s?) and this morning a dead longhorn was found outside one of the frats.

I hope they catch the culprits so they can be expelled. And IDK what the legal penalty is for animal cruelty but I hope it’s jail time.

The football culture here is usually enjoyable. But this is so, so not okay.

The correct joke is Godfather related IMO

cannot believe anyone would do this just over a football game.

see updated post

no one is buying that someone coincidentally found a dead longhorn from someone’s farm, are they? cuz I’m not

Do cows not die? Of all places OK State has the ability to do a necropsy and determine cause of death. If the cow died naturally (or they bought a humanely slaughtered beef cow and just didn’t have it processed) then the only real issue is the fact they dumped a dead cow on the frat’s lawn

Do cows not die? Of all places OK State has the ability to do a necropsy and determine cause of death. If the cow died naturally (or they bought a humanely slaughtered beef cow and just didn’t have it processed) then the only real issue is the fact they dumped a dead cow on the frat’s lawn

fair point

so cows do die, there are lots of cows around here, but the timing with who we’re playing tomorrow is suspicious for sure

I didn’t look at the pics and don’t want to, there may have been some mutilation of dead cow body (which would be a larger issue than dumping dead cow body, I’m sure you agree)

reading news articles
“The animal’s carcass was shown to be slashed through the flank and the word’s “F — FH” were painted on the hide. The yard belonged to the FarmHouse fraternity on Monroe Street”

so it may have been dead previously, but slash through the flank is mutilation, if not a killing method

and you’re correct

“Low said SPD is likely to enlist OSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine to conduct a medical examination on the carcass.”

It was repulsive, cannot believe anyone would do this just over a football game.

It is OSU…

Was it a cow, steer or bull?

Maybe they are just trying to help with the numbers.

I hope UT wins by 50 points tomorrow.

SWEDE63 wrote:

It was repulsive, cannot believe anyone would do this just over a football game.
It is OSU…

Was it a cow, steer or bull?

Maybe they are just trying to help with the numbers.

I hope UT wins by 50 points tomorrow.

steer, sayeth the Stillwater News Press. I don’t know the difference between the 3, or how a “longhorn” is related to them except some cows have long horns and some do not…

I also hope UT wins by 50 points tomorrow. I’m disgusted with the student behavior here. I realize I’m generalizing a couple frats’ members to the whole student population and that this is unfair, but that’s how I feel right now.

Cows - female who has had at least one calf
Steer - male, but his balls have been chopped (sometimes for mountain oysters)
Bull - male who still has his balls

Calf - baby bovine, either male or female, up to one year old
Heifer - young female who has not yet given birth

That’s your 4-H lesson for the day.

Cows - female who has had at least one calf
Steer - male, but his balls have been chopped (sometimes for mountain oysters)
Bull - male who still has his balls

Calf - baby bovine, either male or female, up to one year old
Heifer - young female who has not yet given birth

That’s your 4-H lesson for the day.

Thank you!

can there be female longhorns?

re: mountain oysters - there’s a festival here every year called the “calf fry” where they serve those, but I think they just call them “calf fries.” I assume they’re the same thing, anyway. They also serve a lot of weed and alcohol.

What a waste of steak and hamburger!

I would be shocked if the cow wasn’t tagged and/or branded, so it’s likely they know who the cow belonged to.

Cattle, especially longhorns are expensive. Probably material enough to reach felony status on value alone, if they stole any killed it. Plus I’m betting OK has some very stiff cattle rustling laws on top of that.


I would be shocked if the cow wasn’t tagged and/or branded, so it’s likely they know who the cow belonged to.

This is excellent news!

Cattle, especially longhorns are expensive. Probably material enough to reach felony status on value alone, if they stole any killed it. Plus I’m betting OK has some very stiff cattle rustling laws on top of that.

I texted a friend, who is high high high up in admin, and asked “please tell me they’ll get caught and expelled.” He said “felony charges.”

off to look up what “rustling” is

I would be shocked if the cow wasn’t tagged and/or branded, so it’s likely they know who the cow belonged to.

This is excellent news!

The “mutilation” is branding according to CNN

Yes, there can be female longhorns. Longhorn is a breed and cows (female) can have horns. They usually get rid of them though. Don’t want mama spearing the baby (or other cows).

Some breeds are polled breeds, meaning they are genetically born without horns.

Yes, I grew up spending lots of time on my grandpa’s ranch. He did not have Longhorns. Rather he raised Angus and Herefords.


that is a street in Boston! a very special one

I would be shocked if the cow wasn’t tagged and/or branded, so it’s likely they know who the cow belonged to.

This is excellent news!

The “mutilation” is branding according to CNN

The branding was the “inappropriate” phrase about the fraternity. I.e. it wasn’t branding associated with the steer’s owner.

It was reportedly also slashed open with its guts visible.

I would be shocked if the cow wasn’t tagged and/or branded, so it’s likely they know who the cow belonged to.

This is excellent news!

The “mutilation” is branding according to CNN

The branding was the “inappropriate” phrase about the fraternity. I.e. it wasn’t branding associated with the steer’s owner.

It was reportedly also slashed open with its guts visible.

Branding is not mutilation

I have read about the gutting but it wasn’t in the article I read and I’m not expert in field dressing animals to know if it occurred it would be considered mutilation

Branding is not mutilation

I have read about the gutting but it wasn’t in the article I read and I’m not expert in field dressing animals to know if it occurred it would be considered mutilation

I didn’t mean to imply branding was mutilation. Branding I thought was the thing where they mark which ranch it belongs to.
The slashing its abdomen seems like it damn well should be mutilation (but I’m reacting to this on an emotional level, not a legal one)