Day off = stiff legs?

Hi all,

During my days off, my legs tend to get incredibly stiff (quads and especially calves). They continue to be stiff until about an hour - 90’ on the bike the next day. Anyone have any advice?

easy…no days off for you.

Seriously…if this isn’t occurring after a hard run workout,and your legs are still that beat up, you may want to think about more days off.

For me, 1st day off legs feel a bit heavy, 2nd day off and they feel very heavy and almost like I cant even face climbing stairs. I think its a good sign that they are recovering themselves. Come the 3rd day, I usually hit a PB when I get back on the bike.

easy…no days off for you.

Seriously…if this isn’t occurring after a hard run workout,and your legs are still that beat up, you may want to think about more days off.

Can anyone else comment on this? I too often feel “worse” after my day off (1/week).

I definitely feel worse after my days off.

I’m thinking about doing 30 minutes of light spinning or elliptical on my “day off”.

Even just a short walk seems to help. For me I experienced this the most when I had my long runs on Sunday and would spend all day at my desk at work. As long as I get up and move around, it seems to clear itself up pretty quickly.

That’d be my suggestion - short walk, light spinning, dynamic stretching - just something that doesn’t tax your muscles but moves them around.

My amateur observation is that the body tendds to go into deeper recovery, similar to why one gets niggles during a taper.
Also, you’re probably carrrying significant, accumulated fatigue into the end of the week.
I try not to take days off, but I do take days easy.

Do you stretch on your off days?

Add soreness and I’d say thats about normal for any semi-serious training cycle.

This is normal.

It’s why most training plans have you take a complete rest day two days before a race. On the day before you do some short quick workouts to get that heaviness out of you.

I usually feel like shit for the entire taper period and start thinking that I won’t even be able to finish the race. Then the day (night) before a race I’m so amped I could kill a full grown buck with my bare hands.

Then the day (night) before a race I’m so amped I could kill a full grown buck with my bare hands.,500

I know they don’t like links posted to other articles but figured I will give my 2 cents and share a link to the article. I will start off by saying I am coached by Team TBB Online, Scott D. to be exact. So my thought and how I train is probably different than the rest. Everyone has their own theories on things and a lot of people don’t agree with how Brett trains his athletes. But I have taken a liking to the training style of TBB. I typically don’t see a rest day on my schedule, but I consider “rest” an easy hour spin or an easy swim set. Those are my “rest” days, I will typically force myself to take a day just to stay sane, but typically go 18-25 days without a complete day off. As in from 0001-2359, there are periods where I ensure 24+ hours of rest just by doing workouts in the morning and then the afternoon the next day. I have adapted to just staying consistent week in and week out, and it tends to work for me. The one advantage that I do have is that I am single, with no kids, so that makes things a little easier. But take a look at Matt’s article on “rest”, some valid points and some things that will get you thinking.

I definitely feel worse after my days off.

I’m thinking about doing 30 minutes of light spinning or elliptical on my “day off”.

Light spinning at ~50% FTP and not at “endurance” pace. You are not “training” on the ride, you are aiding recovery, but it will help your overall training. If you don’t have a power meter, try riding at ~12mph on a flat and smooth road…that’s your effort level. Ride should feel like a waste of time from a training perspective.

My amateur observation is that the body tendds to go into deeper recovery, similar to why one gets niggles during a taper.
Also, you’re probably carrrying significant, accumulated fatigue into the end of the week.
I try not to take days off, but I do take days easy.
Ok i will bite. What is a niggles ?

Foam roller??? Better cool down?

Niggle = Minor ache/irritation/pain.

I thought it was universal, but seems to be a British expression.

I mentioned to my PT here in New Jersey that I had a slight niggle in my hip (I was being treated for ITBS) and you should have seen the look she gave me…I never even thought about how close it sounds to the “N” word…
Needless to say it was the word of the week up there.

Two countries divided by a common language…

My amateur observation is that the body tendds to go into deeper recovery, similar to why one gets niggles during a taper.
Also, you’re probably carrrying significant, accumulated fatigue into the end of the week.
I try not to take days off, but I do take days easy.
Ok i will bite. What is a niggles ?

Non-magical humans in the Harry Potter universe?